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  1. #1
    khalimadeath's Avatar
    khalimadeath is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009

    Looking for something that will help..[ghrp-6/cjc 1295 thread]

    I posted this in the ghrp/cjc thread that is stickied but i figured i may get a bit more response if i make a thread. The doctor doesnt seem to think there is a problem (even after xrays, cant afford an MRI) but the pain is still there every day. Im desperate for something that will help.

    Somewhat new to the forum as far as posting. Ive done as much reading as i can, i come upon more terms every day and im still learning. Basically im considering taking GHRP-6 and stacking with CJC-1295 since that seems the most worth while cycle .. or maybe not?

    My problems (why im thinking of cycling on something)

    -Im 21 and have had a bad back for years. I hurt my shoulder about a year and a half ago doing dumb-bell incline press never been the same. I feel like my body is aging extremely fast. My elbows pop when i work out. My shoulders creak like old floor boards. My back is stiff every morning and almost constantly in pain or uncomferting. Not to mention my knees..I stretch every morning and before every work out.

    -Problem 2: Ive been lifting for 4~ years minimum of 3 days a week with proper form and lifting methods. I learned from my Father who has lifted all his life. Ive done my share of reading to ensure im getting the most benefit from every work out. My "lift stats" have gone up and down constantly especially in my chest. For example: I max'ed out on flat Bench press at 275 6 months ago, Now I struggle with 205. My weight has been stuck at about 165lbs for years. Ive bulked and Cut but I only gain fat in my stomach. Ive narrowed it down to crappy genes..

    Basically im reaching out because is pretty much useless and I think a cycle of peptides can really help with my problems. Ive been unable to find a "dumbed down answer" On what to get, how much to get, What needles to get, and how much to take.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated wether its links to other helpful threads i haven't found yet or PM me if you have seen or had similar problems.


  2. #2
    khalimadeath's Avatar
    khalimadeath is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Anyone? Just wanna know if this would even help. Not looking for size. just wanna feel better.

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