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    thisAngelBites's Avatar
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    New to melanotan (I or II) - questions

    I have this photodermatosis/sun allergy, and I have been thinking about trying some melanotan as I am getting ready to spend a few weeks in sunny place, and I could use a little built-in sun protection.

    I have read loads about people taking a week or two's worth, and then tanning into extreme darkness. I still want to look like myself, but with a bit more colour so it's not so easy to trigger my allergic reaction on the backs of hands and chest. Is it possible to do small enough doses so that you don't get super dark, or is it really hard to control that?

    Secondly, my understanding is that most melanotan is made in China now. Given the scary things I have read in the thread about Chinese HGH, I am wondering whether you can trust that the products are safe.

    I know the HGH people would be out of business if their fake HGH didn't seem like it was doing something, and presumably the same is true for melanotan. But I can't think of anything else they could use for an active to increase melanin production in the presence of sun. But there is a question of fillers and potency, and I have heard that some of that stuff gives people very bad sides (the nausea, flushing, etc), and some people have attributed that to mannitol fillers. Has anyone here got any experience with this?

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Hi Angel,

    I have no direct experience with either, but since 40 views and no response, I can share what little I do know.

    I haven't heard of MT 1 or 2 being counterfeited. They are simple peptides, and fairly easy/inexpensive to make (compared to HGH, for example).

    I do know that melanotan is a great way to reduce the risk of skin cancer due to exposure to the sun.

    Now for something you may not have known. MT2 also has an effect on female libido. It works on a neurological pathway (different than a PDE5i), so if you decide to go down the route of MT2, this may be a pleasant surprise for you! MT1 has no such affect.

    whatever dosing protocol you decide, remember to start your first subQ injection with a small dose to make sure no adverse reactions.

    I have no insight for you on the Chinese origination aspect. I have not heard of anyone running into trouble with melanotan as you are thinking.

    Here is a thread you can read when you get some time.

    let me know if any more questions?


  3. #3
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    hubby and I have used both ~ prefer mel 2
    I had serious sun allergy, even got sun poisoning a few times (hospital) and had 3 melanomas moles removed. Mel 2 and tanning booths literaly saved me!

    now I never even get a sun burn... i used to always burn / peel / get sick

    i dont know about others but we never got super dark even when tannning with Mel 1 and mel 2...
    what you will notice is that every mole you currently have will be more prominent and get much darker... you may even think your getting new moles from it, but they were always there just darker after using mel.
    we and most people get a tad nauseous rite after an inject and than horny (an add side bonus as far as im concerned lol)
    be sure to store it in your fridge
    no not hard to control
    like most things start it low and slow and you will be fine

    love your name btw!

  4. #4
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites
    I have this photodermatosis/sun allergy, and I have been thinking about trying some melanotan as I am getting ready to spend a few weeks in sunny place, and I could use a little built-in sun protection.

    I have read loads about people taking a week or two's worth, and then tanning into extreme darkness. I still want to look like myself, but with a bit more colour so it's not so easy to trigger my allergic reaction on the backs of hands and chest. Is it possible to do small enough doses so that you don't get super dark, or is it really hard to control that?

    Secondly, my understanding is that most melanotan is made in China now. Given the scary things I have read in the thread about Chinese HGH, I am wondering whether you can trust that the products are safe.

    I know the HGH people would be out of business if their fake HGH didn't seem like it was doing something, and presumably the same is true for melanotan. But I can't think of anything else they could use for an active to increase melanin production in the presence of sun. But there is a question of fillers and potency, and I have heard that some of that stuff gives people very bad sides (the nausea, flushing, etc), and some people have attributed that to mannitol fillers. Has anyone here got any experience with this?
    The one seems to be better for a tan. The 2 gives me random outrageously hard erections. They literally hurt sometime and are always at the most random times for no apparent reason..... Just my 4cents

  5. #5
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I haven't heard of MT 1 or 2 being counterfeited. They are simple peptides, and fairly easy/inexpensive to make (compared to HGH, for example).

    I have no insight for you on the Chinese origination aspect. I have not heard of anyone running into trouble with melanotan as you are thinking.

    Here is a thread you can read when you get some time.

    let me know if any more questions?

    Thanks, Roman.

    I did read everything on the board I could find, including lots of 956Vette's stuff, which was really helpful.

