I've been increasing my Insulin dosage every 2 weeks or so and my blood sugars don't seem to be going down in the morning. They are elevated a little much for me (110) and while that's fine when I am on HGH - I have been off HGH for over 1 month. Typically they come down quick after I stop HGH, I am taking near 50IU a day now with the same diet (500g carbs) roughly.

Novalin R
20 iu in the morning
20 iu post workout
10 iu pre workout

My pumps have been lacking in the gym too and I've had a few episodes of feeling cold and sweaty as well - similar to what I get when I take too much insulin - however I feel it was just the opposite and had too high blood sugar. I couldn't test these times since they were at the gym - so it's bro science at that point.

I guess my question is, do I need to pull back my usage and drop my carbs so my body can re-sensitize my insulin receptors?