Hey everybody I am going to do what I can to keep this updated as often as I can. Hopefully this will help myself out as well as provide a learning experience for others.

Starting weight:178 Morning weight (Post pee)
Training Experience: 4 years serious
BF: 12%~
I will try to get some pics up asap so I can have something close to a Before/after

Test E 250 mg every Sunday/Wednesday Weeks 1-12 (May extend to 15 depending results have 4 vials of test)
Dbol week 1-4 30/30/40/40 mgs
Adex: Started at .25 eod, upped it to .16 ed (will adjust as needed but I have naturally high estro levels)

Blasting HCG at end

Currently I am doing my own twist on Layne Nortans PHAT

Heavy Upper (2 chest/2 back/2 shoulder/1bi/1 tri)

As for my diet I am trying to hit around 300 grams of protein a day, keep my fats under 70, 40 grams of fiber and fill the rest of my cals up with carbs, currently aiming for around 3100~ cals and will up them as my weight fluctuates.

I finally got around to creating this log even though I wanted to start it once I began my cycle.
Currently I am on day 15, and am satisfied. Starting morning weight: 178, Current morning weight 183.6.
I really want feeling the results of the dbol at all until I upped my dose to 40 mgs a day yesterday and had a great day, strength gains are increasing and have insane pumps. No sides really as of now other than very minor acne/holding a bit of water.

Today I did legs and it went pretty well, probably going to have to drop SLDL's out of the leg day due to back pumps just being too much.

Back Squats 5x3-5
Front Squats 3x8-12
SLDL's 3x8-12 (stopped at 2 sets today because it was getting painful)
Leg Curls 3x15-20
Laying Hammy Curls 3x15-20
Standing Calve raises 6x15 (really trying to get these twigs to grow)

Also managed to hit abs today which I am happy about since I have been neglecting them recently

Please let me know if you guys have any questions/comments, I am all ears.
My goals are currently to bulk throughout the entire cycle and try to raise the lifts significantly.
I will try to keep this updated every day, or as much as I can

Thanks for reading guys!