test-e 250 mg/ 2xweek for 10 weeks

hcg week 3-10 every 4 days 250iu

n2guard while on cycle, own safety percaution..

nolva 20mg eod on cycle and 40/40/20/20 pct plus a.i. (any additions for keeping gains would be great and/or advice.)

will be using protein powder, fish oils, anavite daily. workout 4x week with light cardio on off days.

so this is what i have come up with after reading numerous threads for a basic cycle. any input would be appreciated so please hold off on any bashing as this is my 3rd post and i tried to get as much knowledge before posting anything just need a good direction. thanks

btw im 23 yrs old, 6'0 and 160lbs. i no the weight is relatively light but adding weight has been a problem for me without it all going to my stomach so i want to try and go this route.