09-01-2014, 03:30 PM #1
GHRP2 / CJC 1295 / IGF1 LR3 / Insulin / T3 & Anabolics - Critique My Protocol
OK Guys. Short Cycle, planned. Throwing everything into the mix. Lots of previous cycle experience but first time running all this together.
Last month I tried Humalog Insulin on its own and got decent results. I started at 1 IU and went up to 10. I will not be going over 10 IU.
- 6 Week Cycle, to avoid getting shut down
- Short & Heavy, Paul Borreson style
** Unable to Obtain HCG but have Clomid for PCT **
Humalog - 6 IU Morning
IGF1 LR3 - 50 mcg - SUB-Q Morning
IGF1 LR3 - 50 mcg - SUB-Q Evening
100 mcg CJC-1295 (Mod GRF) - Morning & After Work (2x per day)
100 mcg GHRP-2 - Morning & After Work (2x per day)
50 mcg T3 Thyroxin
Humalog - 6 IU (Morning)
Humalog PWO - 10 IU's
IGF1 LR3 - 50 mcg - SUB-Q Morning
IGF1 LR3 - 50 mcg - SUB-Q Pre Workout
IGF1 LR3 - 50 mcg - SUB-Q Post Workout
100 mcg CJC-1295 (Mod GRF) - Morning & After Work (2x per day)
100 mcg GHRP-2 - Morning & After Work (2x per day)
50 mcg T3 Thyroxin
- Protein Shake, Creatine & Aminos straight after Humalog.
Wk 1-3 - 50mg DBOL
Wk 1-6 - 50mg Winstrol
Week 1 - 3g of Testosterone Enthanate (Front Load)
Week 2-3 - 2g of Testosterone Enthanate
Week 1-6 - 75mg Tren A
Week 1-6 - Masteron
Doses of Testosterone are high, however I only jab for 3 weeks. The remaining 3 gives it time to clear my body.
PROBLEM: After my protein shake, I struggle to eat until 11am due to work commitments
7:30: Protein Shake - 50/50 Carbs Protein
11am: High Protein High Carb Meal
2 PM: High Protein High Carb Meal
4 PM: Protein Shake - 50/50 Carbs Protein
6:30: High Protein High Carb Meal
9:30 Protein Shake - 50/50 Carbs Protein
- Will T3 aid with muscle building due to drug Synergy with GHRP & Insulin? Or will it just promote fat loss?
09-01-2014, 05:34 PM #2
This entire thing is a TRAIN WRECK!!!!
09-01-2014, 05:36 PM #3
You need Test to run with the Tren and 2 grams???? WTF!!!! You'll be shutdown no matter what so why not run it longer or run it with Test Prop?
What are your full stats? Age, weight, height, cycle experience etc?
09-05-2014, 06:55 AM #5
My thoughts are, maximum cycle length = 6 weeks in total with long acting esters.
I inject for 3 weeks, and have the remaining 3 week of it in my system then start Clomid as PCT after day 1 of week 7.
The rest of the Anabolics are short acting esters at reasonable dosages.
My rationale for such a high dose of test over a short period of time allegedly results in not being shut down too hard.
Guys, search the forums for "Paul Borreson" - 2g of Test is a drop in the ocean compared to some of the stuff he talks about.
If you also read the well know eBook - "Building the perfect beast" you will see these are not new concepts.
Can you elaborate your logic as to why it is such a "TRAIN WRECK"?
I appreciate on the surface it does look high, but I welcome an educated opinion.
I look forward to your responses.
09-08-2014, 05:11 AM #6
09-08-2014, 05:22 AM #7
I knew Paul well and he coached me but your understanding on his theories is way off. The whole peptide usage is pointless the cycle isn't designed right and you need to look at Pauls work when he was not on medication because he had some problems when he took the wrong road. Check out my short cycle thread for some ideas which is direct from what Paul had me doing and some of his pro's.
09-09-2014, 07:17 AM #8
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