12-17-2002, 07:26 AM #1
Winter mass cycle, dbol bridge and cutting cycle!
Okay, i started my mass cycle today and here it is:
week 1-10 test 1000mg
week 1-10 eq 600mg
week 1-6 dbol 50ed
week 8-13 tren 80mg ed or 6-13????????
week 12-13 prop 100ed
week 1-14 arimidex
week 14-16 comid
weel 17-24 dbol bridge 10mg am
Ok, my stats are now 224 lbs and i have 15%. My goal is to gain 15-20lbs muscle, so my weight will hopefully go close to 250, and i try to avoid fat gains. I try to focus maxium strenght on bench press, and i hope it will be 40-45 pounds more after this cycle. For hairloss i will use finasteride, nizoral and spirolactone. I just watch that i get at least 350g protein and try to eat as much i can. I dont count calories, but i bet they will be close to 4000-5000.
After i have finished dbol bridge, i will start cutting cycle for summer. I will go to army fo r3 months in april, so it must be oral only cycle. I was thinking sometihg like this:
week 1-8 winstrtol 100mg ed
week 1-8 anavar 40mg ed
week 9-11 clomid
plus clen , eca and t3.
I try to get my bf% to 8-10% with this cycle. I dont wanna be ripped to bones, just lean.
I will keep u updatedLast edited by Joel_Juice; 12-17-2002 at 07:32 AM.
12-17-2002, 02:05 PM #2
Run the fina 6-13. Run the prop 11-13 instead of 12-13, no point in leaving a gap of 1 week with no test (week 11). If you can afford it, run the arimidex through clomid to minimize an estrogen rebound.
As for your next cycle, I would not advise running 2 17AA's together for that long of a period, even though var is mild, you have 100mg/ED of winny in there. I know one guy who thought he was smart by trying to run 100mg ED of winny for 8 weeks, he had to cut the cycle short and now he is on the waiting list for a liver transplant. Just food for thought. I would suggest dropping the winny and running the var for as long as you can at like 50-60mg/ED, that will cut you up nicely and won't be as hard on your liver.
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