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Thread: Falling apart

  1. #1
    iron_z is offline New Member
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    Falling apart

    Hey everyone, been a consistent reader of this forum. i finally decided to join up, and was hoping to get some suggestions for my situation: recently I have been told I will require surgery on my dominant wrist. I have always had very limited range in my wist ever since I was younger, and nothing has ever been done about it - Finally having this taken care of within the next few weeks by one of the top specialists in wrist surgeries. I am almost looking forward to it cause I think I may have a shoulder impingment issue or it may just been tendonitis. So figured I would get everything taken care of while im staying away from anything upper body related.

    Obviously the best thing to do would be to rest, but I would like to keep at least as much of my lower body gains as possible & maybe work on shredding the midsection durring all of this.

    Thinking about hitting the legs (mainly machines and bodyweight) and calves, abs, and doing soft tissue work with a foam roller to get my shoulder back to 100%. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. I have 5 - 5 mg of tb500 that i will probably save for whenever i have the surgery taken care of. As for the shoulder, it really doesn't hurt ever, it just feels restricted if that makes sense? I have been trying to hit the rear delts with more volume but it almost seems as if my shoulders move in two different ways..obviously lacking balance in rom which takes away from my push days significantly. Also i stay away from pullups & dips beacuse I cant get equal movment from my left shoulder..another thing is that i cant flex my left lat nearly as well as the right one. I realize I am just listing things off but im hoping that maybe someone will have an idea as to what is going on with my left shoulder (had mri done and was told it was tendonitis perviously.. so dont think it a tear or anything of that nature). I sound like i am falling apart but I think with the two months of recovery time ahead of me for my wrist, that I should be able to rehab my shoulder and get everythig moving together again.

    Thank you in advanced for any input/suggestions for my situation

  2. #2
    iron_z is offline New Member
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    By the way I get clicking in the shoulders pretty often..and have noticed my shoulders drift forward so been trying to make a consistent effort to fix this.. Not easy by any means obviously.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    hopefully the TB500 with help with both the wrist and shoulder. Sounds like there may be some genetic issues or you may just need to do a lot of stretching. You can always check with a chiropractor to see if it's an alignment issue.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    hopefully the TB500 with help with both the wrist and shoulder. Sounds like there may be some genetic issues or you may just need to do a lot of stretching. You can always check with a chiropractor to see if it's an alignment issue.
    Agree with the TB500. How's it working out for you LB?

  5. #5
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Puff your chest up and out and pinch your shoulder blades back. Once I started pinching my shoulder blades back I noticed a lot of exercises that would otherwise hurt did not. Don't do any exercises that hurt. Always start out with the lighter weights even if its just 2 lbs and move up. You asked what might be wrong with you I don't know. I have slight scoliosis that has caused my rib cage to rotate slightly forward on one side. My degree of rotation is small enough people don't notice, but its a factor in straight bar type exercises where an assumption is made that both sides of my body are starting at the same position and angle. You may have to live within the limitations of your body. I was told at one point I would never be able to bodybuild by a doctor and should take up swimming. Im really glad I never listened to that doctor but at the same time if your condition is bad enough you have to admit some exercises are not for you. My biceps are possibly my most dominant bodypart because my body is a little wierd with my rotator cuff injury, scoliosis and rotated rib cage. Biceps were a bodypart I figured out I could isolate and get the most bang for my buck on working early on when I was trying to figure out what works and what doesn't for my body. Like me you will probably never be a powerlifter. Instead get a good stretch on exercises with a slow negative and a hard contraction for moderate weight versus very high weight. Good luck and don't let it beat you down you are luckier than a lot of people in this world so don't ever dog yourself or focus on what you can't do instead focus on what you can do.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Agree with the TB500. How's it working out for you LB?
    Well if I used it more regularly like I should and on schedule it would probably be better but I SUCK at following a schedule. It may be helping but no miracle so far.

    Good advice Cherry. I need to remember to do those thing also. I know I should but I need constant reminders.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-30-2012 at 03:19 AM.

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