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  1. #1
    jasperhup is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    jasperhup gets buff

    so i'm about to start my virgin cycle.

    been dieting (cleaner diet, not super super low cals tho) down to about 234 at 6'4". took some bad picks, think they make me look worse than i do, but clearly i need to up my abs, be leaner, and work on the arms and delts in a big way. 32 years old been lifting for a while, have had too much time off and too many injuries tho.

    50mgs test prop
    50mgs mast prop
    every day

    (yes i know pinning will hurt my virgin muscles, i'll tell you how i handle it!)
    will run hcg 200ius ever 2 days
    adex .25 mgs EOD
    hopefully this keeps my nuts working and stops the shut down

    it's an 8 week cycle, w 4 weeks of pct of

    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20 per day for each of the 4 weeks.

    will also up my melanotan 2 intake and hit the bed 2 to 3 times a week (cooking off acne).

    planning on (for first 3 weeks) cardio every morning, and every evening. about 30 min or so, fairly hard. will back that off into the cycle to aim for more muscle when i figure i'm close to single % BF (about 13 or 14 now i'd say). lift weights 3 or 4 times a week.

    diet: bit of junk (beagle and cream cheese in the morning, coffee cream and sugar) but other than that it's veggies, cottage cheese, chicken, lean ground beef, protein shakes. about 300 or so grams of protein a day, aim for under 3k cals for the first 3 weeks.

    hi lights of today at gym.

    bench up to 265 for 4 -- left wing isn't great, have done more should narrow up grip
    225 for 10 or 11 (just a burn out)

    romanian dead lifts off of 2 plates
    up to 3 sets of 5 or 6 with 160kgs -- w some shrugs -- pretty good
    Upper back row machine 3 sets
    barbell hammer curls (and right arm isn't great, at least i'm balanced lol)
    one arm triceps 3 super sets
    some laterals and light arms
    bit of cardio.

    well i'm off to shower, eat and pin, lets hope i make it!

  2. #2
    jasperhup is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    3 daily pinnings in (need to pin before work outs, evidently going to sleep on a fresh injection = ultra pain. no shit, it ****ing kills!!!!!)

    felt HUGE test flu today, couldn't do cardio (and my quads were so so so sore, i couldn't do stairs during the day from the pinning. i did warm them up with some nice deep squats when working out tho, i kept holding my breath and almost passed out, but whatever). couldn't eat my (admittedly disgusting job) lean stuff so i had to eat some junk just to get some cals in. felt like i was on a bottle of effy, just sweaty and head rushed all day at work. need more zoloft.

    ok workout

    bent rows up to 125kg for 2 of 5 or 6, 100 for about 14. need to keep knees bent on heavy sets, maybe not pinning thighs the night before would help.
    seated db press 70,75,75,75 started strong and just hit the wall early. no food or sleep and i think the effect of the mast is kicking in.

    chins w 50 3 of 5 or 6
    dips w 60 8, 8, 6 -- like someone took the life right out of me.

    some shrugs w 125dbs, and some lovely elbow tendinitis in my right arm so i did some half assed arms and called it a day. need to ice that shit down.

    skipping cardio tonight, back on it in the morning. i'm still way too fat.

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