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Thread: Can deca, test e, aromasin, arimidex & caber affect IGF-1 / HGH levels?

  1. #1
    omg is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013

    Can deca, test e, aromasin, arimidex & caber affect IGF-1 / HGH levels?

    I have to admit, I was on 400-600 mg eq and 250 mg test e per week for 16 weeks. Then went 400mg deca and 500mg test e per week for 16 weeks. I was using 12.5mg aromasin per day and caber towards the end due to the increase in prolactin from the deca - made me feel shit. Now I am either going back to HRT dosages (test e every 14 days). But more likely will cruise on 250mg test e per week with caber for another 6-8 weeks till deca is totally out of my system and continue to take 12.5mg aromasin per day as when I was on 250mg test e per week, my estrogen went to 250, 50-150 is normal range.

    Firstly, does test e and DHEA actually slow the aging process down?

    Secondly, I know a lot of people who take 250mg test per week when off cycle. Is that safe in the long term?

    Lastly, i recently got a blood test for my IGF-1 levels. Normal range is 12-30 and my level was 28. I am 36 years old. Does anyone know whether deca, test, DHEA and aromasin increase IGF-1? If so, by much? I wanted to get m HGH levels tested. Apparently there is another test: Arginine challenge for HGH levels. I was thinking about going off aromasin and maybe even dropping test e to every 14 days and continue the 100mg DHEA cap per day to get an accurate IGF-1 reading / HGH reading.
    Silverback333 likes this.

  2. #2
    omg is offline New Member
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    C'mon guys, surely some of you know the answers to these questions. It would be much appreciated.

  3. #3
    zWonka is offline Junior Member
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    I'm pretty sure it doesn't increase your IGF levels, if it could I would imagine BB would run high AAS dosages with smaller GH dosages, but that would be my thought. Also, why would you run 250mgs/week?? Most ppl that do this say they do it to prevent gains they got in their cycle where if that's your reason you can mist do a PCT and keep a good diet you had in your cycle an you will keep your gains...

  4. #4
    omg is offline New Member
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    I have heard aromasin increased IGF-1. But by how much??
    I know a lot of guys who cruise with 250mg test e per week off cycle. As I'm on HRT, PCT isn't necessary. I have also been told that 250mg test e per week is the minimum dosage that can hold and even add gains in muscle. 250mg test e every 14 days will not do that. With the use of aromasin, I can keep estrogen in check and possible keep my IGF-1 gains up.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by omg View Post
    I have to admit, I was on 400-600 mg eq and 250 mg test e per week for 16 weeks. Then went 400mg deca and 500mg test e per week for 16 weeks. I was using 12.5mg aromasin per day and caber towards the end due to the increase in prolactin from the deca - made me feel shit. Now I am either going back to HRT dosages (test e every 14 days). But more likely will cruise on 250mg test e per week with caber for another 6-8 weeks till deca is totally out of my system and continue to take 12.5mg aromasin per day as when I was on 250mg test e per week, my estrogen went to 250, 50-150 is normal range.

    Firstly, does test e and DHEA actually slow the aging process down?

    Aging is a really interesting phenomenon. It is both a physiological and psychological event over time. The main physiological affect is Cellular senescence where cells can't duplicate itself exactly. Will Test E and DHEA directly affect Cellular senescence? There's not enough clinical data to support it either way. My personal opinion? No, I don't think so. I TRT will make you feel better and may make you live longer because it slows down the effects of low Test but will it reverse Cellular senescence? I don't think so. DHEA is crap, IMHO.

    Secondly, I know a lot of people who take 250mg test per week when off cycle. Is that safe in the long term?

    100mg/wk to 200mg/wk is the general long term HRT dosage. If you're not producing any Test, I would say start with 150mg/wk for 8 weeks, blood test, and adjust dosage.

    Lastly, i recently got a blood test for my IGF-1 levels. Normal range is 12-30 and my level was 28. I am 36 years old. Does anyone know whether deca, test, DHEA and aromasin increase IGF-1? If so, by much? I wanted to get m HGH levels tested. Apparently there is another test: Arginine challenge for HGH levels. I was thinking about going off aromasin and maybe even dropping test e to every 14 days and continue the 100mg DHEA cap per day to get an accurate IGF-1 reading / HGH reading.
    The main catalyst for IGF-1 is Growth Hormone which is released through your liver by the activity of the Pituitary Gland. Can you stimulate the PG? Yes, there are several peptides that do it. Does "deca, test, DHEA and aromasin increase IGF-1"? I've never read any clinical studies that says it does. I think a lot of marketing types will give you "bro-science". Test E is real deal. HGH is real deal.

  6. #6
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    Hephens is offline Member
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    Yes being on AAS can increase your igf-1 levels alone but very little. I had a blood test done ages ago and my igf-1 came back higher than normal but all within the normal range for my age group, so it does help.

  7. #7
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    The best bet for IGF boost is GH for me. I had Tevtropin 5 on 2 off with GHRP 6 for 6 months. Within 3 months IGF went from 200's to 400's (LabCorp uses a different scale than yours).

    The DHEA aspect is interesting - mine was also in the upper range during that same protocol but I haven't had it tested recently.

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