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Thread: Chest workouts with ahoulder injury

  1. #1
    TNhXc87's Avatar
    TNhXc87 is offline New Member
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    Chest workouts with ahoulder injury

    I hurt my should about 3 months back... I was doing incline dumbbells when I felt something pop... anyways since then it's been bothering me and I havent been able to hit chest as hard as I'd like...

    It's healed up a good bit now, I went to a message therapist a couple times and she worked most of the kinks out, but still everytime chest day rolls around it's really sore that night and the next couple days.

    What I'm wandering is... what would be some good lifts to do where I can still hit effectively but not be so sore and worry bout injuring it again or worse maybe.

    I've found It mostly hurts after fly's and if I try going heavy on the flat or incline bench.
    I don't have as much trouble with dumbbell presses at any angle and I can do flat and decline bench as long as I don't go really heavy and really concentrate on my form, but I'm not able to put on much mass like this, and chest is a weak area for me so I really need to be able to hit it good...

    Any advice would be most appreciated.

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Stop, heal it and restart when fully healed.

    Forcing it will just get it worse.

    You have time, its not a race.
    bartman314 and thall1 like this.

  3. #3
    bartman314's Avatar
    bartman314 is offline Productive Member
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    see a doc or physical therapist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. different types of injuries require different treatments. it's best to know than try to adapt and guess at it. although pain is usually a good general indicator of doing damage, there are exercises for example to help strengthen and improve the rotator cuff, for example.

  4. #4
    TNhXc87's Avatar
    TNhXc87 is offline New Member
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    I actually have taken off close to two months to let it heal. I still would go to the gym but I wouldn't do anything that would put stress on it, so like legs, cardio, core, things like that. Now I can even hit shoulders and arms without it bothering me at all. It only gets sore after doing chest. It doesn't hurt anywhere near what it did like I say it's only when I do specific movements now.

    I've only started attempting to work chest within the past 3 week or so.
    Don't have the option to get medical treatment but I do go get it worked on every chance I get and that seems to provide a ton of relief.

  5. #5
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Great advice above, just will add one thing. If with rest, therapy,it's not improving, get an MRI to see the extent of your injury. Actually, it's been 3 months now, a good idea to get one.

  6. #6
    TNhXc87's Avatar
    TNhXc87 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Great advice above, just will add one thing. If with rest, therapy,it's not improving, get an MRI to see the extent of your injury. Actually, it's been 3 months now, a good idea to get one.
    Its improved quite a bit at this point. I don't have insurance so I've basically been just having to do things on my own to help it heal. The best thing I've done is getting a couple massages, which has really helped it out a lot.

    Basically now its at a point where I'm able to start working my chest again, but it just still gets a little sore afterwards... nothing terrible but just enough to be a little bit annoying and only with certain types of lifts.

    What I'd like to know is, since It mostly gets aggravated when I do heavy bench, and flys, what are good ways of still putting on mass without doing these movements. Like I say I can do dumbbell presses without it bothering me too much but that is only going to get me so far. I can do bench if I go with light weight and focus on my form, but I'm going to see results with light weight on the bench? I can do declines without it bothering me at all too...

  7. #7
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    I've had a cuff tear for years, but at 57 and two other surgeries behind me, not looking forward to the cuff repair, though it's inevitable. It's month by month with me regarding exercise selection. For me it has to do with the angle of motion, so I rely upon different machines. Oddly though, for some reason, have been able to do free-weight incline bench, have no idea why, but this is he only free-weight pressing motion ( chest or shoulder) I can tolerate. Man do I love HAmmer machines though.

  8. #8
    zenvost1 is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like serious injury 3 months it maybe not enough I suggest you to stop train your chest and shoulder and any exercise that put stress on that joint. And see a good doc and good therapist that have knowledge with shoulder healing movements I found glucosamine usefull for the injury and rotator cuff exercises to heal the shoulder. Do cardio if you don't want stop and train other muscles.

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Its something you may need to experiment with. If an exercise is awkward or uncomfortable I wouldn't do it. I would also work that weight back up SLOWLY.

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