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  1. #1
    QualityControl's Avatar
    QualityControl is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    Igf dosage options

    Hello my fellow anabolic members. I just want to toss out my experience with my first peptide igf lr3 and then some questions for any of the igf experts or even biochem expert as I would like to learn more about muscles' post mechanical overload response. First id like to state that I have never done an injectable aas cycle and only a couple cycles of h-drol (oral t-bol pohormone) so im basing my results of that type of experience. On that note I have to say I absolutely loved igf for what it does. I am 5' 11" and sitting at ~223 lbs with ~15% bodyfat. I mainly wanted to use it to help with joint repair as my joints started to feel pretty worn from all the abuse in the gym I have put them through over the years. I dosed pre/wo at 40 mcg bilaterally and increased to 50mcg then 60mcg for the last couple doses. Now I know these results do not compare to aas at all but given I wont affect my HPTA (hypothalumus-pituitary-testicular axis) I felt comfortable trying the stuff. Basically I got the all day long pump feeling and the pumps truly were greatbas some users ahave noted. I didnt change weight at all but I think I lost maybe a percent bodyfat and got some strength on a lot of my lifts. I didntchange anything and broke through a plateau. My joints feel absolutely amazing and my nagging pains have nearly subsided. I think I even gained an 8th of an inch to my biceps. So to me the results were absolutely fantastic. Now my questions come about how people use this compound. Igf lr3 is supposed to have a long half life and I understand this but in the body would the igf lr3 really stay circulating in the blood for how long people claim? I may be wrong be I would assume that before it can last 20+ hours it would have to saturate all igf insulin receptors but does that happen? Wouldnt all of the igf get used up by a receptor somewhere in the body at se point? I ask because I would like to learn more about igf but also because I would like to try an mgf/igf combo and thinking that mgf immediately post and igf some hours later would be optimal from some of the studies I have read. This is a length thread and I hope I didnt just start rambling but I hope my experience with my first igf run can help someone out. Bottom line I love how it works but it definitely doesnt put much on as far as mass goes but it does give an extra edge. Thanks all.

  2. #2
    QualityControl's Avatar
    QualityControl is offline New Member
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    Figured I would add all my igf experience in this thread. Again I am still on the fences about using aas. I would really like to give a test-e cycle a shot especially since ive gotten comfortable with needles but I am just really paranoid about sides hitting me in the worst way. So I think I might try peptides to see if they can get me where I want. As stated above Im 5' 11" ~225lbs and around 15% bf. I am actually comfortable at this bodyfat I just would like to fill my chest and arms some more. Ideally id like to be 235lbs at this bodyfat. Is that an achievable goal using peptides? After my run with igf lr3 I think it can help me get some pounds of muscle but it may take quite a while or, like most people say, isnt worth the benefits it brings especially over a cycle of aas.

    My next experimemt will be with mgf and igf to see if I can get some mass on me.
    Im thinkin 100-200mcg mgf PWO and either 1-2hours later 40-60mcg igf or take the dose every morning before breakfast. I would run this for a month and see where it goes. Does this seem like a solid protocol? Any input would be great. I will run this and post results if it looks good. Thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    If you're getting good results without AAS then don't start. Go natural for as long as you can. As far as igf-lr3? I've run it several times and honestly, I can't tell the difference. I ran 80mcg bilaterally ed for a month. Then on the second igf-lr3 cycle I ran 60mcg bilaterally every 3rd day for 90 days. Still couldn't tell the difference.

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