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  1. #1
    bartman314's Avatar
    bartman314 is offline Productive Member
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    Sep 2013

    broken ribs and shoulder blade

    i broke 5 ribs and one shoulder blade four weeks ago and have been in a sling since. on monday i see the doc to likely get rid of the sling. he will of course have some thoughts regarding PT, and i would like to tap into the collective wisdom here regarding recovery after such an injury.

    prior to my motorcycle crash i was on a 6 day routine, 2-3 muscle groups/routine, 2x each group/week (~10 h/w lifting).

    i've come back from broken ribs before and know there are some exercises (e.g, flat bench) that are tough.

    anyone have any thoughts on how best to come back (quickly while minimizing chance of delaying healing)?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is online now HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    East Coast Dungeon
    Have you read any of the TB-500 logs here? If not, check them out. Times Roman and Bass both have one running.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth
    As KelKel said 100%

    U wanna use everything u can to heal as WELL as possible. So things like
    Tb500/msm crystals/etc etc. Prefect diet. Especially b4 bed. Good safe stretching to ensure you have full movement just don't push it. You'll only set urself bk.

    N get well soon.

  4. #4
    bartman314's Avatar
    bartman314 is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    green light!

    saw the doc today - shoulder has healed well. he gave me the green light to go at it :-)

    4 weeks ago (the day of the crash), i was 215 w/ 10-12% bf. today i am 200 w slightly higher bf. that equates to muscle mass loss of ~1/2 lb/day. i only hope it comes back as quickly (but we all know it won't be easily).

    also, i found a source (very cost effective based on my research) for trt and hrt, which i'll be starting ASAP. the trt protocol is:

    200mg of test cyp weekly
    700-1000ius of HCG weekly
    1-2mg of anastrozole weekly

    the hrt will be

    Sermorelin GHRP2 (GHRP6)

    how does the trt protocol sound? also, what dosage should i target for ghrp6? finally, is there any reason not to start ASAP?

    regarding suggestions (thanks kel and major) i haven't found a source for tb-500, and would really appreciate an email (i'm a newb, and not yet up to my quota to send pm's). rest assured - i am huge on diet and sleep (i'm 50 yo and a seasoned gym rat, just new to the aas scene)

    i'll post occasional notes on recovery. may this be the last time i have to come back from injury!

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