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  1. #1
    dredlifter is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Odd Mid-back pain

    So last week I had some strange light mid-back pain, about halfway up my back right on the spine. It wasn't super painful, maybe a 3/10 on the pain scale, and only occured when I would hunch or roll my back forward, like if you were bending over to tie your shoe or rolling your back up when doing crunches. I'm not positive of what exactly caused it, I suspect maybe I was doing push press and arching my back a bit too much, but I would though that would've targeting my lower back more...

    I know back injuries are not to be taken lightly so I took 4 days off last week and did some lighter, very strict form workouts for the past few days and pain is nearly gone.

    Anyone ever had something like this happen?

  2. #2
    Tanner Chambers is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Never had it happen to me, but ive seen grown men wheeled out of the gym for not taking care of their back tweaks. glad to hear you took a couple days off, you might also consider getting a deep tissue massage from a massage therapist to make sure your muscles are aligned correctly. Hope everything heals well, and good luck!

  3. #3
    30blue03 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Depends on what the pain felt like, nerve pain, muscle pain, bone pain. The information you provide is vague so its hard to say, but I've worked with many mid back pain patients, the best I can say if it feels better resume your program starting lightly and progressing from there, if it comes back visit the Dr.

    Number of things can occur at the spine mid-back level, small and large muscles deep and superficial run the length of the spine connecting vertebrae to vertebrae or axial muscles to appendicular muscles. Many small joints at the midback level as well, ribs to vertebrae, and vertebrae to vertebrae. Also many ligaments that attach spinous process to spinous process, transverse to transverse, ALL, PLL, all could have been injured.

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