    I don't think the worry is that the melanotan is counterfeit - but I have heard that the batches are very uneven in terms of efficacy, and that products from some places cause really intense nausea as opposed to products from other places. You still do get the tanning effect. The speculation on one of the big melanotan boards is that some of the Chinese labs are using fillers in the vials that are contributing to the worse sides. That's kind of what I was wondering about.

  6. #6
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post

    now I never even get a sun burn... i used to always burn / peel / get sick

    i dont know about others but we never got super dark even when tannning with Mel 1 and mel 2...
    what you will notice is that every mole you currently have will be more prominent and get much darker... you may even think your getting new moles from it, but they were always there just darker after using mel.
    we and most people get a tad nauseous rite after an inject and than horny (an add side bonus as far as im concerned lol)
    be sure to store it in your fridge
    no not hard to control
    like most things start it low and slow and you will be fine

    love your name btw!

    Hi Sexy, thanks for the reply. Can I ask which fitzpatrick skin type you are? I'm about 2.5, and I don't actually burn, but just rather get an itchy, blistery rash on the affected areas. On other areas I do tan. I'm just wondering about whether the reason you don't get super dark is because you are very fair, or if it has to do with the melanotan.

    Also, can I ask what doses you take? Most of the stuff I have read is general, and it will be interesting for me to hear about your skin colour and how much you took, to get a more specific idea.

    Thanks for the compliment about my name, love yours too!

  7. #7
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    The one seems to be better for a tan. The 2 gives me random outrageously hard erections. They literally hurt sometime and are always at the most random times for no apparent reason..... Just my 4cents
    I have also heard people say that MTI gives a better coloured tan, although it takes more product and is then more expensive than MTII.

    I know there are different kinds of melanin, some responsible for the brownish aspect of a tan, and some responsible for the orangey-yellow aspect of a tan. I have read that some people think MTI gives a more brownish tan. Did you notice anything like this, or do you think the tans looked the same?

  8. #8
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    I have this photodermatosis/sun allergy, and I have been thinking about trying some melanotan as I am getting ready to spend a few weeks in sunny place, and I could use a little built-in sun protection.

    I have read loads about people taking a week or two's worth, and then tanning into extreme darkness. I still want to look like myself, but with a bit more colour so it's not so easy to trigger my allergic reaction on the backs of hands and chest. Is it possible to do small enough doses so that you don't get super dark, or is it really hard to control that?

    Secondly, my understanding is that most melanotan is made in China now. Given the scary things I have read in the thread about Chinese HGH, I am wondering whether you can trust that the products are safe.

    I know the HGH people would be out of business if their fake HGH didn't seem like it was doing something, and presumably the same is true for melanotan. But I can't think of anything else they could use for an active to increase melanin production in the presence of sun. But there is a question of fillers and potency, and I have heard that some of that stuff gives people very bad sides (the nausea, flushing, etc), and some people have attributed that to mannitol fillers. Has anyone here got any experience with this?
    Great perspective provided by Times Roman for certain. Good luck with prepping your skin, hopeful the vacation sun is enjoyed! Low-dose melanotan tanning therapy combined with sunscreen and other measures are how I experienced a real suntan (with blond/ginger genetics present). It's certainly possible to dose small enough to avoid looking foolish....

    It's unheard of, ancient history any melanotan supplier would source from China...n/a in 2k13. Never has a melanotan quality control concern been worrisome from what I've read, researched or experienced. Small-chain amino acid peptides have no need for filler, rumors/headlines only draw attn & are complete bogus/fraud (thank the melanotan org forum asshole who is not a passionate user, rather a traffic-driven twerp). Overdose and impatience leads to illness (particularly in those sensitive to melanocortin agonist), not impurity or fear of unicorn horn additive

  9. #9
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    I did read everything on the board I could find, including lots of 956Vette's stuff, which was really helpful.

