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  1. #1
    valenti00 is offline New Member
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    Hamstring Injury

    Hey Guys,

    So last nite i was rounding 2nd in my baseball game and as i was rounding it i felt a pop in my right hamstring and came up hobbling. I've always had tight hamstrings and pulled a muscle before but never felt a pop. No swelling or black and blue marks this morning. Do you think it's a slight pull or tear or possibly torn? i was able to walk on it last night with not much discomfort, it's a little tighter this morning but still tolerable. i've got a game tonight and tomorow which i think i'll miss but next thursday is a big game. I've been icing it and put the icy hot patches on it while at work. Any other idea's on what i can do to be rdy by next thursday. Would wrappin it tightly before the game help?

  2. #2
    azz10's Avatar
    azz10 is offline Associate Member
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    reckon u might have pulled it mate. keep icing it for the next 48hrs and maybe check it out with a physio. its highly likely that u'll be out for at least 4-6weeks if its a bad pull.

    wrapping tightly before the game is not going to help if its a bad pull. take some anti-inflammatory to ease the soreness. get a deep tissue massage after 5days, especially on your lower back. most hammy tightness is due to tight backs.

    sorry to hear about your hammy mate. i get alot of hammy strains and pulls given i'm a sprinter.

  3. #3
    xo3et's Avatar
    xo3et is offline Productive Member
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    i pulled/torn my hamstring last Thursday, my leg is now black and bruised. Still hurts a little to walk on but i managed to push through my dead lifts in the gym Its very tight now.

    I would continue the icing and rest as much as you can, if it still hurts then i would consider missing the Thursday game. I only say this as you could put yourself out a lot longer.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    reardbandit's Avatar
    reardbandit is offline Associate Member
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    I did the exact same thing except I was in the outfield going for a fly ball in the gap and it made me go down completely. Luckily the CF was there to snag the ball, because I was on the ground in pain. I can still walk, the pain is tolerable, but I don't think I can run or lift for a bit. I am going to go ahead and do my deload week on my training plan this week and attempt to heal before next Thursday's game.

    Since it has been a bit since this post originally went up, what did you guys do for oyur injury? I didn't hear a pop in my left hammy, but it took me down. I am having a hard time bending over or going up inclines. I have been icing and compressing it since last night

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