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  1. #1
    stringerbe11 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012

    3rd Cycle - 1st HGH - couple of Newbie questions

    Hey Guys,

    Been a while since I've dabbled in the "assistance" world!

    Got two AAS cycles under my belt - one 12 weeks (7 years ago) and one 15 weeks (3 years ago) Both Test E based with 2 jabs of 250 a week and one front load of d-bol and 1 front load of Oxy.

    Got decent gains but litte bit bloaty.

    I have a fair idea of what I'm doing but looking for a little guidance with a few issues please.

    Cycle is very basic just HGH - norditropin nordilet pens.

    Starting with 3iu's a day for the first few weeks then going to ramp it upto 4ius a day. Going to be looking at running this for 12 - 18 months if not longer.


    32 years old
    18% BF


    Leaning up, I'm not too fussed about putting mass on but I just want to cut and lean up and the general well being and age benefits.

    Training is 3 mornings of High Intensity Cardio and a 5 day split across the week weights.

    Diet is in check - Is there any specifics that you should tweak for HGH cycles?

    Now Question time. (i've realised I have waffled on so the questions are standing out in bold)

    1. Injections - I'm currently jabbing as soon as I wake up in a fasted state (7am) and waiting to an hour to have an omlette and oats (on cardio days I jab, go to the circuit and come back and have a protein shake then eat 45 mins later 2.5 hours after jabbing) - is this the right protocol? I have read about splitting the jabs am and pm - but I wouldnt be able to jab until I got home from work which would be 7pm and just before a workout or if I waited til post work out it would be 8.30pm and I go to bed at 10.30. so all in one go or AM and PM with these timings please

    2. I'm looking to lean up but have seen a lot of people advocating a Test base as the best usage of hgh- Am I better off adding aas to my cycle - What would be the best for my cutting goals - been reading primobolan but it looks like it needs to be run longer than I would like (I'd like a short aas cycle as didnt really enjoy the previous long cycles I did) [B]Do I need to add AAS for my cutting goals, if so which one please would be good for a 6 - 8 week

    3. Best injection site? I'm just jabbing into different parts of my stomach each day

    4. I've been using the HGH a week now and I'm not single digit bf % and my dick hasn't grown - have I got fake gear?

    Thanks guys - apologies if these have been asked a million times but I've been doing a fair bit of reaseach and not found the definative answers.

  2. #2
    Call me reptar is offline New Member
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    Sep 2014
    Just hgh?

  3. #3
    Call me reptar is offline New Member
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    Sep 2014
    I also am not a seasoned user. I would not run hgh by itself. I would give my left nut for hgh. I would either run a real cycle. You can go look on my "I need help post" and there is some information on there. I personally would run hgh with any form of test. Clenbuderal is great for cutting from what I hear first hand. If you're going to spend that much money on hgh you might as well do a cycle. Also, "leaning out" or cutting is misunderstood. Sure you can lean out and drop bf. but what's the point if your physique isn't full and complete. Pack on some muscle. 230 lbs at 6'4 with 18% bf isn't a whole lot of weight. I would say pack on as much as you can and diet hard your last 2 weeks. Hgh naturally burns fat so you shouldn't have much of a problem gaining muscle while losing fat. That's just my personal opinion.

  4. #4
    carbo's Avatar
    carbo is offline Associate Member
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    That's going to be one hella expensive cut.

  5. #5
    stringerbe11 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012
    ha Yeah I've been told that but regardless of the money - Is it effective the way I'm running it? Is there a preferred AAS to run for a 6 - 8 week cycle?

  6. #6
    Rick Kane is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Test and anavar , REAL anavar. 300 mgs test plus 30-40mgs anavar/day.

    Test/Anavar/HGH + diet & exercise will yield great results. Substitute Tren for anavar and you will look and feel like a ****ing GOD!

    Tren is not for everybody though and it's rough when you come off. At least it is for me.

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