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  1. #1
    skptk is offline New Member
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    Post T-Bol only cycle - consistant log

    Hey everybody, new to the forum, not to weight training!

    I'm an ex amateur boxer, lifting since I was 17, lifting properly from 19. My stats will be included in the next couple of posts, along with day1 and day2 of my log. I'm currently on day3 and will be posting updates every one or two days depending when I can get on the PC.

    I understand a lot of you will assume that I am not running test alongside Tbol for fear of needles or pain. This is not true, I am not taking test because I do not want those types of gains. I understand substances like deca would help me for strength gains, but I'm also aware that I need to keep sides to a minimum and size gains not too noticable! The next post should hopefully clear things up a little.

    Two weeks in I will begin supplementing milk thistle along side the Tbol (not at the same time) to keep liver counts as low as I can without dropping the effects of Tbol.

  2. #2
    skptk is offline New Member
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    Quick intro to my log. Stats and info you may want to know. Apologies for anything that is against forum rules, I tried to keep it as real as possible without removing vital info. ---

    Northern Pharma --- Tbol-10 --- Package meets site description, bought from street source.

    Cycle Length - 40 days.

    I did a 20 day Anavar -only cycle last year, to dip my foot in the pool of steroid supplementation - I did not train harder nor did I eat well.
    I still gained 7lbs and kept 5lbs - so I am crossing my fingers that I am simply sensitive to orals.
    I also notice raised sex-drive and energy when I take any test boosters of the natural persuasion, just never gained from them. This is the reason for going the oral path - my goal is strength, I work 90% natural for my gains, however whenever I hit a plateu that lasts longer than 3 months, I start looking into supplementation to help me. I noticed a slight strength gain from anavar, but I assume I did not take them for a long enough period of time to really get a feel for the strength I could have had.

  3. #3
    skptk is offline New Member
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    Before stats (as of June 12th 2011) -:
    Upper Arms - 15.8" ::: Lower Arms - 13.2" ::: Chest/Back - 41.8" ::: Upper Leg - 41" :::
    Lower Leg - 15.5" ::: Waist - 33.8" ::: Shoulder 2 Shoulder - 35" :::

    Weight - 179.2 (regular digital scales, same for before and after)
    Age - 22
    Flat Bench - 205 x 4 reps (4sets)
    Deadlifts - 295 x 4 reps (4sets)
    Squats - 135 x 4 reps (4sets)

  4. #4
    skptk is offline New Member
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    Pre-cycle - 50mg @ 9pm - with generously sized pasta meal.
    Day 1 - 20mg @ AM - with oatmeal and berrys - 1000mg of Flax seed oil.
    30mg @ PM - with banana - had a big meal one hour prior.
    Woke up very tired, not very energetic, could be due to waking up mid-dream (waking between REM stages is optimal for energy levels), this is happening a lot recently. Tbol should have begun building up the effect on my system, not expecting any noticable effects till Day 5 onwards. Slight stomach discomfort about 20-30mins after taking the tabs, also happened last night (pre-cycle).
    Workout day isn't till tomorrow, helping a friend to start a routine (he's at 145lbs), however I feel it would benefit me to get the blood pumping and to stay active, so today I will be doing a little boxing-drill style workout with pull-up ropes, medicine ball, push-ups and decline abdominal work, with shadow boxing warm up and warm down.

    Now, I had to stop workout at the abdominal work due to extreme stomach discomfort and fatigue. Still feel tired, usually I would feel a lot more energized after working out. It can't be the Tbol because I haven't consumed it for long enough yet! We'll see how it is tomorrow, hopefully better luck in that workout!

  5. #5
    skptk is offline New Member
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    Day 2 - 20mg @ AM - with oatmeal (mixed with VegeGreen powder) & protein shake
    30mg @ PM - with banana and protein shake / phytoberry powder
    Woke up tired again! Maybe the T-bol is dropping my test levels, I'm having plenty of slow-release carbs in the AM and very little sugar throughout the day in fruit etc - so I can't think of any other reason for it right now. The gas is getting pretty bad, not smelling much but there's a lot of it. Had a workout at Goodlife gym (I usually workout at home with my olympic set) with my friend Alex - performed light weight exercises just to stay active while I was helping him train and walking him through a routine. Felt a LOT of pump in the forearms and triceps - I have only ever felt like that after maxing out on vaso-dialators, my veins also became a LOT more apparant. Again, no reason for the change other than the T-bol, I'm hoping - since I seem to be very sensitive to orals - that my strength gains will happen quickly!

