Hello everyone, I recently changed my weightlifting program to focus on the eccentric contraction phase.

I have noticed that my left arm distil biceps tendon is hurting and Im having pain during biceps contraction and hand pronation/supination.

Tendon is still attached and i can feel it (stick my finger underneath it, etc) so I know its not torn but it does feel tender and hurts when I touch it.

I have laid off the training and pain is slowly going away but I wanted to see if anyone else has experience any similar issues.

I also wanted to see if there is any experience with increase tendon pain and injury due to the long eccentric (5 second) load.

I was not using very heavy weight (20lbs) dumb bell curls, fast 1 second concentric, slow 5 second eccentric, reps to failure (10)

But I was doing the eccentric with all workouts, chest, back, shoulders, arms.

Thanks for the input.