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  1. #1
    rebekka59's Avatar
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    Rebekka's HGH and Test E log

    Yes! I am a female taking steroids !

    Here is the GOOD, BAD, and the UGLY...and the stuff girls don't want to talk about but I WILL.

    Since I am on HGH and test enth, I cannot attribute certain and exact things to each compound. However, I believe the test e is responsible for most so far! I am taking 2 IU's hgh 6ds 1off in my abs, and 25 mgs test enth e3ds in my glutes.

    After 6 weeks:
    the GOOD
    -Gained 5 lbs-I feel solid as a rock-biggest gains in my back and arms
    -Strength increase in the gym is unbelievable-the guys looking at me sideways LOL
    -my muscles are bigger and HARDER
    -my cardio endurance is better
    -have more energy
    -my appetite has increased
    -mood has improved, but that can be attributed to to many things!
    -I feel like my eyesight, which is 20/20 has gotten even clearer
    -my face looks younger and brighter, my cheeks filled out-(probably bloat) and the line on my neck has disappeared. Ladies-I quit wearing foundation I do not need it.
    -my eyelashes are getting longer
    -The little bit of cellulite I had on my buttocks is COMPLETELY GONE, even when I pinch it together
    -My boobs are bigger, and my nipples are fuller

    The BAD
    -My skin is much oilier, and just this week I had to switch shampoos bc my scalp is oily like when I was a kid
    -Did get 1 big boil under my breast that was NASTY, but that has now gone, took about 2-3 weeks to disappear, and I'm always on the lookout for a new one haha
    -Bloat, bloat, bloat
    -my upper thighs are MUCH MUCH bigger, for the first time in my life they RUB together-this one's personal-my bf thinks they look great but I have grown out of most of my shorts
    -I have some bloat on my neck and sometimes I feel like I have a double chin that I have become self-conscious about

    The UGLY
    -This is weird, but sometimes I feel like my skin is crawling
    -Having bizarre dreams
    -My aggression is up-I want to kick someone's ass just don't know who ,LOL!!
    -My pubic hair, which I have been shaving bald for 20 years, is growing back thicker and coarser making it very hard to shave smooth

    If you get offended easily, do not read THIS
    -Yes, my already high sex drive is literally through the roof, probably going to put my bf in an early grave haha!! 2-3 times a day-minimum
    -Yes, my clit is more swollen, it's like when you're sexually excited but it's like that 24/7
    -My orgasms are stronger and longer
    -I have dreams about fukking an entire football team, but hey, it's only a dream!!!

    Any questions, feel free to ask! I'll add anything new soon.

    Last edited by rebekka59; 08-19-2010 at 02:58 PM.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

    Nice contribution to the board.

    How long have you been on the test?

  3. #3
    Permatripp is offline New Member
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    Rebekka you are a pioneer for women everywhere my gf just started lifting with me and she loves it too. I applaud you

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    Interesting log, i presume you mean 25mgs of test e3d's???

    And btw, i play football
    Last edited by Matt; 08-19-2010 at 02:53 PM.
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Subbed. This will be the log of the year, guaranteed.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    wooow what a post,

    welcome hope you stick around

  7. #7
    rebekka59's Avatar
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    Yes, I have been taking 25 mgs of test enth e3ds now for 6 weeks. Right now I can't wait to go to the gym, tonight is chest night, among other things..
    Last edited by rebekka59; 08-19-2010 at 02:57 PM.

  8. #8
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    What type of training are you undertaking at the moment? And what are your overall goals with this log?

  9. #9
    rebekka59's Avatar
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    My training is cardio at least 1 hr 4x wk, right now cycling. Weights I do;
    mon-bi's, tri's, calves
    tues-back, delts

    My goals for this log are simple-to provide my experience from a female's perspective using test enth.

    Also, I would like to get bigger, stronger, faster, look younger, feel great, and have more sex....just like you guys.

    Thanks for all your support people!!!!
    Last edited by rebekka59; 08-20-2010 at 08:44 AM.

  10. #10
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Good goals.

