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  1. #1
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    Hi all.

    Some back ground. About 2 years ago I hurt my elbow throwing because of improper form. Before I hurt my elbow my shoulder would get very sore causing lack of motion which in turn put more pressure on my elbow. When I threw I heard a pop and pain shot down my fingers. I did not have an MRI or anything done after it happened. It's been 2 years and I still feel a sharp stab pain ONLY when I throw right on the inside of my right elbow. The side down from your little finger by the elbow itself. I've been iceing it for months. I had MRI's , Bone Scans, Nerve scans done about a year 1/2 after the actual injury. They all turned out fine, no tears or nothing.

    WHATS WRONG WITH ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    How can I get this pain to go away!

    Im thinking it's tendenitus. But it will not go away , I've been iceing for about a year! Can anybody help me?

    Any help will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    hoss827's Avatar
    hoss827 is offline Banned
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    Damn bro.......Well if the tests turned up nothing, I'm not sure what to say. I've had 7 dislocations in my left arm and 3 in my right arm (shoulders) and i'm 18. i'll be in the same boat as you, but get ahold of some glucosomine chondroitin if you havent yet--or some triflex over at GNC. The stuff works wonders for me.

    Funny though how the doctors tell everyone that it's 'ineffective'

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    Damn bro.......Well if the tests turned up nothing, I'm not sure what to say. I've had 7 dislocations in my left arm and 3 in my right arm (shoulders) and i'm 18. i'll be in the same boat as you, but get ahold of some glucosomine chondroitin if you havent yet--or some triflex over at GNC. The stuff works wonders for me.

    Funny though how the doctors tell everyone that it's 'ineffective'

    I'm picking some of that stuff up today as a matter of fact.

  5. #5
    dbstyles's Avatar
    dbstyles is offline Junior Member
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    Having same problems - BJJ and snowboarding have jacked my arm joints up. The pain is there all the time. Now that I am lifting at my strongest ever - it REALLY hurts somedays...

    Did the MSM glucos many times and it does seem to work, but I don't know if it other things as well...

  6. #6
    barbndr is offline Junior Member
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    I would say either tendonitis or neuritis. The reason why I would lean toward tendonitis is that it is localized pain to that area. Initially it sounded like ulnar nerve pain (I assume you had an NCV), now though if its localized to that area and doesn't shoot into the hand it's probably tendonitis. Especially if all the tests are negative. The tests may be negative because there isn't enough visible damage when you have the test. If you had an MRI after throwing for an hour it would probably show: high density resonation over the medial epicondyle consistant with microtrauma to the wrist flexor muscle group blah blah blah...or tendonitits.

    Have you taken any time off throwing or tried to change your form avoid stressing that part of your arm?

    Aside from that, if every time you throw, it hurts, you are essentially re-injuring it with each throw.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbndr
    I would say either tendonitis or neuritis. The reason why I would lean toward tendonitis is that it is localized pain to that area. Initially it sounded like ulnar nerve pain (I assume you had an NCV), now though if its localized to that area and doesn't shoot into the hand it's probably tendonitis. Especially if all the tests are negative. The tests may be negative because there isn't enough visible damage when you have the test. If you had an MRI after throwing for an hour it would probably show: high density resonation over the medial epicondyle consistant with microtrauma to the wrist flexor muscle group blah blah blah...or tendonitits.

    Have you taken any time off throwing or tried to change your form avoid stressing that part of your arm?

    Aside from that, if every time you throw, it hurts, you are essentially re-injuring it with each throw

    I've taken a year off from throwing. Iced almost every other day for that entire year aswell. I'm still icing. I'm throwing with better form, but on some throws I can still feel the sharp pain in this little spot that is hard to find out where it acually is on my elbow.

    Everytime I throw it doesn't hurt. I can throw fine without any pain except for my weakness in my arm it feels so foreign to me now. Then on some throws I can feel it so I stop.

    Should I just continue to ICE it or is there something better I can do?

    Next week I'm going to physical therapy sessions for my shoulder and my elbow. They will ice it shock it and heat it with that machine. Hopefully that will get the inflamation/scar tissue out of the joint and allow me to throw happy again.

    What do you think about...


    I'm picking all these up tommorrow because I heard they do wonders for joints. Is this true?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbndr
    I would say either tendonitis or neuritis. The reason why I would lean toward tendonitis is that it is localized pain to that area. Initially it sounded like ulnar nerve pain (I assume you had an NCV), now though if its localized to that area and doesn't shoot into the hand it's probably tendonitis. Especially if all the tests are negative. The tests may be negative because there isn't enough visible damage when you have the test. If you had an MRI after throwing for an hour it would probably show: high density resonation over the medial epicondyle consistant with microtrauma to the wrist flexor muscle group blah blah blah...or tendonitits.

