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  1. #1
    ineedtogettaller is offline New Member
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    hgh for height growth at age 17

    Hey guys,

    I'm a 17 year old kid. I'm 5'7'', and I'm sick of being so short. I stopped growing quickly at age 13 or 14, and I've grown an inch in the last few years. For the last 4 years, I have gotten around 3-5 hours of sleep a day because of school work. I've done intense physical activity from ages 12-14, but for the last couple of years I haven't done anything physically. I'm really sick of being so short because I'm teased for it, I can't play sports and a competitive level, and most importantly, girls hate short guys. I'm willing to do anything to grow taller, but at the same time I'm not going to kill myself if I don't grow anymore. I just don't want to have any regrets in the future. If you guys can recommend something for me, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Hope you can get some help. I dont know if your long bones have fused or not.

  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Sleep is the most important thing you can do and try to go to bed earlier than later. After the first couple of hours of being asleep is when you get your heaviest growth hormone pulse in a 24 hour period so going to sleep early helps to stay with nature's circadian rhythm. And try to get 8 hours. It is when you grow.

    Good luck to you. And you do need to be 18 to be here but you can read all you like.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  4. #4
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    I would cosult an endocrinologist on this.

  5. #5
    gavllaarr's Avatar
    gavllaarr is offline New Member
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    Why have you started another thread identical to your other one? but like I said on your other thread your not that short. You could have a couple of growth spurts to go threw yet.

  6. #6
    ineedtogettaller is offline New Member
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    I don't think the doctor will prescribe hgh to me. Where can I find genotropin for a cheap price so I can inject it myself?

  7. #7
    BigGuy90's Avatar
    BigGuy90 is offline Associate Member
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    Your not that short for the doctor to prescribe hgh to you..but lol don't ask for sources and prices. It's one of the rules on here

  8. #8
    havehotasianwife's Avatar
    havehotasianwife is offline Associate Member
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    5'7 is normal, just like greg valentino says "i knew I couldn't grow taller but that doesn't mean I can't grow wider" embrace your short height! Research flex lewis, he your and my height and hes 202 and stacked! Me and you aren't short...others are just taller than average, just get a asian girlfriend

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    dude be comfortable with yourself. Girls dont care if your 5'7 the care if your insecure about it. I'm 5'6 i dated a girl 5'9 and my wife is my avi and she is 5'7 and always in heels.
    If you dont care nobody else will
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Lots of guys on this forum aren't tall. And many movie stars aren't either and do you know why? Because they have to get the leading female in the same camera shot as the leading male.
    Confidence is what attracts. And if you have that? You can do anything.
    And the best way to get confidence is to do some interesting things that challenge you and then once you succeed your entire outlook will change. And once that happens? Nobody will care about your height and neither will you.

    Until then, I am serious about getting sleep. Sleep is what will help you grow more than anything else.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Don't self medicate with HGH. Go see a doc. Make sure your bones aren't fully fused. Get under a doc's supervision. HGH or AAS is nothing to trifle with.

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    if this is a concern, discuss with your doctor. it is very bad advice to take HGH at your age because the result can be unpredictable. HGH may or may not affect your body evenly. or it may cause an uncontrolled growth spurt that is more aggressive than anticipated. Really, little is known about introducing HGH to induce growth of bone structure. when doctors prescribe, and they rarely do, they monitor very closely. and usually at a much younger age so that if an aggressive growth spurt, it can be watched and monitored. Typically, the sought after height increase is not addressed at once, but instead a series of little bumps. which is why tipically an earlier age.
    Mate, no one is perfect. We all look in the mirror and see imperfection. Learning to live with it and be happy with it is a process, and is a part of life. Look at it in a positive way? you couuld be 400 lbs and an IQ of 85. Or born with a 2" dik.

  13. #13
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    You should see a doc if you are overly concerned with your height. Self administration of gh on a person your age will likely not help anyway. The closure of growth plates is a result of estrogen. It's possible that you were aromatizing high amounts of estro causing premature closure of those plates, and in that case there's nothing that's going to make you grow taller.

    Trying to find gh is a big issue in itself, but dosing it on your own for this reason at your age is not advisable. See a doc and an endo. I bet you already have high levels of gh but you can be checked for deficiencies. Most likely they will tell you that you are in the normal range for height. I'm 6'-6'1, I have lots of friends who are 5'6 or 5'7 and let ms tell you that these guys get women just as quick as anyone else.

    What you need to work on is self confidence. Women love self confidence more than height, overal size, money(well this may not be true). The point is, be confident in who you are and others will respect you as well. Drug use is not the answer.

  14. #14
    iliketurtles is offline New Member
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    Personally I think you should accept your height. You really aren't that short at all and are still going to be taller than most girls anyways. If you are insecure about your height, that is where it really can be an issue. I know guys that are pretty short but are great with women because they don't let it get to them and are confident. In terms of athletics, sure you will be at a disadvantage, but try to play to your strengths and you will be fine at a couple inches shorter.

  15. #15
    noserider is offline Banned
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    The only thing on this planet that will make you look 6-4, 230, 8%bf, 10 inch cock....MONEY!

    Focus on your education and being successful. As you get older you will realize that's what women really want. I'm sure that being tall and good looking must be great and all but nothing attracts a woman more than a confident successful man that can provide everything her heart desires.

    FYI - bitches don't care what you look like when own a G6!

    Btw, I'm 5-7. I wish someone had taken the time to explain this to me when I was your age.

  16. #16
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    He should go to the Doc and see if his growth plates are fused. A lot of guys can grow taller until the age of 22. Estrogen fuses the growth plates, that's why women are shorter than men in general. I would say GH would be a good idea to make him taller since he has only one shot at it. I'm 5'11" but I wish I was 6'2" and I would of took GH at a young age if I would of knew about it and had access to it 25 years ago. But then again there was no Chinese stuff on the market and nothing this cheap and somatropin was like $1,200/month back then by script only. I think he should look into it. I have a friend who's 5'2" and he has great genetics for bodybuilding. But he hates being that short and I don't blame him but he has a great attitude so he does ok.

  17. #17
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    edit your price out of yuor post. And the Chinese is cheap because its crap and not gh
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #18
    Ffm is offline New Member
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    I understand exactly how you feel I will be running hgh for 4 months and I am 18 I might post a log on you to let you know how it goes

  19. #19
    acidking's Avatar
    acidking is offline Associate Member
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    noserider said it right, don't be discouraged about what you can achieve, look for example, the current presidents of russia, france and italy are your height and even shorter, even napoleon bonaparte was 5'5.

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