Hey guys,

First things first....Stats.

25 years old
Training for 5 years
185 lbs 6"1
12-13% bf

I finished up my first cycle about a year ago and am keen to start another. First cycle was a cut cycle consisting of Prop and Winny. They both stung a little for a while, but no where near some of the horror stories I've read on here. Just a short one...6 weeks;
1-6 Prop - 500mg/wk
3-6 Winny - 10mg/ed
6-9 Nolva

I ended up gaining about 3lbs, but lost about 2 inches off my waist and looked waaaay larger. I was impressed. Now, I'm looking to bulk. After much research I've decided to go with a longer cycle. Here's what it looks like.

1-4 prop - 500mg/wk
1-10 eq - 500mg/wk
1-10 sust - 500mg/wk
Run Nolva throughout and pct with Clomid

My diet is tight and I'm pumped to eat like a truck after the eq settles in.

Any comments or suggestions are more than welcome. Lovin' this board.
