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  1. #1
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    who can sort my funky pelvis???

    my pelvis is out of balance, i have had this problem 4-5 years ago, and also my lumbar was twisted, which was a wrestling injury, likely aggrevated by poor form on deadlifts (i was 16). I had quite abit of treatment from physios and osteopaths, and was sorted right out. since then my back has gave me some stick (locking up, mainly) several times a year, but nothing major.

    now, my pelvis is out of balance again, and has been for afew months. standing relaxed after awhile becomes slightly painful, and i often get problems from deadlifts and squats. I have recently been taking breaks from deadlifts, and have started doing them alittle lighter for higher reps (10 reps per set, instead of 4-6 like i used to). I have also changed my grip so both palms are facing down, but still, i get severe discomfort from deadlifts and squats.

    lol to cut a long story short(er) i just want to know who the best person to go to for treatment for my pelvis would be.

    I have experience with physiotherapy and osteopathy, would a chiropractor be advisable?

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    my pelvis is out of balance, i have had this problem 4-5 years ago, and also my lumbar was twisted, which was a wrestling injury, likely aggrevated by poor form on deadlifts (i was 16). I had quite abit of treatment from physios and osteopaths, and was sorted right out. since then my back has gave me some stick (locking up, mainly) several times a year, but nothing major.

    now, my pelvis is out of balance again, and has been for afew months. standing relaxed after awhile becomes slightly painful, and i often get problems from deadlifts and squats. I have recently been taking breaks from deadlifts, and have started doing them alittle lighter for higher reps (10 reps per set, instead of 4-6 like i used to). I have also changed my grip so both palms are facing down, but still, i get severe discomfort from deadlifts and squats.

    lol to cut a long story short(er) i just want to know who the best person to go to for treatment for my pelvis would be.

    I have experience with physiotherapy and osteopathy, would a chiropractor be advisable?
    go with the chiro(that is what i do) pelvis rotation is common, if one side goes anterior ?/superior, the other side goes posterior /inferior, the way to correct this is easy and can be done a few ways

    1 pelvic blocking in the mirror image position of you well with time but doesnt provide instant relief

    2 drop table, a little more agressive, better IMO then the pelvic block

    3 diversified adjustment(osseous movement) this is the chiro adjustment when you hear the cavitation(aka crack) provides instant relief, will work for your pelvis and lumbar region, combine this with a little bit of electric stim, ice, and deep tissue massage, with some home stretching exercises, you will be back to normal quickly!

    physio will just give you exercises to do and may stretch you out, the osteopath, may be able to adjust, you(some do this, and some do not)but chances are he will give you a script for some pain pills and call it a day, this wont fix the problem, it just masks the symptoms.for pelvic misalingment, chiro is the wy to go. for rehab from a recent trauma, a physio works great, and for general medicine problems and diagnosis, the osteo is the way to go, all profesions have their place

  3. #3
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    cheers dude, i went to a chiro today, she didnt seem to do any of the aforementioned techniques, i was hoping she would be more aggressive and crack me into line lol. would you mind expanding on the 'drop table' stuff alittle more please sir?

  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    cheers dude, i went to a chiro today, she didnt seem to do any of the aforementioned techniques, i was hoping she would be more aggressive and crack me into line lol. would you mind expanding on the 'drop table' stuff alittle more please sir?
    i dont like this much, it is a table that the dr. cranks up, than the but a force into you and the table drops. do yourself a favor, if the lady isnt cracking you, find a new chiro, go with a guy, i hate to be sexist, but alot of women cant adjust for shit!

  5. #5
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i dont like this much, it is a table that the dr. cranks up, than the but a force into you and the table drops. do yourself a favor, if the lady isnt cracking you, find a new chiro, go with a guy, i hate to be sexist, but alot of women cant adjust for shit!
    ok mate will do. many thanks as ever

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    no problem

  7. #7
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Finding a good chiro was very long in my case and thanks to Doc Sust i was able to find one that wasnt after my money.

    I been everywhere and i would not change my chiro for nothing in the world, osteopathy doesnt get any x rays and go by feel touch and many times its not good.

    A good chiro will take x rays and work with them to realign a proper posture.

    I am going back on Friday for a revision myself, my posture is not perfect but its far better then it was.

    Pain is a bit better to.

  8. #8
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    the chiro i went to yesterday said that my pelvis and spinal column are now back in-line and balance, and i just need to maintain a symmetrical posture to make sure it doesnt just go back to normal. she said the muscles need time to adjust back to this position. has booked me in again for 2 weeks time. i dont feel any different. my posture is very good anyway, and i am always aware of symmetry so really i cannot see how it would have gone back to the way it was in a matter of a day.

    is it very easy to 're-twist' the pelvis? or would i have to do something noticably silly to do this?

    i have an other number for a chiro, but apparently she is a tiny tiny woman. someone said she is very good, and jumps all over you if need be, tempted to give her a call

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    find a chrio who is an agressive adjuster. some one who can throw force into you, the bigger you are the harde it is to adjust you, so IMO, you need some one who can generate enough force and speed to move the vertebrae and pelvis, most women can not do this due to lack of strength and speed, espcialy when it come to larger individuals, i am saying this form my own expeiences from i went to a chrio for my pelvis, the girl couldnt move it at all, i left her office, went to my buddies office 10 minutes later and he was able to adjust me, instant relief!

    also it is VERY unlikely that inone day you pelvis is back to normal! i call bullshit on that! it takes time for the adjustments to hold, also if she say it is now muscular, why isnt ahe doing any trigger point work/myofacial release or reffering you to a massage therpaist? ask her quite simply" what are you doing to help the muscles break out of spasm?" also 2 wks is too long for another appointment for a recent injury .should be more frequent in the begining especially if you are still in pain. i dont like anything this lady is doing, i think she stinks

  10. #10
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    My current chiro tells me that its all part of the cerebellum, all the request are made from there, and if there is a subluxation or your posture isnt really good then there is a blocage and the signal doesnt where its suppose to.

    My upper neck region was messed up, and i had to get a lot of adjustment to get it fix even then i am still in treatments.

    Chiro says that if the upper is not adjusted properly then the pelvic will follow and get re-twisted.

    Its always better to go to a chiro that has good references, i went twice without reference and i got 2 idiots that where in for my money one bitatch and one stinking fag that made me worst.

    The one i am going to right now is great he gives me free adjustments, and keeps track of my progress.

    I been injured for 6 years so its normal that i will have to go longer then others.

  11. #11
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Doc i agree with you 100% she seems like a real moron that byatch.

    I have at least 2 adjustments a week now. My chiro made me change my diet too and i feel a lot better, eating healthier, lots of veggies and trying to lower my PH.

  12. #12
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    right doc im going on the hunt now for a better chiro.

    so you are saying that if my pelvis gets corrected i should FEEL INSTANT RELIEF?

  13. #13
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    right doc im going on the hunt now for a better chiro.

    so you are saying that if my pelvis gets corrected i should FEEL INSTANT RELIEF?
    With an adjustment you will feel instant relief but i would be very surprised if it would fix the situation right away.

    It takes time has i been told, i feel great after an ajustment but i been injured for long so its gonna take longer.

  14. #14
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    With an adjustment you will feel instant relief but i would be very surprised if it would fix the situation right away.

    It takes time has i been told, i feel great after an ajustment but i been injured for long so its gonna take longer.
    tim, this is what i meant, sonar has it right, you should start to feel better,not permanent relief, but some.

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