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  1. #1
    rsmgoofy is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013

    Red face Peptide CJC 1295 question. Please help.

    Im about to cycle Peptide CJC 1295.
    Is this peptide sufficient all on its own without stacking it?
    Also, what is the dosage? Have been reading threads stating multiple pinning each day is best. My self i work 6 days straight 12.5 hour shifts. I wont have the time for multiple pins.
    One more question.
    Whats the cycle. 12 weeks on 12 weeks off? To be safe.
    Thanks every one.

  2. #2
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    Are you using with or without dac? Cycle can be run indefinitely over 3 month minimum IMO. Works best stacked with ghrp-2, ghrp-6 or ipamorelin. Standard dosing is 100mcg of each one 3-5 times a day depending on your goals.injections sub-q 3 hours apart.

  3. #3
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    OP, no offense but it sounds like you haven't done much research at all on this peptide. Educate yourself before you inject yourself!

  4. #4
    rsmgoofy is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    Yup your rite.
    However, after posting that, iv been researching like crazy.
    In my fridge i now have cjc1295w/o DAC and GHRP-2.
    They work hand in hand.
    Take for a minimum 3 months, and best would be 6 months. (according to my research).
    100mcg of each in same syringe, 3 x per day would be good.
    Since stacking together, meals / beverages must not b taken at least 1 hour before pinning. (if not stacking the 2 peps, and only pinning one or the other, than 3 hours minimum before pinning).
    If pinning only once per day, pre bed is ultimate time.
    Post-workout is also a good time.
    100mcg is equal to 1iu mark on insulin syringe.
    So stacking them together at 100mcg each = 200mcg or 2iu's (marks) on syringe.

    If i have anything wrong, please correct me.
    Most of my education is from Protopeptides site. check it out.
    Thanks Imola

  5. #5
    rsmgoofy is offline New Member
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    Gday buddy.
    Go Flames go...
    Hows Calgary? I lived there for 13 years.
    Live in Brisbane, Australia now. Cool brother cool.
    Yup i have cjc1295 w/o dac and GHRP-2in the fridge now.
    Have done shit loads of research since i made this post.
    The wrapping your head around the mathematical part of dosages is a bit tricky.
    Question? Is 100mcg the same as 1mark on a iu syringe?
    Also have compared prices of peptides between Australia and Canada.
    Aussie prices are completely out of control. Double the amount tha Canada nd States.
    I will b trying to source from there in near future. However Aussie gov't / Customs are very strict here.
    Anyways bro. Keep your touque on.. Haha ps. keep warm..

  6. #6
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    CJC-1295 no DAC is 2mg so mix 1ml bac water and draw out 5iu (if using 100 unit slin pin) this equals 100mcg
    GHRP-2 is 5 mg so mix 2.5ml bac water and draw out 5iu (if using 100 unit slin pin) this equals 100mcg

    I'm glad you've since been doing your research. Remember no carbs or fats until 25-30 mins post injection...protein will no trace amount of carbs or fats is acceptable to consume right after injection.

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