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Thread: Growth Hormone Blood levels elevated due to AAS?

  1. #1
    THTW is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Growth Hormone Blood levels elevated due to AAS?

    36 yrs old, steroid user since 3 yrs (fairly low dose: 75mg Sust, 75mg Masteron , 125mg Tren per week - taking 1 tablet of Nolvadex + 2 tablets of Metformin daily). So NO GH or peptides to increase GH.

    Was thinking of trying GHRP-2 and CJC as GH levels after 30 are supposed to drop. Had a blood test done and GH level (after 12hour fast) came back 10.3 ug/L (double the norm of 5).

    The doc said it could be a tumor in the pituary gland (and will get this ruled out by a CT scan), but I was wondering if
    1: anyone could shine a light on the potential of any of the other stuff I'm pumping in my body being the cause of the elevated level? and
    2: what are considered desired levels for the bodybuilder? (In other words; is my high level a blessing or a curse, if it's not a brain tumor?)
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  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THTW View Post
    36 yrs old, steroid user since 3 yrs (fairly low dose: 75mg Sust, 75mg Masteron , 125mg Tren per week - taking 1 tablet of Nolvadex + 2 tablets of Metformin daily). So NO GH or peptides to increase GH.

    Was thinking of trying GHRP-2 and CJC as GH levels after 30 are supposed to drop. Had a blood test done and GH level (after 12hour fast) came back 10.3 ug/L (double the norm of 5).

    The doc said it could be a tumor in the pituary gland (and will get this ruled out by a CT scan), but I was wondering if
    1: anyone could shine a light on the potential of any of the other stuff I'm pumping in my body being the cause of the elevated level? and
    2: what are considered desired levels for the bodybuilder? (In other words; is my high level a blessing or a curse, if it's not a brain tumor?)
    It’s a blessing if their isn’t a tumor. Does he know you engage in very vigorous exercise? Exercise will stimulate much larger circadian pulsatile release of GH. Especially if you engaged in large muscle groups.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  3. #3
    TRA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THTW View Post
    36 yrs old, steroid user since 3 yrs (fairly low dose: 75mg Sust, 75mg Masteron , 125mg Tren per week - taking 1 tablet of Nolvadex + 2 tablets of Metformin daily). So NO GH or peptides to increase GH.

    Was thinking of trying GHRP-2 and CJC as GH levels after 30 are supposed to drop. Had a blood test done and GH level (after 12hour fast) came back 10.3 ug/L (double the norm of 5).

    The doc said it could be a tumor in the pituary gland (and will get this ruled out by a CT scan), but I was wondering if
    1: anyone could shine a light on the potential of any of the other stuff I'm pumping in my body being the cause of the elevated level? and
    2: what are considered desired levels for the bodybuilder? (In other words; is my high level a blessing or a curse, if it's not a brain tumor?)
    What was the IGF-1 level? GH is pulsatile and not often measured directly without the IGF-1 level as well.
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  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrailRunAZ View Post
    What was the IGF-1 level? GH is pulsatile and not often measured directly without the IGF-1 level as well.

    Or the timing of the blood work was spectacular......
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I've never heard of a commercially available test for GH, perhaps you mean IGF-1?

  6. #6
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    If you're over 30 and of normal proportion, you probably don't have Acromegaly. If your doc says there might be a tumor in your brain, it must be taken seriously. I have already lost a friend to brain tumor and just found out another guy diagnosed with it. They cut out most of it but was unable to remove all of it due to it being wrapped around the cortex. Go to get it checked out immediately.
    hollowedzeus and < <Samson> > like this.

  7. #7
    carbo's Avatar
    carbo is offline Associate Member
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    I understand Testosterone can increase IGF-1 only on cellular level.
    Your condition could possibly be connected to Acromegaly.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you're over 30 and of normal proportion, you probably don't have Acromegaly. If your doc says there might be a tumor in your brain, it must be taken seriously. I have already lost a friend to brain tumor and just found out another guy diagnosed with it. They cut out most of it but was unable to remove all of it due to it being wrapped around the cortex. Go to get it checked out immediately.
    Looking good in that pic Scotch

  9. #9
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Running a CT scan looking for pit tumours is ridiculous, unless there's special reasons why a MRI can't be done, that's the right diagnostic tool of choice and it needs to ve run with contrast liquid too.

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  10. #10
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    OP, to put it in perspective, if you were taking exogenous GH and went to get blood test when GH was at peak you'd be in the 25-40 ug/L range.

  11. #11
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    As Biz said, a CT scan is ridiculous you be getting an MRI with radiographic ink. Also, your doc should have you get blood tests for tumor markers. It's your health, if I had any reason to suspect a brain tumor I would immediate make an appointment with an oncologist. If it was found to be benign, I would get a referral to a brain surgeon.
    Sorry to hear this, I wish you the best.
    Acromegaly is a curse not a benefit.

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