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  1. #1
    UberSteroids's Avatar
    UberSteroids is offline Anabolic Member
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    On the barbell

    Muscle stuck? Cramped up?

    So after about 6 months of time off I did my back workout, which was pretty damn intense. Barely took about 15-20 sec rest between sets.

    What main issue is, my lower back muscles.

    I did deadlifts
    255x8:135x6(3-0-3) drop set

    So this was enough to make it happen. This was supose to be a warm up before I get serious with it. I used to deadlift more than that!! I was fine for the rest of the day, next morning though, I COULD NOT get up from my bed. I was like wtf... I have been sore before, but this is not right. I thought, screw it, Ill give it time.
    Well today is the 3rd day of MAJOR pain and not being able to put my socks on. The only way I feel minimum pain is when my posture is straight up, any movement back or forward (bending) is just extremely painful.
    When standing straight and I want to bend my torso down, I can ONLY reach my knees !!!! I just cannot go anymore.

    Feels like I have some steel rods stuck in my lower back. Like the muscle is cramped up or stuck/tight all the time, and I cannot relax it.

    It is the 3rd day, it doesnt seem to be getting any better.


  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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