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  1. #1
    Sepsis's Avatar
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    shoulder(i guess) problem

    i messed up my shoulder about 7 weeks ago. i felt the problem the day after chest day, although, during the particular workout i didnt notice the exact time it happened. i am not able to do any millitary press or incline bench whatsoever to this day. hammer strength chest machines weight is almost back to normal, however. at first i thought this was an AC separation injury, but now im not so sure. i cannot pinpoint the exact place of the pain in my shoulder. when i extend my arm forward and try to bring it accross my chest, i feel pain in the bottom of my neck and almost accross the whole clavicle. this also occurs when i raise my arm and swing it over my head. there never was any swelling, discoloration or bruising anywhere in my shoulder, just sharp nondescript pain. the pain has gotten more bearable lately, but i still cannot do barbel flat bench or barbel military press. should i wait any longer and see if i get better, or see a doctor. this does not interfere with my normal everyday life at all. i only know it is there when i am at the gym. any imput will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    magic32's Avatar
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    The lack of a specific traumatic event, decentralized pain and the absence of the symptoms you mentioned (swelling, bruising, color, etc.) speak volumes here. But what is most telling is that it didn't hurt until the next day. It sounds like you have a very common muscle strain. It's persistence (7wks) is largely due to your continued usage (at the gym). A physician wouldn't be able to help this other than to write a script for pain killers. Meds would be the worst thing for you now because pain is a great barometer for progress in this case. Unfortunately, this type of injury, which I've experienced both personally and with friends, can become nagging.

    I'd recommend taking a couple of weeks off shoulder and upper chest exercises during which time it won't seem to be getting better, but it is. Many would say just stop lifting, but vets work around injuries, the key is not to strain the shoulder in any way. This means all shoulder stabilzing exercises should also be avoided, this encompasses a lot of exercises but you can still get a workout. Spend these weeks emphasizing legs and cardio. Then slowly begin very light weight (2.5 lbs) shoulder routine and build up.

    Most importantly, if two weeks is not enough and your pain hasn't decreased during very light shoulder weights, you may have aggravated the initial injury so take another week off and start again.

    Anyone can get injuried, but it takes an idiot to get reinjuried.


  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    The lack of a specific traumatic event, decentralized pain and the absence of the symptoms you mentioned (swelling, bruising, color, etc.) speak volumes here. But what is most telling is that it didn't hurt until the next day. It sounds like you have a very common muscle strain. It's persistence (7wks) is largely due to your continued usage (at the gym). A physician wouldn't be able to help this other than to write a script for pain killers. Meds would be the worst thing for you now because pain is a great barometer for progress in this case. Unfortunately, this type of injury, which I've experienced both personally and with friends, can become nagging.

    I'd recommend taking a couple of weeks off shoulder and upper chest exercises during which time it won't seem to be getting better, but it is. Many would say just stop lifting, but vets work around injuries, the key is not to strain the shoulder in any way. This means all shoulder stabilzing exercises should also be avoided, this encompasses a lot of exercises but you can still get a workout. Spend these weeks emphasizing legs and cardio. Then slowly begin very light weight (2.5 lbs) shoulder routine and build up.

    Most importantly, if two weeks is not enough and your pain hasn't decreased during very light shoulder weights, you may have aggravated the initial injury so take another week off and start again.

    Anyone can get injuried, but it takes an idiot to get reinjuried.

    great post!

  4. #4
    Sepsis's Avatar
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    thats funny doc., i was just pm'ing you to get your oppinion on this post when i saw you replied. so, i gather you agree with the first response. after i think about it, muscle sprain is very likely. i have tried to pinpoint the pain. i think it is about an 1.5" to 2.5" out from where the clavicle is attached to the sternum. and when the pain occurs when i bring my arm across the body or over my head, it shoots a little bit up my neck. its deffinatelly not as bad as when it first started, but its still there.

  5. #5
    Sepsis's Avatar
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    one more question. would celebrex help me out since it is an anti-inflamatory and healing doesnt start until infection has subsided?

  6. #6
    magic32's Avatar
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    I got your PM and just wanted to post my reply for the general public:

    Even during your off-time, give the muscle some unweighted exercises by doing wide, slow swing movements (very slow and very controlled). If raising to a certain level hurts, slowly walk your fingers straight up a wall (arm in front of you) until pained, then note distance and continue to same point while trying to increase height daily. Repeat with arm to the side, beginning with 90 degree elbow bend.
    And in case Doc Sust, of whom I'm a big fan doesn't make it back before you do, Celebrex was designed to target the source of joint pain and will certainly reduce inflammation and stiffness. It is also taken for relief from acute pain, examples of which include pain from strains and sprains or pain after surgery. Sound familiar? Only a rare few shouldn't take this...those who've had allergic reactions to certain drugs called sulfonamides, or have experienced asthma, hives, or allergic reactions after taking aspirin, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    magic, i woud love to know what your background is in health care. feel free to pm me, you have a great deal of knowledge my friend! hell even more than myself.keep up the great work

  8. #8
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Sounds like anterior delt strain if it hurts will adducting the arm. Does your arm hurt during shoulder flexion as well?

  9. #9
    Sepsis's Avatar
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    i can do hammer strength wide bench machine without any problem. barbel incline bench and millitary press are too painful. i dont think it is the anterior delt, i think its maybe where the pectoralis major attaches to the clavicle. at least that is around where the pain is located.

  10. #10
    gr8gear's Avatar
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    I have the same going to try magic's remedy and see how it helps out. Now seems a good time to try it out too with the holiday season in full swing, i won't feel as bad taking a few days off.

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