    I want to point out on your training day; does directly recruiting your biceps hinder your back performance the following day by chance? Taking into consideration the bicep is the secondary muscle group being utilitzed on back day, I can't fathom training a secondary muscle group prior to the day I'm training it.

  11. #11
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Great to see this sort of thing from a female member

  12. #12
    rebekka59's Avatar
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    No, training back the day after biceps doesn't bother me-I just make sure I do my chin-ups/pull-ups first thing on Tuesday. Not only that-training back is my favorite.

  13. #13
    vishus's Avatar
    vishus is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    wow, this log fuking rocks! never seen one like this before, will DEFINITELY keep reading for the weeks to come

  14. #14
    glover's Avatar
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    Do you plan on competing or just getting in better shape? Where are you injecting? How much do you weigh? My wife is taking 20mg var a day and has really gotten hard.

    Why are you taking Enthanate? How many weeks? Thx

  15. #15
    bigboomer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebekka59 View Post
    My training is cardio at least 1 hr 4x wk, right now cycling. Weights I do;
    mon-bi's, tri's, calves
    tues-back, delts

    My goals for this log are simple-to provide my experience from a female's perspective using test e.

    Also, I would like to get bigger, stronger, faster, look younger, feel great, and have more sex....just like you guys.

    Thanks for all your support people!!!!
    WelcomeDefineately will be following your thread..Exciting to see a womens experiences with test e..I wish you the best,and hope you stay around a here a while..And hope to see some pics soon!!

  16. #16
    Ishallnocheatmyself's Avatar
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    Oh man dont be one of the women who can bench press there boy friends that makes them feeeeel sooo baddd. i curl my girl as a joke, thats where the line is lol. jokin of course good luck with everything, post some pictures this is something i have'nt seen yet and i want to see how the gains willl happen in a women. Niceeee

  17. #17
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Thats quite a bit of test. My wife ran 25 ew with GH and got great results. You might want to see how it goes and lower that a little, going to be tough coming off of that much test. My wife had a hormonal imbalance when she came off along with bacne. Whats your pct look like ?

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  18. #18
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Thanks A LOT Rebekka. Great Post

    Again WELCOME!
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 08-21-2010 at 11:38 AM. Reason: added

  19. #19
    Ishallnocheatmyself's Avatar
    Ishallnocheatmyself is offline Associate Member
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    Females can be great.

  20. #20
    rebekka59's Avatar
    rebekka59 is offline Female Member
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    Hello again, just wanted to say thanks again for all your support!! I have some updates, some things I forgot, and some questions to answer, so thanks for reading. I do want to add that no matter how crazy some of this stuff is, I swear it is all TRUE.

    Week 7

    -My progress at the gym is absolutely amazing. I am benching my own weight (140 lbs) and this is a personal best. I am very proud of myself, mainly because my previous pb was 125 lbs- and that was when I was 25 yrs old and now I'm 42!!
    -My arms are exploding and my back is getting thick, for example, when I roll my head back I can feel my trap-it's BIZARRE to me
    -My cycling is getting faster and my legs are PUMPED when I'm done, feels like they're the skin is going to explode on my quads and hamstrings
    -My usual flat muscular ass is getting a little ghetto (don't know how much I like this but when I wear shorts the DUDES seem to like it, also my bf can f**k me from behind without smashing his pubic bone now)
    -EVEN THOUGH I AM GAINING WEIGHT, GETTING BIG AND MUSCULAR (5'4" at 140lbs), I am getting unsolicited compliments from people telling me how great I look

    -Starting to get a little acne-but the zits are bigger than what I'm used to
    -My feet and hands are bloated
    -My menstrual cycle is 16 days late (more info in a paragraph about this at the end of this post)

    -I am NOT prone to yeast infections, maybe have had 2 my entire life, but for a few weeks I felt like I was always on the VERGE of one

    Potentially offensive stuff-meaning, SEX stuff (LOL)
    -I have noticed that IF I DON"T GET MY SEX when I want my sex-I can feel my temper rising and I want to rip off my bf's head and sh*t down his throat, but mostly he is obliging
    -I am completely sex obsessed-and FGS thought I was bad before haha!!!
    -My bf swallowed 5 mouthfuls of my cum last Sunday-the most he ever got before this cycle was 2
    -Still having fantasies about screwing an entire football team-the quarterback, then the offensive line, the defensive line, the coaches, waterboys, camara-men, get the idea. I did tell my bf he could go first-heehee...

