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Thread: HGH side effects after one day

  1. #1
    jdog55's Avatar
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    HGH side effects after one day

    Hi guys,

    I bought some HGH for the first time. The person I bought it from is new and has tons of good reviews. Everyone was skeptical of this new sponsor and GH serum tests have been run by just abut everyone and they posted up the actual lab paperwork. The GH serum tests average between 25 - 35, which is good for chinese. The person is saying they get it directly from the chinese factory. Also a reason that everyone was skeptical and had testing done was that he was new Take a minute and please read the rules before you post again

    I planned to go 5iu EOD. I did my first shot yesterday morning Subq and felt pretty good, but last night I had insomnia and my resting heart rate was about 100. I'm not taking anything else. There is also a red spot a little bigger than a quarter where i injected with a slin pin.

    I wasnt hungry at all. I didnt want to eat due to blood sugar issues that soma can cause

    It's legit because it tests good right? I may lower the dose, unless it just takes a while to get used to it. Anyone else experience this when taking HGH for the first time?
    Last edited by BG; 09-28-2014 at 09:26 AM.
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  2. #2
    jdc91gt's Avatar
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    Can't help you, sorry. Keep us posted if you choose to continue pinning. Best of luck!

  3. #3
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Think about what you just said, real growth Come on old timer, you know the rules
    Last edited by BG; 09-28-2014 at 09:25 AM.
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  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Well lets see. I used GH for 1yr straight and off and on for a while after that. I also got mine from a US Pharmacy made in the US and I NEVER, not once felt anything the 1st day I took it or really every except for eventually an overall better well being, more energy and easier to loose weight and get lean.

    Hearing that you are feeling sides such as you describe right away tell me it's not real HGH.

    Personally I dont care what these test show. The Chinese are getting good a finding peptides that will show positive on test but they are not true hormones or even hormone releasing peptides. I would be more willing to use hgh boosters than generic HGH.

    I know people think it's getting cheaper to manufacture but with HGH it's a little different because of the HUGE start-up cost partially due to the sterile environment that is needed and the fact you are working with live cells that are easily damaged.

    I may be wrong but I think we are a long way from seeing HGH becoming reasonably priced or easily accessible anytime soon. I would love to be wrong but I'm not willing to spend the cash or risk my health to find out.

    Prior to the China Olympics it was still possible to get real HGH but they have not lightened up on import/export policies by any means.

    Again, just my .02
    Last edited by lovbyts; 09-28-2014 at 06:28 AM.
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  5. #5
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Flaming is a violation of the rules too.... Junior
    Last edited by Far from massive; 10-02-2014 at 07:20 PM.

  6. #6
    Sinister- is offline New Member
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    I guess this had brought a lot of negative info I was curious myself because I have purchased some myself but guess we will never know :-)

  7. #7
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister- View Post
    I guess this had brought a lot of negative info I was curious myself because I have purchased some myself but guess we will never know :-)
    You did not really miss much, I remember there was some price discussion which is forbidden (however in this case I don't believe a source or brand was even mentioned) and in my comment I simply took the guys price for a given kit and broke it down to price per IU to say do you really feel you could possibly get real growth for less than a 1/15th of the cost of any real pharma brand.

    However rules are rules so I do understand them deleting both comments, but believe me you did not miss much.

    If you want to know if your growth is real, the answer is simple. Unless you got it from a doctors script at a normal walk in pharmacy then chances are 99.9% its not real regardless of what you may have read.

    That said there are some major brands of so called "growth" being sold that while certainly not real growth hormone will cause fat burning benefits much better than real pharma growth.

    I feel this is also where a lot of the sales come from.

    However you never really know what they have put in there to achieve those fat burning effects so there is some real danger involved. Some things that have been done before are relabeling Prednisone pens as pharma HGH obviously this is not the kind of thing you want to run for a year, so the risk is very real.

    PS Marcus's thread covers this in great detail.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 10-03-2014 at 03:43 PM.
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  8. #8
    gold43's Avatar
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    Ok so, not to jack the thread, but lab tests reading hgh weight as 2 water molecules off from the weight of 191aa, the difference being added sodium for preservation. Sourced directly from a well know manufacturer / doctor that holds the original patent for rhGH. Is 99.9% chance fake??

  9. #9
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Not a scientist so I am not qualified to comment on the accuracy or validity of that procedure, however I would say that if YOU personally took a sample of suspected HGH to any commercially qualified lab and they performed whatever test they felt was accurate and they said they were X amount confident that it contained active growth then yes I would feel that you could rely on that answer being X percent accurate.

    However if you are talking about some test posted on the internet, particularly on a source board then its totally worthless. These boards sole purpose is to sell products to the readers so why the hell would you believe anything that is posted on them?

  10. #10
    PistolPete33's Avatar
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    I've been on HGH for about a week and the only side I have is sleeping awesome. Other than that I haven't noticed anything. Not even sure it is related to be totally honest.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    You did not really miss much, I remember there was some price discussion which is forbidden (however in this case I don't believe a source or brand was even mentioned) and in my comment I simply took the guys price for a given kit and broke it down to price per IU to say do you really feel you could possibly get real growth for less than a 1/15th of the cost of any real pharma brand.

    However rules are rules so I do understand them deleting both comments, but believe me you did not miss much.

    If you want to know if your growth is real, the answer is simple. Unless you got it from a doctors script at a normal walk in pharmacy then chances are 99.9% its not real regardless of what you may have read.

    That said there are some major brands of so called "growth" being sold that while certainly not real growth hormone will cause fat burning benefits much better than real pharma growth.

    I feel this is also where a lot of the sales come from.

    However you never really know what they have put in there to achieve those fat burning effects so there is some real danger involved. Some things that have been done before are relabeling Prednisone pens as pharma HGH obviously this is not the kind of thing you want to run for a year, so the risk is very real.

    PS Marcus's thread covers this in great detail.
    Oh damn I had forgotten about reading that a couple of years ago. Yeah that would be VERY bad long term.

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