    I don't think the worry is that the melanotan is counterfeit - but I have heard that the batches are very uneven in terms of efficacy, and that products from some places cause really intense nausea as opposed to products from other places. You still do get the tanning effect. The speculation on one of the big melanotan boards is that some of the Chinese labs are using fillers in the vials that are contributing to the worse sides. That's kind of what I was wondering about.
    Never heard of inconsistent batches personally - my theory revolves around misinterpretation of melanocortin sensitivity. A strategy I share is to dose 1unit, 2units, 3units...taking advantage of rapid desensitization (had a user not encountered/used the product in some time vs. dosing with consistency over long stretches of time) - when users are lazy or cannot measure accurately, there are bad times when 1-2mg+ dosages are not respected (enter: peptide calculator)

  10. #10
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    I have also heard people say that MTI gives a better coloured tan, although it takes more product and is then more expensive than MTII.

    I know there are different kinds of melanin, some responsible for the brownish aspect of a tan, and some responsible for the orangey-yellow aspect of a tan. I have read that some people think MTI gives a more brownish tan. Did you notice anything like this, or do you think the tans looked the same?
    Big picture, I have never understood any trends with regards to MT-1 providing a better color (more narrow niche sees value from the original melanotan). MT-1 is much more difficult as the product targets more specific receptor, lasts less time in body and in research peptide form requires a lot of pokes by insulin syringe to see results. MT-1 may work to build subtle color, however will not protect skin from burn (MT-2 is outrageous enough to keep gingers/day-walkers safe, without sunscreen even). either MT-1 or MT-2 while bio-available & tanning should produce dramatically darker melanin production, in all skin types.

  11. #11
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    Hi Sexy, thanks for the reply. Can I ask which fitzpatrick skin type you are? I'm about 2.5, and I don't actually burn, but just rather get an itchy, blistery rash on the affected areas. On other areas I do tan. I'm just wondering about whether the reason you don't get super dark is because you are very fair, or if it has to do with the melanotan.

    Also, can I ask what doses you take? Most of the stuff I have read is general, and it will be interesting for me to hear about your skin colour and how much you took, to get a more specific idea.

    Thanks for the compliment about my name, love yours too!
    about a 1.5 ...blond blue eyes Irish, polish (incert joke here) welsh and English blood lol ... could be why I never got super dark. never thought of that.
    I dont take anymore cuz the hubby has to stick me Im too chicken do to myself, and i dont remember the dose sorry he did all that for me <3

  12. #12
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    The one seems to be better for a tan. The 2 gives me random outrageously hard erections. They literally hurt sometime and are always at the most random times for no apparent reason..... Just my 4cents
    ***the REAL reason I prefer 2***

  13. #13
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    For dosages add 1ml bac water to the mt2 vial (10mgs) shake it up and draw out 0.1ml with a slin pin and inject subq, do this for the first 10 nights, it's a real slow process, but when you hit the sun it really accelerates, I had to use 2 bottles to go brown, but I'm like 100kg.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    ***the REAL reason I prefer 2***

    ....I'm totally shocked!! (Insert red Irish blushing face here)

  15. #15
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    This stuff absolutely works. My wife and I both tanned after our first injection. I live in the desert sw and can stay out in the sun for hours on end (which I don't normally do) and not burn. I am however pretty dark and maintain it just from one maintenance dose a week and about 60-75 minutes of bike riding in the early morning sun (6am-8am). We go to the pool maybe twice on the weekends for only an hour at a time. Again, this stuff works. I wished all peptides were this effective...

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    So if one were to decide to take melanotan, then one can expect moles to get a little darker. Does this mean that when the M therapy stops, that the moles will eventually fade back to their original color/shade/darkness?

  17. #17
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    So if one were to decide to take melanotan, then one can expect moles to get a little darker. Does this mean that when the M therapy stops, that the moles will eventually fade back to their original color/shade/darkness?
    Yes sir, you got it TR. During M therapy, a unique set of beauty marks may come w/ territory (tanning). Upon quitting, color slowly fades at natural rate (melanin developed should hang around for weeks-months or longer).

  18. #18
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the info everyone!

    The mole discussion made me wonder about a little, fairly faint solar lentigo I have on the top of one cheek. I've had it lasered off twice and it always comes back.

    Because I have more melanin production there, would it behave like a mole and tend to darken? It sounds like it would. I presume I could use sunscreen on the area (and lightly on my face in general since I'm not that keen on sun exposure/photoaging there anyway) to retard that spot darkening?

  19. #19
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    ^^^^^ angel I can't answer your question directly and wouldn't like to guess the answer. All I know is my moles got slightly bigger and new moles appeared

  20. #20
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    So if one were to decide to take melanotan, then one can expect moles to get a little darker. Does this mean that when the M therapy stops, that the moles will eventually fade back to their original color/shade/darkness?
    no they dont :/

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    Thanks for all the info everyone!

