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  1. #1
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    I just bought my ticket

    I am know on my first cycle or as some call it I popped my AS cherry

    Im 5'11"
    4 years hard training

    this is my cycle
    1-4 anabol 30mgs
    1-10 test cyp 400 mgs Mon-Thurs
    4-10 possible test prop eod 100mg
    13-16 clomid
    nolvadex and proviron on hand

    2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off
    cycling bodyparts twice a week

    very clean
    436g protein
    389g carbs
    110g fat....
    7-8 meals

    1 a day vitamins
    milk thistle 150mg 2xd
    lipo6 w/ephedra
    maybe clen post cycle for the summer
    glutamine and amino acids 2xd

    I dont have a digital camera or scanner but Im working on pictures

    My wife just helped me out by injecting me in my a$$ for the first time I thoiught I would alternate sides and quads I dont like the delts because of the soreness that might come with it I work outside with a shovel diggin ditches and I dont need anymore soreness in them.

    Im also gonna take some precise measurements before the weeks over with.

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Sounds like a plan. Best of luck to you!

  3. #3
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks Im pretty new to this but I gotta good head on my shoulders I learn quickly
    If theres anyone who has a good training schedule for some good chest mass Im game thats what I feel I lag behind on a bit

  4. #4
    Swellin Guest
    Sounds good except for the addition of the prop. If you run prop @100mg EOD on top of 400 will be running a total of around 750mg test for 6 weeks....during your first cycle. That sounds a bit much to me.

  5. #5
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i got the prop from a friend who didnt want it I was just trying to find a way to slide it in

  6. #6
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    what about at the end for three weeks or so by itself before pct begins

  7. #7
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    -well I figure this is an update

    Im trying to scarf down my first meal of the day 8 whites 4 yolks 1 cup of oatmeal and half a red grapefruit with 10mgs of anabols.

    I got the eggs ok but the oatmeals workin on me thats alot of oatmeal I guess you gotta get used to it .
    is there a certain way the anabols are supposed to taste

  8. #8
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    i tried to update last night but this cheap ***dial up sucks everybody and there brother wanted to call and kick me off so i
    figured i would post in the morning

    eating got easier during the day I was even kind of hungry from time to time even if I was eating every 2 hours

    about 8:30pm I was getting hungry so I ate a can of tuna w/some relish and flax not to bad

    -my workout
    ill post tonight because Ive gotta go to work and dont have time to type all that stuff but I figured it could be usseful to somebody.


  9. #9
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bisciut210
    what about at the end for three weeks or so by itself before pct begins
    Sorry about being so late to respond.

    That will work just fine. In fact, I will be doing the same thing at the end of this cycle. I asked several folks, and I read some cycle journals to see others who have done this. It seems like a solid idea.

    Good luck!

  10. #10
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the help-swellin-

    well i gues that I can post my workout for tuesday overall i think it went pretty good
    I may have felt some extra little pumps in my quads and hams and maybe a blood pressure rise but maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me
    here it is

    1-warmup 135x12
    leg press(45 degree)
    leg ext.
    1-warmup 110x15
    leg curl
    stiff leg deads
    warmup 135x12
    hack squats
    standing barbell curl
    85x10/superset w/headbangers same weight
    90x8/superset w/headbangers same weight
    95x8/superset w/" " " "
    seated db curls
    35x10 superset w/tri ext 20lbsx12
    40x10 " " "
    45x8 " " "
    standing over head cable curls

  11. #11
    Bigboy123's Avatar
    Bigboy123 is offline Senior Member
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    good luck bro

  12. #12
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    use the prop wk 9-13 and 3 days later start pct,you'll love the finish with the prop.

    Best of luck


  13. #13
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks fellas
    sorry about the late returns Im on call with my job and wouldya know it i gotta call right as i was typeing the last sentence of my last post but thanks

    I think i only have 1 10cc bottle of prop so 3 weeks eod 9-13 would be nice

  14. #14
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    Well its time for another injection my last one was sunday at about 11'o'clock. I got excited and couldnt wait until monday but I guess its ok with sun, wed injections still its 4 days apart

    I didnt go to the gym today its my off day, I figured I would have my cheat dinner tonight and made some homemade spaghetti eatin it right now
    mmm... mmmm....

    I injected in the right glute last time this one's going in the left my wife is gonna do it. First she was scared but I think she got a kick out of it afterwards when my A$$ bruised up a bit and it was a little sore but not as sore as if after a killer leg workout i can still walk .

    I got some small headaches today at work it maybe the dbols or not wearing any sunglasses it was sunny today but cold.
    I usually wear'em but forgot'em at home
    also my skins been kindof flush. Hope its the dbols kickin in its my third day maybe by mon i'll have a definate answer.

    Tomorrow is shoulders and low back so I'm hopeing for some good feedback my partner should be back in with me too.

    Ill post after my injection I'm gonna wait until my wife gets home I could probably doit but she likes to help so why not


  15. #15
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    day 5

    It was an experience, I had a headache all day until I took some tylonal after lunch.
    I felt kind of sluggish until I got a 20 min nap this afternoon before the gym and I felt full of energy for my workout.

