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  1. #1
    javajim is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    hgh igf-1 results

    I am not sure were to go are really how to go about asking about my teat results.I went to the lab and had an igf-1 test it came back today. It said I am at 270 and that the Referace is 54 and interval was 194 and that rerult is high there is somthing about ng/ml. I am 57 years old. I went on the internet and there numbers were much higher for referance and interval so i would not be hight. I want to belive my labs.Lab corp is were the test was done.What numbers should I go with.If my labs are right then i have good HGH. If the internet numbers are right maybe not so good .Any thoughts Thanks Javajim

  2. #2
    reporich is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Your test should come with the proper ranges...

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