    The mole discussion made me wonder about a little, fairly faint solar lentigo I have on the top of one cheek. I've had it lasered off twice and it always comes back.

    Because I have more melanin production there, would it behave like a mole and tend to darken? It sounds like it would. I presume I could use sunscreen on the area (and lightly on my face in general since I'm not that keen on sun exposure/photoaging there anyway) to retard that spot darkening?

    I think almost every post you make, you send me off to look up a word or two.......'s refreshing.


  22. #22
    Frank Siciro is offline New Member
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    You raise some valid concerns and with good reason. Melanotan 1 or 2 aren't approved by the FDA so there will always be some level of risk... but having said that, it's my personal opinion that the pros out way the cons. Also, they have been testing Melanotan for over ten years now with out any serious adverse side effects recorded. So, my point is that it would probably be safe to try it for yourself in very low doses, increasing it gradually over time and see how your body responds to it. You'll probably have some slight nausea in the beginning and maybe headaches, but it becomes less over time. The moles, freckles and other skin variants will occur in almost everyone, but to different degrees. Further, these skin variants occur gradually and you can stop if you develop too much discoloring of some kind. I've found that most of the freckles I've gained while on Melanotan dissipated after ceasing using it. My girlfriend loves Melanotan 2 but she is very sensitive to it, so she doses very low and still has awesome color and not much freckles or moles.

    At the end of the day it is an amazing drug and like the others have said, you should be OK as long as you find a trusted source. I hate to promote stuff on here and I don't know what the rules are but my girl and I have been using a company called Rockstar Chemicals. The stuff has been very clean, they're US based and you can read reviews about them all over the net, so I would say go with them if you do decide to try it. Either way good luck and it's smart of you to be doing research before injecting yourself with anything.

  23. #23
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    Just in case anyone is searching for sun allergy or polymorphic light eruption stuff and melanotan, I wanted to include some info about my experience.

    I used a week's worth of very small injections (once per day) of .25 mg and then tanned for 8 mins to get some light/medium colour. It worked very well for me, with no side effects. I was intentionally going for a little bit of colour because I wanted to look like myself with a little bit of sun, and no darker than that.

    I was concerned about solar lentigo on my face darkening, and it did. I also gained quite a few little freckles, even though I had almost none to begin with.

    I'm one of those people that pigment easily and I wonder of that makes one more prone to freckles. FYI: some people (people who don't pigment as easily) when they injure their skin, and the injured part turns pink and then as it heals gains the normal skin colour. Other people (those who pigment easily) injure the skin, and the damaged part turns darker than the normal skin colour and takes some time to fade/lighten to the rest of the skin.

    I'm interested in the differing results between pigmenters and non-pigmenters (for lack of better nomenclature), so if anyone got almost no freckles or loads of freckles, please post and tell us whether you are a pigmenter or not, and perhaps we can all learn something new.

    I'm now able to be in the sun with no sunscreen provided it's not for a very long duration (I drive without sunscreen now, which I couldn't before) without triggering the PMLE rash that I used to get unless I had a sunscreen that had strong UVA filters in. So I have been very pleased with Melanotan 2 to help in managing the sun allergy during summer months (the freckle on my nose notwithstanding!).

  24. #24
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    so did you use MT1 or MT2?

    and did you notice any other "side effects" if you used MT2?

    ....sorry, I can be such a cad sometimes! =)


  25. #25
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    Hi Roman,

    I used MT2. And no side effects at all - but I was purposely using a very small amount. I had this fear that I was going to turn into someone dark and unnatural looking, so I was very conservative, figuring I could always add more. I expect the side effects are more common with larger dosing.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisAngelBites View Post
    Hi Roman,

    I used MT2. And no side effects at all - but I was purposely using a very small amount. I had this fear that I was going to turn into someone dark and unnatural looking, so I was very conservative, figuring I could always add more. I expect the side effects are more common with larger dosing.
    I suspect you are right as well with the larger doses. =)

  27. #27
    likelifting is offline Senior Member
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    MT2 for me and my friend. Works great but we both get nauseaus for an hour or 2. We fake a bake once a week or so. We love it.

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