As I am too young for AAS, I am going to start a Peptide cycle. Thoughts? I have done my research and they seem to be safe for most ages. Due to it not shutting down your natural production but enhancing it. Correct me if I am wrong. I do understand though that there has been studies that free insulin or IGF been injected into the body can increase the chance of caner causing cells in the body. Also that it may hinder growth (height) because of growth plates closing. These are the only harmful side effects that I can find. Again correct me if I am wrong. I do understand there are many other side effects from peptides, eg. increased hunger ect. If there are any detrimental side effects due to age and peptides please aware me. I would like the link to a study or scientific data to back up your words. Yes I understand diet and training are much more important and that there is no need for me to ''supplement'' with these types of things until my natural productions starts to decrease. But since I cannot find any scientific evidence to support the claim that peptides can be detrimental to my health other than the 2 mentioned above I am all for them. For I am not worried about my height because I am already 6'2 and the cancer causing properties of IGF can happen even to people up to 30 I say why not start not and enjoy the benefits of peptides now? Please correct me if I am wrong.

My cycle.
IGF 40mcg daily for 8 weeks.
GHRP6 300mcg daily 8 weeks.

Should I add Mod GRF to my cycle aswell? I want maximum potential from the cycle so please advise me on the most ''productive'' bodybuilding cycle.
I actually read somewhere that taking IGF earlier in life can be more beneficial to a bodybuilder due to the effect of it creating new cells.
