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Thread: shoulder injury

  1. #1
    ramoramo86 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    shoulder injury

    Hi fellas

    hope all you guys are doing great im here to update you guys on my progress as well as have 1 question

    first off im 5'9 23 years 8% bf and started my cycle at 160lbs and just started my second week on Tuesday October 27th and happy to say my weight is now 174-175 when i first wake up in the morning. Im taking 450mg of TEST and 250mg of DECA a week all is well and life is great strength is up like crazy and like i said life is AWESOME lol.

    The question i have is has anyone experienced any shoulder pain? my right should hurts me at time ONLY while im working out. I first felt it about a week ago after throwing a football around for about an hour (my first time in 2 years throwing a football around). Now when i do chest or shoulders my right shoulder bothers me, it hurts, its not pain that's unbearable but just a tad bit enough to mess up my work out. 1 time i battled through the pain and worked out but needless to say my workout sucked due to my shoulder. Anyone ever experience this? and if so what can i do about it? im planning on not working out my should for a good 3-5 days then try it again. what do you guys think??

    Thanks for the help fellas

  2. #2
    nusiot is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2003
    i''ll help u out.

    few things; ur situtation is not uncommon im in similar situtaion i have an unstable left shoulder which means, i cant do any chest limited shoulder exercises, and some back ex's. Basically a criple in the gym. i have had my injuriy for a year and a half. I have seen 2 orthopeadic surgeons both recommending surgery, and staying out of the gym, i struggle to put on my seat belt.

    Now the bad news: Your injury could be anything from inmpingment, bicipinal tendinitis, bursitis, frozen shoulder etc....... i dont know or u dont know yet, thats why you have to go see a Dr and gets CT's, x-rays, and MRI's ( i have all of them done) to determine what you have. It could be curable with physio or it may need surgery... Be prepared to be in and out of upper limb specialists, scanning rooms, 2nds opinions the lot its a messy thing these shoulders and the sooner u get med adv the better your chances of recovery. Its a lengthy process because you have to exhaust alot of forms of physio until u find what works for you or if ur like me if ANYTHING works for you.... Now i know your sweating over finishing your cycle; my advice is this, see med advice straight away to get that ball rolling, but if i were you i would finish ur cycle because you dont sound as bad as some shoulder injuries of heard of, coz if u were in real pain im sure you have the sense not to go. DONT do ex's that aggrivate ur shoulder, over the year craddling an injury in the gym has taught me to think of alternatives and i have, do alternatives ex's in the gym that are ok on ur shoulder, and i dont train 100% balls out, you cant afford to do that when ur body is not 100%. You have to accept that you have an inury and have to tame it down a bit, otherwise you will find urself in the emergency ward with ur shoulder facing behind you, your better off being in the gym at 75% than on the side lines for 6 -12 months coz you still kept pushing on at 100%, see my point agree or disagree?!. Good luck with things, inujries are punishing things but thats life. Let me know how you go.
    B.T.W. What sort of TEST are u using coz a 15lb weight gain after one week is very rare on deca and if its a long ester ur using on ur test.. ???

  3. #3
    ramoramo86 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    thanks bro appreciate the help

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