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Thread: bacne

  1. #1
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    Nov 2005


    how do u guys deal with bacne? never had it till now, I'm two and one half months clean sense last cycle.

    would accutane help? do u need a script?

  2. #2
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    What are you doing right now to treat it? Some suggest using dawn antibacterial dish soap. I have tried that and have also used LAVA bar soap. I personally use Benzonyl Peroxide bar soap brand name PanOxyl available at wally world. I have used a lesser antibiotic in the past called doxycycline with success. You will need a script for accutane unless your source has it. Good luck bro, hope you get it cleared up with summer rapidly approaching-Erwin

  3. #3
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    i just use like neutragena face scrub on it and try to scub the shit outa it, theres lots of threads on face acne... but this is a specific prob my face is under control, why dawn dish soap ive never heard that before?

  4. #4
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    I can't believe that you have really researched the bacne thing then if you haven't heard of using dawn dish soap. It is the first thing that people suggest on here. Accutane has some really harsh sides so you should try to treat it with the most mild compounds first. The dawn is an anti-bacterial that also helps to remove the grease and dry out the skin. The panoxyl does the same thing. You aren't alone in this, my face is clear also but I have bacne also. Try typing in bacne in the search engine and see how many threads you get to come up. And if your eyes aren't bleeding after that hit up LatinoPR and ask him about your problem. Good luck bro-Erwin

  5. #5
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    And just cause I am a curious person, what did your cycle consist of and also your pct? Clomid f#cked me up bad.

  6. #6
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Why does everyone always want to jump on Accutane? Forget any meds and just try a solid ritual of cleansing.

    -Try and shower as soon as possible after working out..

    Get a quality loofah and invest in an 8 dollar bottle of Neutrogena acne bodywash. Try using that 2x times per day (morning and evening) and ride it out. It won't just go away overnight and don't forget any supps (AS) are going to increase the longevity and severity of the breakouts. It's one of those unfortunate sides that comes along with using. If you can't do the time, don't commit the crime!!

    Don't get crazy with wanting to take the silver bullet. It rarely happens and as you come off and your hormones stabilize, it will improve and eventually diminish.

    Good Luck and happy scrubbing

    Doc M

  7. #7
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    go tanning bro

  8. #8
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    I tan and use nuetragena products. im trying the dish soap

  9. #9
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    my first cycle was dbol test e and var
    starting my second which will be dbol sust mast and winn but considering dropin the dbol

    when i research bacne i get alot of help but rare is the dish soap idea

  10. #10
    BigGuy5420 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    do you need to use anti bacterial dish soap or is regular old=fashioned blue original dawn do the trick?

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