Hey guys,

So here's my story, without getting too personal. I am in the military and currently awaiting medical retirement. I was injured while on my last deployment a few years back. After surgeries and thousands of blood tests trying to diagnose what was going on with me they came to some conclusions. Other than my injuries, that are doing fairly well, they found a type of severe hypothyroidism, PTSD, and also diagnosed me with chronic pain and fatigue syndrome (often misnomered as Fibromyalgia). Bottom line; I FEEL LIKE CRAP 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. I've gained a substantial amount of weight, have low sex drive, irritability, of course pain and fatigue and don't have much interest in things anymore. I used to be in superb shape, workout hard almost everyday and was overall a very active person. Since my injuries and have not been the same.

So, anyway, my point is that I am at the point that I am looking for ways to beat these conditions. They are ruining my life. And I think my first step is to try to get my body back into better condition. Lose some weight, strengthen my core and reduce some stress on my body. I have read a lot about HGH and I have seen that a lot of people see results not only in physical condition but also in over all health. Thing is, I want to do it as safely yet also as inexpensively as possible. (I know those usually don't go hand in hand) I have done enough research to know how to mix and administer the HGH and that I'll be better off by doing 4-6 IU daily. As far as cycling times, I have not found anything more common than another, so I am open to suggestions for ON/OFF cycle periods. Now, I am not on here trying to get guys to tell me where to get the best stuff for my buck (though information is welcome after my vetting period, lol). What I really want to know is how effective and safe are the black market sources, so I can decide to start looking or not? Any other advice pertaining to things that may help me would be great as well. Thanks guys!