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Thread: Does insulin build muscle

  1. #81
    Lilphlip is offline New Member
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    That guy was diabetic though. That makes a big difference.

  2. #82
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    I learned that insulin was catabolic as fuck last semester...
    Ill see if i can find my notes. I remeber thinking it was bullshit.
    Maybe you were confusing (or the teacher was) cortisol and insulin . they are sometimes discussed together being as one hormone goes up the other goes down , and Cortisol is a catabolic hormone , but insulin is an anabolic hormone (or at very least aides in anabolism).

    I run 20-30iu of insulin for various reasons, but one of those reasons is around my workout with carbs because this is going to mitigate cortisol (which is a catabolic hormone , that is often released when your doing a heavy workout . but with high amounts of insulin and carbs present then cortisol will not be released)

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