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  1. #1
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    stretching the rotators: muscle or tendon?

    i have started including stretching for the rotator cuffs in my stretching routine, im curious, are the cuffs muscle or tendon? and if they are indeed tendons, will stretching make them more flexible, or is it just going to aid in the warm-up process?

  2. #2
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2007
    Muscle mate.
    Its the tendon at the end of the cuff that connects to the bone that becomes inflamed and presses against the bone.

    Think of it like, Rotator cuffs are weak and cant take the strain. Ok so they dont snap, where does the strain go? to the tendon. Tendon becomes inflamed, and hey presto you have tendonitis. Very common in big benchers.

    If left the treatment for it is different.
    If i am not mistaken tendonitis is short term.
    When it is more of a chronic injury, (long term) it is known as Tendonidis, i think. What ever it is the treatment process is totally different as it is more a degeneration rather than injury then.

    Yeah stretching is a good idea what ever it is, it will aid blood flow and flexibility resulting in the regeneration of the muscle and tendon.
    what ever happens its a must do. Part of the reason people get problems to begin with.

  3. #3
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2007
    I got a similar probelm as you by the sound of it timm, I have been trying acupuncture, i put a post about it last week, have a read.
    Chinese Traditional Medicine for rotator cuffs?

    Anyway ive also though that maybe reflexology may help, im looking in to ways of increasing blood flow to the upper part of the body, if some bird can play with the soles of my feet for an hour a week and make my shoulders get better and bigger then its smiles all round i say.
    Ill have to seek advise on it tho.

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