  6. #6
    Darfus is offline New Member
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    be careful man.. whenever you do decide to do something serious.

  7. #7
    skptk is offline New Member
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    I forgot to add my diet! I will be concentrating on proteins and greens - mainly organ meats (kidneys / liver / heart - but nothing from a pig!) - I consume roughly 3500-4000 calories daily depending on what I feel like for lunch. I started weight lifting at 147lbs so I've grown tremendously in 3-4 years.

    As far as consumption amounts go - this is the average day. Sometimes I have more/less of something.
    Carbs = 400-500g
    Protein = 250-300g
    Fats = 120-150g

  8. #8
    skptk is offline New Member
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    And thanks for the heads up Darfus, I'm hoping I got control of the situation, I don't f*** about with drugs.

  9. #9
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by skptk View Post
    And thanks for the heads up Darfus, I'm hoping I got control of the situation, I don't f*** about with drugs.
    Irony at it's finest. Any oral only cycle is plain stupid. Ignorance and stupidity are both euphemisms to the thought that Tbol is not going to shut down your natural testosterone production - guess what it will ! Lol @ "Crossing your fingers that your sensitive to orals". A 20 day Anavar cycle was a complete waste of your money. You clearly have no idea what you're doing and shouldn't be doing anything except focusing on diet and training.

    Testosterone needs to be the base of every cycle, and doesn't have to be at a high dose. Recovery is significantly more challenging without Testosterone while being shut down. You substantially increase the risk of

    - Erectile Dysfunction
    - Permanent Testicular Dystrophy
    - Low Testosterone for the rest of your life
    - Fertility complications

    to just name a few.


    Two people of similar stats can both take the same dose of Testosterone with a different cardio, diet, and training setup and look completely different from one another at the end of the cycle.

    It takes more than Milk Thistle as preventative measures.

    Your also too young to be using steroids, let alone something as stupid as an oral only cycle. Your endocrine system is still developing and you can permanently damage your body for the rest of your life. Hormone levels still fluctuate in adult male up to the age of 25 and although there is no such thing as a safe cycle, the risk of problems is significantly reduced after the age of 25.

    Your statement regarding "what you have for lunch" shows your diet is probably horrendous. How do you have a 500 calorie difference ? You should be eating the same thing every day and not eating out for lunch. I don;t know your height or bodyfat% because you haven't included it, but unless you're a definitive ectomorph 4000 calories is way too much.

    My mouth dropped when I read you took a day lightly to help a friend.


    Furthermore, strength and muscle gains are accelerated while on steroids, but ligament and tendon tissue growth cannot be accelerated. That means when your ego takes over in the a few weeks from now (assuming you continue this inevitable disaster), and you tack on additional excessive weight that your connective tissue has never handled, you will seriously injure yourself.

    I had the pleasure of witnessing a clown last week who was clearly on juice and thought he was a hotshot. The kids max bench was 225 lbs and decided what the hell 275 lbs sounds good, I'm up 10 lbs and I'm juice and a complete idiot ! Two reps later he tore BOTH of his rotator cuffs. Guess when he gets to go back to the gym ? Oh yeah, next year. Of course, the hundreds of dollars in future physiotherapy and medication is just a small detail.

    Not really sure how your Squat is lower than Deadlift & Bench Press. But I think there's a problem when most people warm up with 135 lbs of squats and that is your max lift.

    All of your posts and attitude show you have absolutely no education in the world of Anabolic -Androgen Steroids. What you are doing is extremely stupid and if you actually cared about your body you would take a few hours to read the horror stories of egotistical children like yourself who cycled too prematurely and now have to hide Viagra from their girlfriend at 24 years old or are stuck on Testosterone replacement therapy for the rest of their life because they did an oral only cycle and had a garbage diet and make dumb decisions.

    Thinking people take steroids only to get big is just ignorant. Not everyone wants to be huge/

    Do you even have a PCT plan ? I Doubt it.

