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  1. #1
    apple2go is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Pain in shoulder

    Sorry if I cant express myself well... Let's see.

    There was an injury in my shoulder about 7 years ago. Docs diagnosed it with MRI as "tear in the anterior part of the joint"(sorry if its not correct, I only know it in my native language, hard to translate it...). After they made the mri it was said my shoulder is healed, no need for further therapy only PT. So I went back to my handball team but my shoulder wasn't allright at all, after every training session I felt my shoulder and back like it was strained. I tried more PT, anti-immflammatories,creams, massage etc but it kept being in pain. I had had to given it up.
    I started a very mild lifting and martial arts but as I remember I almost always felt pain in my shoulder but not as bad as it was when I did handball.

    2 years ago it got worse. I had to skip a lot of training because my shoulder hurt. And a new symptom came: I felt my shoulder very uncomfortable sometimes and if I felt this I just push my collarbone close to my joint and it popped and felt better again. But pain didn't go away. Enough was enough and 11 weeks ago I went to a surgery after 2 different docs suggested it. My labrum was partly tear in the posterior site(first injury was in the anterior side...) even though doc said he didn't have to reattach it as it wasn't as bad(micro tears I guess in it) and he said that my shoulder joint is very loose and maybe I should give up martial arts and WT(thats what I will never accept!).

    I did a lot of PT with a specialist, and I have been doing this for 4 weeks:in the youtube /watch?v=A0ONHZmsFec .
    Last week I went back to MMA training. Coach said I should do another exercises to see if my shoulder works well. So it was a light training without rolling and sparring, I did some light bags, and excercises with bands and small kettlebells. Despite this I felt the pain again...

    So I guess doc didn't do anything good. The problem is my loose joint and thats why my labrum was partially teared. Now I wish to fix it somehow. I don't know what to do, what to use, since I tried the excercises in the video above, and private PT, AImm etc.

    Any suggestion what I should do with my very very loose joint?

    Thank you guys, it is very important for me, I'm barely over 20 and I don't want to behave like a pensioner ("you cant do that just sit in your couch and watch tv")



  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    look into more PT. They are the best to ask those specific questions. you can also look into A.R.T. therapy. A lot of chiropractors use it.

    All else fails try surgery. That's what I did and 1 year later still working on recovery.

  3. #3
    apple2go is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thank you!

    I would appreciete more thoughts.


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