    Also, so far I have NONE of these side-effects
    -man hair
    -deeper voice
    -huge clit
    -my breasts not getting smaller, actually bigger

    Ok, I have no plans on competing, ever. I'm not interested, but you guys who are, great-have at it!
    No, women do NOT need PCT.
    I picked test enth because it WORKS.

    About my menstrual cycle-I think this is important. First, I have 2 children who are in their early teens and I have no desire to have any more babies. I wasn't worried a bit about the effects of test on my fertility. But, since there is NO chance I am pregnant-my bf has a vasectomy and I am monogamous-I am hugely surprised that I missed my period so soon. Every once a while I get cramps like I might start, but I never do. So girls, be careful.

    Back to the gym!!
    Last edited by rebekka59; 08-25-2010 at 08:50 AM.

  21. #21
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Thanks for the updates. The "goods" list is a lot longer than the "bad list". That's always refreshing news.

  22. #22
    6ft5's Avatar
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    Nice post. My gf is a nympho already and has a ghetto boody. And I think a chemical imbalance. Lmao! So I guess no test e for her. Lol. I'm ready to see some pics?? Sounds like your killn it in the gym and the bedroom. Lol good work!

  23. #23
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Interesting log, i presume you mean 25mgs of test e3d's???

    And btw, i play football
    she says an entire team... so count me in as #2.

    Bekka, thanx for the honesty... a lot of women would be afraid to post all of that info, let alone admit to anabolic use. You are awesome.

    Future updates very welcome.


  24. #24
    glover's Avatar
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    HaHa, Now you know how men feel all the time!

    Potentially offensive stuff-meaning, SEX stuff (LOL)
    -I have noticed that IF I DON"T GET MY SEX when I want my sex-I can feel my temper rising and I want to rip off my bf's head and sh*t down his throat, but mostly he is obliging
    -I am completely sex obsessed-and FGS thought I was bad before haha!!!
    -My bf swallowed 5 mouthfuls of my cum last Sunday-the most he ever got before this cycle was 2
    -Still having fantasies about screwing an entire football team-the quarterback, then the offensive line, the defensive line, the coaches, waterboys, camara-men, get the idea. I did tell my bf he could go first-heehee...

  25. #25
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebekka59 View Post
    -My bf swallowed 5 mouthfuls of my cum last Sunday-the most he ever got before this cycle was 2
    you get this wet from test? Thats pretty cool... hope more girls read this cause I hear a lot at the gym say they dont get aroused when they lean out, maybe a little test would help

  26. #26
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebekka59 View Post
    -I am NOT prone to yeast infections, maybe have had 2 my entire life, but for a few weeks I felt like I was always on the VERGE of one
    just out of curiousity... are you guys playing with food related items like whip cream, pudding (ie sweet stuff)... Ive been told the extra sugars can lead to possible infections.

  27. #27
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    got any before/afters?

  28. #28
    rebekka59's Avatar
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    Working on the pics, but the bf not hip on the idea, so give me some time.

  29. #29
    D7M's Avatar
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    Tell him you'll edit out your face if it'll make him feel better

  30. #30
    rebekka59's Avatar
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    I look like my avatar but with muscles...and a cooler tattoo LMAO

  31. #31
    KTY is offline New Member
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    Wow, a chick on steroids . Who's supposedly hot as balls and looks like her avatar at 42. Has fantasy's of fuking an entire football team from quarter back to offensive line man. She also loves lifting weights and fuking 3 times a day. Uses the term "I wanted to rip off his head and shit down his throat" and oddly enough now her boyfriend is scared to show off his hot ass milf on the internet.... Mmmm hmmmm anybody see Ashton Kucher around here??

