I’m coming to the end of week 2 of my cycle, this is what has happened so far.

This is how the cycle looked at the outset.

1 – 6 anavar 60mg/day
1 – 10 primo 700mg/wk

All of the gear is **, supplied by a trusted source.

Supps to be taken along side the aas are :-

Milk Thistle 900mg/day (Liver)
Tyler Detox Factors 2 tabs/day(Liver)
Policosanol 20mg/day(cholesterol)
Saw Paletto 900mg/day (prostate)
ALA (anti-oxidant)
Multi Vit & Min 1tab/day
Vit C 1000mg 1tab/day

So the first thing I noticed was instead of taking 1 tablet of vit & min every day, I am now taking 17 tablets. I rattle nicely.

I’ve read that var can sometimes give people an upset stomach, but for the first three days people really didn’t want to be in the same room as me. In fact my farts smelt so bad that I genuinely feared that after a night in bed I’d wake up with asthma !

Fortunately things cleared up after the first week.

I started to notice some strength increase during the second week and am looking forward to the rest of the var cycle.

So onto the primo.

I injected 2ml into my right thigh on the first day of the cycle.

The next 12 hours were fine. But after 24 hours my leg was seriously beginning to hurt. After 48 hours I could barely walk and I had to abandon training legs at the gym.
I also had to start making excuses why I was limping so badly.

So with my right leg still very painful I injected another 2ml into my left thigh.
Now I’m not new to injecting into my thighs and my technique and preparation is by the book, so I was struggling to understand why primo should be so painful.

So by now my right leg is painful. There is a definite lump on my thigh. There is no redness and it’s not hot.
My left leg is now beginning to cripple me, with similar symptoms.

To cut a long story short I did one more injection in my right glute. All the shots hurt so much that I couldn’t sleep properly at night and I couldn’t train properly at the gym.

This is obviously no good. I did a little research on the forums I visit and it seems that experiences with ** Primo are mixed. Some will say that it is virtually painless and others will say that it is so painful that they simply had to stop using it.

I like many others assume that people who say they were crippled by these things didn’t want it enough or were just being big girls! But then I noticed that all the people who were crippled, were using ** primo that were from the same batch.
Manufactured 08 2005. The same batch that I was using.

I had assumed that all of my 8 bottles were from this batch, but I just happened to have a look at my other bottles and it turns out I have 3 manuf 08 2005 and 5 bottles that were manuf. 04 2005.

I have now done 3 more injections with the 04 2005 batch and can tell you with a big smile on my face that it is completely painless !!!

So back to back testing of different batches of ** Primo and a week of pain means that if anyone is thinking using ** primo just make sure you DON’T get the 08 2005 batch.

One other thing I’ve learned.

When I first started the cycle I was unbelievably tired.
I put this down to the var, as the primo wouldn’t have kicked in by then.

It was really quite debilitating, I’d get up, have breakfast and then go to the gym and literally wander round in a daze with no energy at all.

Basically it turned out to be the ala.
I was taking it with my carb meals and then afterwards I’d look grey, feel really tired and drained of energy. I’ve stopped taking it and I feel 100% again.

I know it affects insulin sensitivity in some way or other, so I assume that is the problem. If anyone has a better understanding and can help me with this I’d appreciate it. I’ve got a tonne of the stuff in powdered form and don’t want to waste it.

Well that’s it for the first two weeks.

I am loving the var strength increases. Primo hasn’t done anything yet but at least it’s painless now. I need to order some more to replace to bottles I will be throwing away.

I will probably write a weekly update.