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  1. #1
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    shoulder/pec pain returned, after 10 week cycle including deca

    Not too sure of my point of posting this, although I guess its just my account regarding shoulder tendonitis. This, and also, If anyone has any experiences similar to this, or words of advice, Id be thrilled to hear them.

    Anyway, about 15 weeks ago I retuirned to the gym, after a 10 week layoff due to some nagging aches and pains, primarily my left shoulder and knees. In this 10 weeks I had regular sports massage therapy on my quads and hamstrings, and stretched pretty much every day for an hour or so.

    I also had an MRI on my left shoulder, which showed wear and tear to my rotator cuff (supraspinatus) which is the same as it was afew years ago when I had surgery on the same shoulder. It also showed no other damage to the area. The specialist said that he mainly suspects that I had tendonitis in my pec major.

    I decided it was time to get back in the gym, and started using 200mg Deca weekly, just to sooth my joints, which may not have been the best idea, I knew that at the time, but did it anyway.

    After afew weeks of training back in the gym, I started a cycle of test and tren , which I had planned for months, but had put on hold due to the shoulder injury.

    The cycle lasted 10 weeks, I finished everything 2 weeks ago today, and finished the deca over 4 weeks ago. During the cycle, and up until last nights shoulder workout, I had not felt any shoulder pain. Then, whilst doing a superset of lateral dumbbell raises and standing dumbbell shoulder press, I felt symptoms of the old injury creeping back. It wasnt nearly enough to affect my workout, like it was before, but I worried none the less, that i was going to suffer the problems as I did before I got back in the gym.

    During my cycle, I didnt overtrain, that was my main concern, as usually when im on a cycle I know I have better muscular recuperation, and can get away with doing more in the gym. This time however, I trained with the joints in mind, never tried maxing out or going too heavy, staying within 6-12 reps for all exercises. I also only trained 4 days per week most weeks, instead of 5.

    I stretched after every workout, mainly my upper body though (need to get back in the habit of stretching my lower body and trunk), and found afew chances to stretch my chest and shoulder region in the day at work etc.

    I am now getting worried that the tendon problem in my left shoulder/pec area is going to return just like before, or even that It never went away, just the deca soothed it, which I knew and hoped it would do, thats what I used it for.

    I had a solid plan as far as bodybuilding goes over the next few years, keeping the diet the same (bulking), and running pretty much the same cycle 3 or 4 times over the next 2 years, with around 6 weeks off between the end of PCT and the start of the next cycle.

    I am looking my best ever, and dont want another layoff, as Im sick of backwards steps

  2. #2
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    I know what you are going through with that mate, i have had problems naggin on and on for years.
    Last year i was at my worst and it was in both shoulders, sometimes if felt as if someone was trying to cut my arms off with a spoon (around the inner fore arm just below my elbow) sound similar? so anyway i had to do something about it.

    I did a fiar bit of research in to it, your best bet is to do the same. I can see that is what you are doing now by posting this thread, but get on google nad do more looking around.
    From my experience in cryo etc, i found the best way to stop it hurting was to apply ice for 5 minutes then heat for 5 mins, then massage for 5, and repeat 3 times, as often as possible.

    If you are like i was, massaging your arm, pec and shoulder does no good, you have to apply it to your back, there are 3 pressure points behind your shoulder blade. that is where you apply the heat ice and massage. it forces blood flow to the effected area in your shoulder.
    the Ice heat application helps to flush the area of blood then engourge it, massage helps to get the toxins out of the cells, then the re application flushes all the toxins away formt the muscle and so on. Im not 100% sure what way round it is, but it doesnt matter. all you got to remember is ICE< HEAT< MASSAGE!!!!
    trust me on this. its like magic.

    another thing, the reason i think mine flared up is i was not workign enough on my back, i was lifting maximum weight regular on my front etc, there was very litte balance to my front and back.

    one more thing, dont stop training. With tendonitis it is the worst thing you can do. it will be safer to drop the weight down a little so you dont agravate the rotator and build the strength up in your shoulders so you can up the weight else where.
    Just remember Cryo therapy allows your body to heal many times faster than normal rest etc.
    like i said it really is magic!!

    if all else fails... if you got the cash that is
    get a week long session booked in to the National Athletics Institute in Spala (pronounced, spawa) Poland
    They use cryo chambers there and you will be back to your fittest in no time, a week there is like a month in reality

  3. #3
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow thanks for the info dude, unfortunately money is an issue, but even so that place in poland sounds pretty sweet. I was also considering, as i was afew months ago, the use of IGF-1 for tendon healing. I read up on this theory lots, and it seemed pretty good. I am going to see how this week goes in the gym, up the stretching to that area, and also throw in some direct rotator cuff work

  4. #4
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    wow thanks for the info dude, unfortunately money is an issue, but even so that place in poland sounds pretty sweet. I was also considering, as i was afew months ago, the use of IGF-1 for tendon healing. I read up on this theory lots, and it seemed pretty good. I am going to see how this week goes in the gym, up the stretching to that area, and also throw in some direct rotator cuff work
    Next time it flares up try the ice on your back straight away, you will be amazed how effective it is.
    Get a few cans of deep freeze for it too. Just for straight after you have trained, like i said it will flush out the bad blood and the new stuff.
    I got my cans from the pund shop. so i bought a load of them. if you are struggling reaching the 3 pressure points at the back of your shoulder then get a ice pack for it, i borrowd a mate of mines and it was really good. also another really good thing is those ice bags you see on tv with rugby and boxing, they are the dogs!!!! i ruptured mine though. I found it at JJB.
    and lastly deep heat, but if you can help it only use that the last application because it will counter act the ice.

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