    You need to stop what your doing, read the educational threads, get a PCT started, post your diet to be improved upon, and train hard for the next 2-3 years. Your goals are easily achieved naturally.

    I promise you with your inadequate diet and training you will lose your gains and probably just continue abusing steroids failing to see the problem is with yourself.

    Hope you have a few horseshoes and rabbit's feet, crossing your fingers won't be enough.
    Last edited by Windex; 06-14-2011 at 01:02 PM.

  10. #10
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    ^ An oral t-bol cycle is not all that bad, sure test would be better to add though. Pct should be of clomid at 50mgs for 2 weeks afterwards. However after reading his profile and seeing he is 22 that is not wise and should have waited.

  11. #11
    skptk is offline New Member
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    Ok, thanks for your input. I'd appreciate a little less of the patronizing speeches. However, I do understand your thoughts on my age, completely justified. Also, the reason for my squats lacking is because two years ago i had my legs bashed in with a bat and some chains. My shins are now incredibly weak when I perform squats, hack squats and back-shrugs. Deadlifts don't seem to affect the strain as much. As for my diet, yes it could use some work, but I work long hours on a forklift and in a warehouse so for me, getting up and eating whenever I want isn't possible. As for the statement concerning helping a friend - i had two off days, lifting light isnt an issue during these days.

    You mentioned test will not make me gain muscle size - but with the amount I eat, I'm sure my size would be more noticable than my strength gains. There are people in far worse conditions than me roiding with dbol and anadrol , could I reach my goals naturally? Sure, but it would take much much much longer. Im not sure if you get sarcasm, but there is a lot of it in the log posts. I never said tbol wouldn't supress my test, not sure why you brought that up? I can assure you my training routine is great - especially my cardio.

  12. #12
    skptk is offline New Member
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    Oh and as for PCT - nolva 20 for 3 weeks.

    Somebody mind telling me this, as a side note, why dont people take nolva during strong aromatizing cycles as well as PCT? It seems to be a strong anti-est? Unless they do but I just never heard about it!

  13. #13
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by skptk View Post
    Oh and as for PCT - nolva 20 for 3 weeks.

    Somebody mind telling me this, as a side note, why dont people take nolva during strong aromatizing cycles as well as PCT? It seems to be a strong anti-est? Unless they do but I just never heard about it!
    Because Liquidex, Aromasin , and Armidex exist. More evidence that you should be researching not popping pills/tabs.

  14. #14
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by skptk View Post
    Ok, thanks for your input. I'd appreciate a little less of the patronizing speeches. However, I do understand your thoughts on my age, completely justified. Also, the reason for my squats lacking is because two years ago i had my legs bashed in with a bat and some chains. My shins are now incredibly weak when I perform squats, hack squats and back-shrugs. Deadlifts don't seem to affect the strain as much. As for my diet, yes it could use some work, but I work long hours on a forklift and in a warehouse so for me, getting up and eating whenever I want isn't possible. As for the statement concerning helping a friend - i had two off days, lifting light isnt an issue during these days.

    You mentioned test will not make me gain muscle size - but with the amount I eat, I'm sure my size would be more noticable than my strength gains. There are people in far worse conditions than me roiding with dbol and anadrol, could I reach my goals naturally? Sure, but it would take much much much longer. Im not sure if you get sarcasm, but there is a lot of it in the log posts. I never said tbol wouldn't supress my test, not sure why you brought that up? I can assure you my training routine is great - especially my cardio.
    If you have an injury then you should be doing either physiotherapy or a variation of Squats. Sumo squats put less strain on you calfs and knees and put more emphasis on the quads and your hips IIRC.

    You have a bad excuse for having a poor diet. I'm a medical school student with a part time job. I have class 40 hours a week and I work 18 hours a week. I also look after my 3 pets and still have time to eat an optimal diet.

    Also, yes lifting is a problem. YOUR MUSCLES WILL NEVER GROW IF YOU DON'T REST. When you workout at the gym your muscles tear and during the recovery process more cells are produced, the cells are larger than original, and the tissue is stretched. That means they grow bigger and stronger. If you never rest you will never grow.

    FYI - There isn't only one dose of test. If you had chosen a TRT Dose of test (100-200mg/week) you would have significantly less problems. And I'm telling you tbold will suppress your endocrine system and your pituitary gland will stop secreting FSH which in turn will tell your testicles to stop making sperm.

