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  1. #1
    nilesh2354 is offline New Member
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    Question can someone please explain?

    What is difference in hgh like headon humatrop norditropin elitropin jinotropin somatropin and kigtropin? Which is good? And are those kigs real now days I found in many threads that they r not real gh.

  2. #2
    noserider is offline Banned
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    Elitropin, Kigtropin, Somatropin
    Fiat, Yugo, LeCar

    Jintropin, Humatrope, Norditropin
    Ferrari, Bugatti, Lambo

  3. #3
    nilesh2354 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by noserider View Post
    Elitropin, Kigtropin, Somatropin
    Fiat, Yugo, LeCar

    Jintropin, Humatrope, Norditropin
    Ferrari, Bugatti, Lambo
    ,ok got it....... so we know hh when passes thru liver releases igf 1 so why bbrs still prefers hgh y not igf its cheaper also?

  4. #4
    noserider is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nilesh2354 View Post
    ,ok got it....... so we know hh when passes thru liver releases igf 1 so why bbrs still prefers hgh y not igf its cheaper also?
    GH is the master hormone and there's a lot more to it than just converting to igf1.
    I spoke with my endo about gh but it was years ago and I don't recall the specifics.
    I have friends that compete in BB but none of them are into IGF. They've all tried it but prefer to use gh. I recall years ago users site injecting igf to bring up lagging parts. IDK if it works for that though.

  5. #5
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    If you can get real igf-1 not igf-lr1, then you're good to go. Most of the "igf" is igf-lr1 and it's not as good as HGH. Some even say they're crap and a waste of money. Regarding HGH, there are soooooooo many counterfeits the brand name is just a label. You have to make sure you get your HGH from a reliable source. I've even seen Chinese UGL labs copy the hologram anti-theft labels. LOL

  6. #6
    nilesh2354 is offline New Member
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    Any one tried vit*x here?is it worth?

  7. #7
    Jules-512 is offline New Member
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    I started hgh\kigtropin 6 weeks ago. I was scheduled for surgery(cosmetic) and my bf suggested to take it to help with the healing. Needless to say, I healed in record time, and the bonus was I have not been to the gym, AND have not gained an ounce of fat, in fact, I have lost. I know it may be loss of muscle, but I feel great, and don't look like I have lost much muscle tone. I know i am a girl, so my experience may not be for everybody, but I just bought two more boxes and started back to the gym last week...feeling hopeful!

  8. #8
    Jules-512 is offline New Member
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    I started hgh\kigtropin 6 weeks ago. I was scheduled for surgery(cosmetic) and my bf suggested to take it to help with the healing. Needless to say, I healed in record and the bonus was I have not been to the gym, AND have not gained an ounce of fat, in fact, I have lost. I know it may be loss of muscle, but I feel great, and don't look like I have lost much muscle tone. I know i am a girl, so my experience may not be for everybody, but I just bought two more boxes and started back to the gym last week...feeling hopeful!

  9. #9
    nilesh2354 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jules-512 View Post
    I started hgh\kigtropin 6 weeks ago. I was scheduled for surgery(cosmetic) and my bf suggested to take it to help with the healing. Needless to say, I healed in record and the bonus was I have not been to the gym, AND have not gained an ounce of fat, in fact, I have lost. I know it may be loss of muscle, but I feel great, and don't look like I have lost much muscle tone. I know i am a girl, so my experience may not be for everybody, but I just bought two more boxes and started back to the gym last week...feeling hopeful!
    I saw in many forums that now days kigs r fake?? Is it real or what?

  10. #10
    nilesh2354 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jules-512 View Post
    I started hgh\kigtropin 6 weeks ago. I was scheduled for surgery(cosmetic) and my bf suggested to take it to help with the healing. Needless to say, I healed in record and the bonus was I have not been to the gym, AND have not gained an ounce of fat, in fact, I have lost. I know it may be loss of muscle, but I feel great, and don't look like I have lost much muscle tone. I know i am a girl, so my experience may not be for everybody, but I just bought two more boxes and started back to the gym last week...feeling hopeful!
    I saw in many forums that now days kigs r fake?? Is it real or what?

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