    Have you taken any time off throwing or tried to change your form avoid stressing that part of your arm?

    Aside from that, if every time you throw, it hurts, you are essentially re-injuring it with each throw

    I've taken a year off from throwing. Iced almost every other day for that entire year aswell. I'm still icing. I'm throwing with better form, but on some throws I can still feel the sharp pain in this little spot that is hard to find out where it acually is on my elbow.

    Everytime I throw it doesn't hurt. I can throw fine without any pain except for my weakness in my arm it feels so foreign to me now. Then on some throws I can feel it so I stop.

    Should I just continue to ICE it or is there something better I can do?

    Next week I'm going to physical therapy sessions for my shoulder and my elbow. They will ice it shock it and heat it with that machine. Hopefully that will get the inflamation/scar tissue out of the joint and allow me to throw happy again.

    What do you think about...


    I'm picking all these up tommorrow because I heard they do wonders for joints. Is this true?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbndr
    I would say either tendonitis or neuritis. The reason why I would lean toward tendonitis is that it is localized pain to that area. Initially it sounded like ulnar nerve pain (I assume you had an NCV), now though if its localized to that area and doesn't shoot into the hand it's probably tendonitis. Especially if all the tests are negative. The tests may be negative because there isn't enough visible damage when you have the test. If you had an MRI after throwing for an hour it would probably show: high density resonation over the medial epicondyle consistant with microtrauma to the wrist flexor muscle group blah blah blah...or tendonitits.

    Have you taken any time off throwing or tried to change your form avoid stressing that part of your arm?

    Aside from that, if every time you throw, it hurts, you are essentially re-injuring it with each throw

    I've taken a year off from throwing. Iced almost every other day for that entire year aswell. I'm still icing. I'm throwing with better form, but on some throws I can still feel the sharp pain in this little spot that is hard to find out where it acually is on my elbow.

    Everytime I throw it doesn't hurt. I can throw fine without any pain except for my weakness in my arm it feels so foreign to me now. Then on some throws I can feel it so I stop.

    Should I just continue to ICE it or is there something better I can do?

    Next week I'm going to physical therapy sessions for my shoulder and my elbow. They will ice it shock it and heat it with that machine. Hopefully that will get the inflamation/scar tissue out of the joint and allow me to throw happy again.

    What do you think about...


    I'm picking all these up tommorrow because I heard they do wonders for joints. Is this true?

  10. #10
    barbndr is offline Junior Member
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    I take glucosamine myself though I can't truly say if it is helpful. MSM and chondroitin along those same lines. Heard good things about celedrin but no personal experience...sorry. I'm a PT so I thinks its good you are going to see one. Hopefully you get a good PT who can assess not only your problem but perhaps your throwing motion as well to look for mechanical issues (not an easy find). Let me know how things go with the PT. You can't go wrong with icing especially after activity and I imagine the PT will add some ultrasound and massage to aid with healing. Let us know how the PT goes and hopefully you will start getting some relief.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbndr
    I take glucosamine myself though I can't truly say if it is helpful. MSM and chondroitin along those same lines. Heard good things about celedrin but no personal experience...sorry. I'm a PT so I thinks its good you are going to see one. Hopefully you get a good PT who can assess not only your problem but perhaps your throwing motion as well to look for mechanical issues (not an easy find). Let me know how things go with the PT. You can't go wrong with icing especially after activity and I imagine the PT will add some ultrasound and massage to aid with healing. Let us know how the PT goes and hopefully you will start getting some relief.

    Thanks for your help, I'll let you know how it goes.

  12. #12
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    keep up witht the ice and the PT, i have a good friend who was a pitcher in college, same thing happened, DR's couldnt figure out y he had the pain.all diagnostics test were negative.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    keep up witht the ice and the PT, i have a good friend who was a pitcher in college, same thing happened, DR's couldnt figure out y he had the pain.all diagnostics test were negative.

    Hey Doc. what happened to him? Did he fix the problem(if so how), or did it ruin him?

    Do you know what exercises helped him?


  14. #14
    dbstyles's Avatar
    dbstyles is offline Junior Member
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    Going to pick up a GLUCOSIMINE, MSM, CHONDROITON, CELEDRIN as well today.

    Keep us posted on how it works for you in a few weeks (Takes a few weeks to get results from what I hear).

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