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  1. #1
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Sciatic Nerve Pain

    So basically I pinched a nerve in my back this past November by doing heavy dead lifts. I've been to two chiropractors and an orthopedic. I've had X-rays and a MRI. All three specialists I've went to all agree I have a slipped disc, "Spondylolisthesis" is the term they used I do believe. At first I walked with a heavy limp but now the progression has slightly gotten better and I just have pain in my right calf and sometimes ankle. There's times were I can run and do activities that put a lot of strain on the discs in my back but I wont have any flair ups. Then there are days when there is a sharp knot of pain in my calf and ankle. Between treatment with chiropractors and trying Prednisone through the Orthopedic I'm at a stand still on my progression. The orthopedic has offered a epidural shot or surgery but I'm not trying to go down that route yet. I want to lift again and do daily workouts, but I also want my sciatic pain to go away. The chiropractor I believe is now out of the picture since I'm not improving. Anyone out there experience the same thing or can share some exercise I can do to not strain my pinch nerve and cause my sciatic to flare up.

  2. #2
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    I would definitely do the epidural its not a miracle cure but it helps me tremendously not everyone has the results I have with them but in my case it beats the surgery that it would take and its not a for sure fix.

  3. #3
    ScotsRow1 is offline New Member
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    Have you tried self myofascial release on your glutes/hamstrings/calves? Basically self massage on a lacrosse ball & foam roller. Some people don't believe it does much but from experience of sciatic nerve pain it helped me a lot! A lot of relief could be achieved from loosening off your glutes! may cry the first time!!

  4. #4
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    I have heard mixed results with the epidural so im a little hesitant on going ahead with it, and no I haven't tried lacrosse ball or foam roller. I will look into myofascial since I have never heard of it, thanks.

  5. #5
    Imperator is offline Junior Member
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    I had a pinched psiatic nerve for my left leg plus also a pulled muscle on my lower left back and my lower right back.

    I went through physical therapy for three months plus they had me doing stretches with the foam roller on my own time.

    It took a while but i eventually made a full recovery. Did they give you physical therapy as an option?

  6. #6
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Two things.

    First, research into piriformis stretches. Same thing happened to me..hurt during squats 4 years ago..knot in my knee on the side and on my back in hip area with slipped discs in 2 vertebrae. Doc said it was a tight hamstring that caused it (wrong analysis come to find out). Doc said they would look into back surgury after I lost some weight. Fast forward 4 years and no weight improvement and then a doc finally seeing I had low testosterone . Two months on trt and the discs in my back are 80% better and the weight is falling off. The issue was the pain and two knots were still in place.
    Second, a member here had said to look into piriformis and it was the real story, not sciatica. Found the stretches and it is improving each week. Doc here said he tests for piriformis via giving a muscle relaxant and watching "what happens". What happened was all was cool until the relaxant hit the tendon muscle n the pelvis that pinches the nerve... All at one time the knot in my knee and back disappear in the matter of 5 seconds and a pain the likes I have never experienced before occurs in my knee (blood flowing unrestricted..lactic acid build up clearing...painful as all get out. Some large dose of tramadol and 15 minutes later my body functioned normally. Five days later after the relaxant had left the body it was back to knots. Doc said do the stretches and continue losing the weight and will look at surgery on the pelvis to cut the tendon. The Discs will heal on their own and it is backward to operate on them first if they are just slipped and no herniated.

    So is my story.

  7. #7
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for sharing that glad to hear you are doing better. I have had workouts and stretches given to me by a chiropractor but that's really about it.

  8. #8
    ScotsRow1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by areichert View Post
    I have heard mixed results with the epidural so im a little hesitant on going ahead with it, and no I haven't tried lacrosse ball or foam roller. I will look into myofascial since I have never heard of it, thanks.
    Let us know how it goes! Just be sure to get a durable foam roller that has a PVC core. Otherwise it gets all out of shape. "The grid" is the one I use.

  9. #9
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    There are days were I can run full speed and even lift weights with no pain at all. Then there are the days that will consist of a sharp knots of pain in my ankle and calf. Overall the pain level has dropped big time since the initial injury, but I still have discomfort that prevents me of doing a lot of things. Flexibility is something that has gotten worse, I can't even touch my toes anymore. Very frustrating injury, but hey it could be worse!

  10. #10
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    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ive had many many pinched sciatic nerve issues in the past. Herniated discs and ruptured disk.

    As far as I'm concerned I will NEVER do another epidural injection. I have had a few that did not hurt bad but did very little to no good. I have had a few that HURT like fvck and also did not good. I have read to many horror stories of people getting them and being 10x worse or even paralyzed after.

    2 things help and quickly. #1 ice. You have to do it consistently for it to work. 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, repeat 3x in a row 2 - 3x a day for at least 2 days.
    #2 if ice does not work get a prescription for Prednisone and you should start feeling better in 24 hrs and 90% in 3-4 days.

    Stretching has done little for me. Inversion also only a little and DONT do any inverted situps when you have a disc issue. That's how I ruptured my L5/S1 and was paralyzed for 2 weeks until I had surgery.

  11. #11
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for sharing your experience and advice.

  12. #12
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    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by areichert View Post
    Thank you for sharing your experience and advice.
    No problem. Let us know how you progress and what helps or doesnt help for you also.

  13. #13
    ScotsRow1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by areichert View Post
    There are days were I can run full speed and even lift weights with no pain at all. Then there are the days that will consist of a sharp knots of pain in my ankle and calf. Overall the pain level has dropped big time since the initial injury, but I still have discomfort that prevents me of doing a lot of things. Flexibility is something that has gotten worse, I can't even touch my toes anymore. Very frustrating injury, but hey it could be worse!
    Flexibility won't really improve while mobility is restricted. Think about it this way, if you tie a knot in an elastic band and stretch it...what happens? It gets tighter. Same can be said for muscles. Need to get the knots out first...ideally by someone who can before ART (active release techniques), but if not with self massage tools (foam roller etc).

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