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  1. #1
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    Tendon injury and garlic

    Hi everyone,

    Would like some insight

    This is about tendonitis/tendonosis and garlic.

    Main question: Would garlic make a tendon injury worse? If I experience a sudden strange amount of mild pain after eating garlic, does that mean its tendonosis?

    Injury details:
    I have a mild tendon injury in my right bicep tendon that occurred in late May. It occurred near the forearm after doing too many bicep curls, but I didn't feel it until a few hours after the workout. Had some muscle spasms a few hours later. No bruising, pain laster only two days. Took two weeks off, didn't lift until early June. Lifted moderately, avoided bicep curls for a week. Then another week past, did light curls. A few days later did bench press. Two days later after bench press (June 14th) I felt pain in my right shoulder (long head of bicep) and that was constant for about 3 days. Then over the next month it came and went only after I would put excess pressure on my right arm (lifting something, moving something, doing a few pushups, etc). I've laid off it for about a month and now theres almost no pain.... except I feel tenderness after I eat garlic in my food for some odd reason.

    I know garlic strengthens tendons. But if my tendon hurts after eating garlic does that mean tendonitis has turned to tendonosis? After I take over the counter anti-inflammatories I don't notice much pain.

    I'm hoping to begin lifting very lightly in two weeks - granted no persistent pain - at very low intensity. My come back plan to do maybe 3 weeks of low intensity workouts and if pain free for 3 weeks then go back to high intensity. (how does this come back plan sound?)

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    do yourself and everyone around you a favor and ditch the garlic.

    Take a look at TB500 instead.

  3. #3
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    The reason why I wondered if its tendonosis is because I have heard that garlic acts as an anti-inflammatory and I've heard anti-inflammatories make tendonosis worse. On the other hand, I didn't notice much when I took conventional NSAIDs.

  4. #4
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    do yourself and everyone around you a favor and ditch the garlic.

    Take a look at TB500 instead.
    For this magnitude of pain due to lifting, Garlic will do nothing except make you stink.
    Anti-inflammatories make tendonitis worse when they are overdosed for prolonged periods. Not initially. However all they do is mask pain and cause the sufferer to overdue training in some instances. You should be careful with that.
    Look into Tennis and golf elbow stretching exercises. These can help give some relief.
    Most importantly check out what TR says with TB500. ...crazy mike

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