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  1. #1
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    pain in lower shoulder

    Ive had a very annoying pain in my shoulder for a few months now during my chest and shoulder workouts. It started out very mild and has progressed into a very sharp pain. I used to be able to work around it in hopes that it would go away, but has only seemed to have gotten worse. It seems to be in my right lower lateral delt, where it meets my upper bicep. At first it would only hurt when doing certain pressing exercises and lateral raises, but now hurts on almost all presses, flys, and raises.

    During any of those movements, the majority of the pain is right in the middle of my upper arm between the shoulder and bicep. But can also be felt in my upper lower arm, where my bicep and forearm meet, and in my neck. Any idea what this is or what i can do to get some relief or help heal it? Ive already taken lots of time off, and about to go to a specialist. Any opinions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    nate10's Avatar
    nate10 is offline Associate Member
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    Been dealing with basicly same thing u described for 2 years , diagnosed as bursitis/impigmantation. Sucks took 2 months off last year after got mri , and did 2 months therapy didnt help sht.
    This year earlyer in the year i did another 3 month rest , cortisone shot and 3 months therapy , still no relief. Shoulders are the worst bro . Try lay off and see a doc, dont make it worst like i did by pushing it , and im still pushing it lmao. My reasons was bad posture and litte bit of winged scapula. Currently running a test deca cycle, helped relieve the pain a lot. But i still feel it there , but im masking the pain witch is bad ideia that i could make it worst once the deca cycle is done.
    But im doing a lot of rehab exercises and doing back 2x week. Also doing alot of lower trap exercises to see if helps , and when the deca clears im feeling better. Got my hopes up.

  3. #3
    haggendaz is offline New Member
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    Hey buddy, so sorry to hear about your pain. Injuries can be a frustrating process to deal with. What kind of specialist are you going to see? How old are you? It kinda sounds like Bicep Tendinitis ( I am not a doctor and not trying to diagnosis this). What does your back routine look like, you might need to balance the chest and back out. Sometimes we focus on the chest muscle(mirror muscle) and lack the back muscles(muscle we don't see in the mirror). You might even need to drop presses for a couple of weeks and focus on pulling (pull ups, rows, etc.) as long as it doesn't aggravate the bicep/shoulder. Shoulder rehab exercises might help as well, these exercises you would get from a Physical Therapist or google. A good Chiropractor could help as well but are hard to find so you would have to do some research. Find one that does ART(Active Release Technique) but they can get pricey.
    Also when you do go work out get a solid warm up program. Google Joe Defranco OR Smitty Diesle shoulder warm up. Think about getting a lacrosse ball so you can dig it into the shoulder and pecs. It hurts like hell during but in the long run is well worth it and a foam roller will work as well but not as good. These are all ideas and should always consult with your doctor to make sure its not a more serious injury. I hope some of this help and good luck in your road to recovery.

  4. #4
    haggendaz is offline New Member
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    Also before I forget, you may need to back off the squats for a couple of weeks as well. I know I know blasphemy right. Back squats do put a little strain on the shoulders. Dont worry you will squat again when the shoulder feels better. Plenty of other leg exercises to keep you busy while on the road to recovery.

  5. #5
    hooligans luck is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds to be scard up, do to not letting it rest and heal. Gau sha'ing
    The scard area and moving blood into the inflamed area could be your answer.

  6. #6
    Chauffeur is offline Associate Member
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    Shoulder injuries can be difficult to diagnose. There is a lot of overlap in symptoms of various shoulder injuries, and referred pain can make it tough to zero in on the problem area.

    I had pain exactly like you're describing, and mine ended up being a labral tear.

    Others may have similar pain in the presence of a rotator cuff strain/tear, bursitis, or impingement syndrome.

    Unfortunately, and MRI/A is the only true way to know what's really going on in there.

  7. #7
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry for the late reply, broke my phone and just got a new one today. Im 31 years old. Im gonna try a chiropractor first and see what he recomends me to do. He also helped me out with my other shoulder when i was having problems with that one. I was very surprised that he was able to do that, i also had a shot of cortisone so im sure that aided. But almost 3 years later and no pain in that one.

    I can actually get thru a back workout, except for pull downs or pull ups...that kind of irritates it. So i have to tweek that movement around. Biceps are also difficult, hammer curls or reverse curls get it going. But chest and shoulder workouts are the one where i can feel it almost thru the entire workout

  8. #8
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    Haggendaz, my chest definitely over powers my back...or at least it used to lol. I do have to be careful on my back i said pull ups or pull downs kill it if i go a little heavy, and sometimes barbell rows will hurt it. Most compound movements for any upper body movement make it hurt which really sucks bc those are always my favorite. Squats do hurt it too, or just both shoulders in general...but its such a good movement. Ive been laying off those anyways bc my knees started hurting a few months ago. I feel like im falling apart getting old, and im not even that old yet!

    Nate, ive been wanting to do another cycle with deca mainly for the benefits of joint lube. But i think your right, i think that will just mask it and make it worse in the end. Deca is definitely on my list whenever i can do another cycle

  9. #9
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Op sounds like the bicep tendon could be out of the groove or some joint impingement. A chiropractor with shoulder expertise should be able to reset the tendon and possibly help with the impingement. I went to an acupuncturist for my impingement issues and it helped tremendously. Also you could have some stress fractures in the AC joint and only rest will help. I had them before and they were seen on an x-ray. Heavy chest work can cause the fractures. Best of luck.

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