    No clue why you would compare yourself to other people who are "in worse condition". I can see that you are stubborn and think that you are the exception to the rule of biology and somehow this will all work out for you. In my opinion you are in fact worse than most people who do steroids because you have been given all the tools on how to fix your problem and proceed with success and instead you would rather continue to put yourself in danger.

    Diet is the foundation to successful bodybuilding. It is the pinnacle of what determines fat gain from muscle gain, endurance vs fatiague, bloat from vascularity, and healthy from unhealthy.

    If you decide to stop with your Tbol garbage you can find me in the diet section.

  15. #15
    skptk is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Diet is the foundation to successful bodybuilding. It is the pinnacle of what determines fat gain from muscle gain, endurance vs fatiague, bloat from vascularity, and healthy from unhealthy.
    I'm not a bodybuilder. I do care what I look like to some extent, I do not want to look like a fat slob, however my diet is more than adequate to see great results while taking an oral... I love exercise, I love boxing and I love eating - well done for you career pursuits by the by, it's good to hear people striving for greatness while taking other aspects of their life on by storm. Puts things into perspective for the rest of us who, apparantly, half-ass it!

    I'll definately look into doing sumo squats now that you mention it, I heard they were very hard on the hips and can result in damage to the cartilage which would not be good for the twists and speedy movements of boxing so I ruled them out a few years back when I first started lifting.

    I'm aware of how muscles build. And I'm willing to take a risk that a mild androgenic substance such as Tbol will have no long term effect on my system when taken for a cycle that runs less than 6 weeks with a decent PCT taken afterwards.

    Would you honestly be able to tell me that if I drop this Tbol cycle right now, I'd see the SAME strength gains I'll see at the end of this cycle, without it - even if I double the time period allowed (80 days) - just by going through my diet and training routine?? If you say yes, then by all means, Ill stop and try it your way.

  16. #16
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by skptk View Post
    I'm not a bodybuilder. I do care what I look like to some extent, I do not want to look like a fat slob, however my diet is more than adequate to see great results while taking an oral... I love exercise, I love boxing and I love eating - well done for you career pursuits by the by, it's good to hear people striving for greatness while taking other aspects of their life on by storm. Puts things into perspective for the rest of us who, apparantly, half-ass it!

    I'll definately look into doing sumo squats now that you mention it, I heard they were very hard on the hips and can result in damage to the cartilage which would not be good for the twists and speedy movements of boxing so I ruled them out a few years back when I first started lifting.

    I'm aware of how muscles build. And I'm willing to take a risk that a mild androgenic substance such as Tbol will have no long term effect on my system when taken for a cycle that runs less than 6 weeks with a decent PCT taken afterwards.

    Would you honestly be able to tell me that if I drop this Tbol cycle right now, I'd see the SAME strength gains I'll see at the end of this cycle, without it - even if I double the time period allowed (80 days) - just by going through my diet and training routine?? If you say yes, then by all means, Ill stop and try it your way.
    Yes you can easily see strength gains over a 2.5 month period. Look into the 5x5 training routine.

  17. #17
    386 Local is offline New Member
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    Don't take this shit so lightly... I'm a prime example of what happens when you "jump the gun" so to speak... I did a deca cycle that turned into a sust cycle because of deca dick scaring the hell out of me and not wanting ED for the rest of my life. Didn't have access to a single ester of test so I made use of what I could I guess, I had no idea what I was doing back then. Ignorant and uneducated decisions lead to problems like mine.... a 20 year old that has trouble at times maintaining a solid damn erection for longer sex sessions.

    At 18 I had straight up erectile dysfunction, I had to avoid losing my virginity for nearly 2 years because I knew there was no way in hell it would work when the time came from situational experiences. Through a lot of research and careful dietary planning i've managed to make my sex life 90% normal without having to take drugs, but the point remains.... THIS SHIT ISN'T A JOKE

    Who cares if it makes you get 4 months of results in 1 month in the gym when the potential price to pay is something as horrible as erectile dysfunction and low testosterone ... I imagine i'll probably end up on TRT at way too young of an age because of my idiocy, although I hope not. I havn't grown an inch since AAS either while most of my friends have....

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