Hi everyone,

Just picked up my two 5mg GHRP-6 vials and when I recieved it I also got a vial of low dose acid? My scource gave me instructions on how to take it but I really have never read or seen this way.. see below;

100 IU of acid per vile.
Then 6-7 IUS of bac water with mix (in syringe with ghrp6, not the vials)
3-4 IUS of mixture twice daily.

From what I have read and researched I have never come across this way.. the way that I know is as follows:

3 x 100mcg of ghrp-6 a day with 2 cc of bac water in a vile to make 250 (I believe) first one in the am 30mins before eating, second one after training, and third one before bed.

My questions are: which way is more effective for body building and if someone can quickly run down the appropriate steps to mix ghrp-6 that would be greatly appreciated.

A little about me. I'm 28 years old, lifting for 10 years I have done two cycles before this. I am 5'10 190lbs with 12% body fat.

Any help and guidance would greatly be appreciated. I know of the search button and have used it but I also wanted to get insight on the way he told me to take it.
