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  1. #1
    Swater is offline New Member
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    Im 20 years old with piss poor health and nothing will help. Is HGH my miricle

    To keep the bitching to a minimum over the past 2 years I noticed that I have the health problems of a 40 year old. These problems include but are not limited to, Poor pissing function (drops after I piss, lower ejaculate volume), Digestive issues, and ****ing brutal insomnia, pretty much the only thing i've got going for me is healthy T-levels and a solid libido. I've managed these symptoms with careful supplementation, and a good diet and lifestyle, but it sucks, all my friends just live effortlessly healthy and fun lives, where-as I drink one night and pay for it with a total bucking of my sleep patterns and a 2 day recovery.

    It doesn't feel like my youth is being stripped away from me, it feels like I never had youth at all. Is it possible that supplementing HGH (i'm prepared to stay on it if it works) will help me start to live life a little more bulletproof, if not only for the beautiful sleep it'll give me.

  2. #2
    djgreen's Avatar
    djgreen is offline Senior Member
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    I would go see a doc and get blood work done, if you do need HGH then pharma is the only way to go because it is faked more than anything

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    GH deficiency is WAY down on the list of possible causes. Look elsewhere for help. You probably just need a diet and lifestyle change. And get the most comprehensive bloodwork possible.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 05-30-2015 at 10:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Swater is offline New Member
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    Last edited by Swater; 05-30-2015 at 10:25 PM.

  5. #5
    Swater is offline New Member
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    Over the past 2 years i've made my diet and lifestyle as impeccable as I can, balanced meals with good food and no junk food, HIIT and weightlifting, allow maximum time for sleep (or attempt at), quit smoking and limited alcohol and weed to almost zero.

    This has helped but I still have poor health, through keeping up all these avenues, i've managed to maintain a sort of malleable semi decent health profile. But a night out drinking ****s it all for a couple days as I mentioned

  6. #6
    wellshii is offline Member
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    Indications of a serious condition,go see a doc and let him know that this began two years ago. See a good doc,reviews and such.Good luck

  7. #7
    Swater is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wellshii View Post
    Indications of a serious condition,go see a doc and let him know that this began two years ago. See a good doc,reviews and such.Good luck
    I've thought this same thing, i've been to many doctors, told them all my symptoms, and they all say the same thing; 'nobodies perfect, deal with it'. I've had a bunch of blood tests, i've done it all.

    I just have a hella poor immune system, prone to inflammation (simulates aging process). And I believe HGH might help

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Did you have your GH or IGF-1 levels tested?

  9. #9
    mark woods's Avatar
    mark woods is offline Associate Member
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    Am I reading this right?you have a hangover for 2 days when you drink?lucky you when I drink heavy which is not often I am ****ed for at least 3 days but I don't blame hgh levels which are low normal anyhow...this is a VERY expensive road to go down if your shit is fine and at 20 it should be g2g but a blood test will tell you may think you have fully dialled but trust me the info on it is endless.

  10. #10
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    Doctors don't say "nobodies perfect, deal with it. "

    If someone is dealing with the issues you say you are, usually you are treated for anxiety and/or depression. If drinking messes you up for 2 days, stop drinking. If you can't sleep, look at whatever could be causing it. Anxiety and food are the first things that come to mind. Caffeine intake is common too.

    HGH isn't the answer. Talk to a new doctor, keep a log of what is going on and show him. Time you sleep, what you eat and how you feel are all important things to track. Also, blood work of course. Insist to the physician that something really feels off and ask for bloodwork. If he won't do it, find a new physician.

  11. #11
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Get another doctor and run full panel BW. Something is causing you to feel crappy.

    Relative to insomnia...does one of your parents suffer from it? Do u have a lot of anxiety? Do you grind your teeth at night?

    Yeah I don't feel great after drinking so I basically don't drink but a glass or 2 of wine. I rarely get wasted and I don't smoke weed anymore.

  12. #12
    mkt is offline Female Member
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    Swater, Even in college I had worse hangovers than any of my friends. I have a slight alcohol allergy. I just do. try some antihistamine. also do see someone about your diet as you may have some food allergies or sensitivities. you may be on a "good" diet but good diet is relative. it might be a terrible diet for you.

    Oh and I STILL felt terrible after drinking while on HGH. It did not help hangovers at all. Even older friends could get up and get rolling the next day and I just knew I had to commit to a full day in bed. I'm also a long time insomnia sufferer. The only time I've slept well has been on a green juice fast so I'm pretty sure it's food related.

  13. #13
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    Alcohol causes hangovers. Don't be surprised that you feel off for a couple days, after a night of drinking. Maybe you are slightly allergic? I know a couple people who are. 1-2 drinks, and they get sick.

    As mentioned above, it's probably your diet/lifestyle/allegies.

    I have a hard time believing that a doctor looked at your blood work and saw something wrong, and said "nobody is perfect" and let you go. If so, switch doctors asap, and get the necessary blood work done.

  14. #14
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Prostate problems? Whats your DHT levels?

    HGH will not help a bit in your problem.

    Stop drinking and doing drugs, its your main problem.

  15. #15
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    It's tough because you're asking a bodybuilding forum why you have bad pissing functions, digestive issues and insomnia when none of that is bodybuilding related or a result of any drugs a bodybuilder would take... So you can't expect any expert opinions unless people are doctors who are answering you..Even if they are i think it would still be tough without evaluating you...I say look in a different direction for an answer

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