    I wonder if you are the same guys that jerk off to "Swedish Helen" on the internet. The hot nanny with fake tits and a gives killer head... LOL

    Oh well I am just gonna get flamed anyways but seriously guy's get it together!!

  32. #32
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    My girl's been on HGH for around 6 months now.

    She also blasts with anavar , and incorporates thermogenics to cut down prior to competition.

    She's really starting to see the results now. However, she did see tightening and hardening after 3+ months.

    2iu/ed for a female is pretty high. How did you do the taper up? or did you not taper..?

    What brand of HGH are you using? pharma grade or generics?

    BTW... I'm a little surprised that you didn't opt for deca or tren rather then test. I read through the log but didn't see a reason? Do you mind sharing?

    Are you still running 50mg/wk of test or have you tapered down a bit yet?

    Best of luck, please continue to keep us updated. My girlfriend is very interested..


  33. #33
    Rockin Z28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KTY View Post
    Wow, a chick on steroids . Who's supposedly hot as balls and looks like her avatar at 42. Has fantasy's of fuking an entire football team from quarter back to offensive line man. She also loves lifting weights and fuking 3 times a day. Uses the term "I wanted to rip off his head and shit down his throat" and oddly enough now her boyfriend is scared to show off his hot ass milf on the internet.... Mmmm hmmmm anybody see Ashton Kucher around here??

    I wonder if you are the same guys that jerk off to "Swedish Helen" on the internet. The hot nanny with fake tits and a gives killer head... LOL

    Oh well I am just gonna get flamed anyways but seriously guy's get it together!! guys could all just be feeding a troll

  34. #34
    youngen23 is offline New Member
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    What does your diet look like? How many times per day do you eat? Good for you btw. I think that if you have any close girl friends that would be comfortable with you telling them what you're doing and won't rat, I would strongly reccommend sharing this info with them and then. . .

    Explain to them that this is how we always feel... except for the bigger clit, near yeast infection and for us straight ones, wanting to **** a football team. This is so cool, and it's great how honest you are, I mean to the bone honest! I wish my wife would be that horny, my life would be complete.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts, this is fantastic insight!

  35. #35
    rebekka59's Avatar
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    I was going to wait another week to post, but...

    KP, thanks and btw, I was always a gusher.

    KTY and Rockin Z28, go f**k yourselves.

    And the football thing is a FANTASY, geeeezzzzz......

  36. #36
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
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    Good log...i am also surprised you did not go with shorter ester as oppose to Enethate, i have heard many reviews of woman using tren in very small doses with great sucess, but test E would not be my first choice...i also agree 2iu for a woman is high, either way great post and log, keep it going...XXL

  37. #37
    6ft5's Avatar
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    I was just checkn back for picks lol. I saw a chick in the gym yesterday around the dallas area that looke like she was on test, wow! She was alittle puffy but dam when/if she cut up she would be lookn crazy swoll. I thought about you but this girl was a brunett. And had a shirt on so I couldn't see any tatts. She was very impressive tho.

  38. #38
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebekka59 View Post
    I was going to wait another week to post, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    My girl's been on HGH for around 6 months now.

    She also blasts with anavar , and incorporates thermogenics to cut down prior to competition.

    She's really starting to see the results now. However, she did see tightening and hardening after 3+ months.

    2iu/ed for a female is pretty high. How did you do the taper up? or did you not taper..?

    What brand of HGH are you using? pharma grade or generics?

    BTW... I'm a little surprised that you didn't opt for deca or tren rather then test. I read through the log but didn't see a reason? Do you mind sharing?

    Are you still running 50mg/wk of test or have you tapered down a bit yet?

    Best of luck, please continue to keep us updated. My girlfriend is very interested..

    ^^ bump for all my questions.


  39. #39
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    Very intresting log indeed. Pics are a must, post some before and after please. What made you use steroids ? I played cornerback in college btw.

  40. #40
    Harry Manback's Avatar
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    I'm in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    I played cornerback in college btw.

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