Well Gents been awhile hope everyone is well. im going to start a cut this Monday 4/19/11.Blood-works back and kidneys liver and heart are up for the strain I have been cruising for awhile and maintaining now at 250 mg
cyp a week.
I will document my cut as I go. Suggestions and or criticism welcomes. Thanks in advance.

%16 BF (been enjoying food to much lol)

GOAL: Get below %10 in the 200's at set point re-evaluate goals and perhaps continue to cut to 6-7%. I will occasionally log nutrition and workout for the day as well as progress pics.

Currently debating on using PROP 100 mg EOD instead of sust but will know for sure come Monday. Props less bloat but i just dont like it :/
Sust 250 weeks 1-10 750 mg per week
EQ 400 weeks 1-10 400 mg per week
Week 1-5 Winny 50 mg EOD
week 6-10 Clen + T3 (will document doses at said point in cycle.)

Arimidex .5 E3D

PCT- LOL Cruise at 250 mg.

DIET: it will vary depending on bodyparts being trained as far as carb rotation. it will look alot like :
Protein: 300 grams minimum per day
Carbohydrates: 100-200 grams
FATS: Primarily trace from meat and Essential fats + OMEGAS.
(All is subject to change as life permits or does not permit)

Main foods:
Protein-Chicken breast/ Turkey Breast/ Tilapia/ Tuna/ Eggs?Eggwhites?whey .
CARBS-Oats/Brown rice/ sweet potato/ ezekiel bread/ Bannana (Primarily pre or post workout only)
FATS-Olive Oil/ Peanut butters (natural of course) Almonds/ Hummus

CARDIO- 30 minutes 4 days a week to start on AM empty stomach if possible
and or 20-30 minutes post workout following glycogen depletion.

RESISTANCE. Freestyle training with these general guidelines big body parts 14-16 intense sets with some drop and burnout sets incorperated due to cutting. smaller boydparts 12-14 sets.
TUES-Back, calfs
WED- Shoulders/ TRAPS/ABS
All are subject to train.

Mondau begins the Van Damage. Good afternoon all.