    I think the d-bols are kickin in pertty good.
    energy was through the roof I even have gained 12#s Im at 222 now from monday @210 but thats probably water weight my belts not tight though I had to put two extra holes in it after my diet prior to my cycle.
    I havent taken any pictures yet but im gonna take measurement in the morning

    back and shoulders
    db shoulder press warmup 45sx15
    side lats 25x10 warmup
    30x10\wide grip chins 150x12
    35x10\" "
    db rows
    upright rows\superset w/incline side lat
    bent over lats/superset w/bench press
    25x10/225x8,2 negatives
    30x10/275x2,1 negative
    db shrugs/superset w/incline db press
    peck deck flys
    drop set 10#s burnout to 90

    I think my numbers are up but its to early to tell really it maybe just my mind playin tricks
    I still had lots of energy after I left I thought I could go and doit again

    I dont have a weight goal just to get as much mass as possible and keep the body fat down It would be nice to hit 250#s before the end for summer

    I dont think theres any signs of gyno yet my left nipple might have been sore but it could be from checking it every five minutes plus I already have a little puffyness from bodyfat to begin with

    my second injection was last night my wife did it in my left glute I felt it a little more but I was using a 22g 1 1/2 instead of a 25g because the stuff was so hard to inject

    thats probably it for today
    take it easy fellas

  16. #16
    ItalianMuscle's Avatar
    ItalianMuscle is offline Senior Member
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    best of luck.. hope you get the results you want.. Train HARD !!

  17. #17
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    day 7

    I havent posted in a couple of days. I figured i would try and post once a week unless something came up that I thought would be of interest.

    Well the d-bol has definatly kicked in I think every part of my body has been hard and tight since working them this week my chest the most since I worked it on mon. its still pumped and tight.
    I feel pretty good when I leave the gym like I could turn around and go right back in. this week has been pretty good Im excited about the next.
    I had to work late friday and couldnt make it to the gym before they closed so I decided to go sat at lunch I had never really worked out on the weekends there it turned out to be kind of fun. I think the tiny people come then because there couldnt have been anyone in there over 150#s between me and my partner we couldnt get any thing done over fighting off the stares and the whispers together we weigh in over 500 I felt like a guerrila in a cage at the zoo without the hair of course.

    226lbs no change in waistline yet I still can see my abs just can't get rid of the lovehandles yet but thats for another time and cycle

    I guess thats it until next time take it easy fellas
    Ill try and post some pic as soon as possible im still working on the camera situation.

  18. #18
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    Well I have hit it hard I did chest today and changed up a little bit I did barbell incline instead of flat first and db flat
    both sets went up today hit my new best on db flat at 110 for 6 on fourth set starting with 95s for 10
    for incline I got 245 for 6 with no spot and felt like I could do more on fourth set, I love it.
    My weight hasnt gone up much 226-225 is about it but thats what I was at 3 months ago with a higher bodyfat % than now
    so Im not to worried although the belt was alittle snug today when I put on my uniform for work Im not gonna worry though Im looking for mass
    check back later on in the week take it easy fellas

  19. #19
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    whats up fellas havent been posting in a while cause of work and stuff but heres an update
    -weight-232 the only thing that i have measured are my bis there at 17"s im up almost 1/2" but thats probably water weight. Ive definatly started to hold some water but its not that bad nobody has really noticed yet. My arms and chest feel a hole lot fuller and the back pumps are rough especially on legs and back days but if I stop for a minute or two it goes away I am almost drinking 2 1/2 gallons of water a day it seems that i go to the bathroom more but I stay thirsty
    its almost like I have new felling in my chest and legs because I used to almost never get a pump in my chest nor legs now my chest gets so full that it burns especially with flys.
    my legs especially my quads when i superset with hams are full when im in the gym and out.
    Im trying to keep it as clean as possible but it seams that the food that I pack for the day is never enough so I end up eating something out usually from a deli or subway or somthing like that
    my original diet had me eating 436g protien 380g carbs 101g fat
    around 4500cal but im eating that plus some almost three extra meals a day from my original plan ive always been a good eater thats why i have to watch what i eat so carefully because i have a tendency to gorge on the wrong things. it seems that I have it under control though because I think other than the bloat from the d-bols ive not gained much if any more bodyfat than what i started with.
    thats probably it for now \later

  20. #20
    bisciut210 is offline Junior Member
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    ok its been a while since I posted last but here is the update.

    weight-242 up 10lbs from a week ago everything seems to keep getting bigger and stronger last week i started to count my d-bols and figured since I would have some left after the end that I would up my dose from 30 to 45mgs a day split three times. I also am thinking that the test is kickin in pretty good because I horny as h*** and my wife seems to barely be able to keep up haha..
    strenght- way up my bench max last thursday was 335x1 thats a new record for me and Im only 4 weeks in my wife keeps saying that im gettin taller but i think it may just be that the shoulders are getting bigger making me seem taller
    I measured my bis the other day Im at 17 3/4"s up 1 1/2 from the start Im shooting for 18's or more
    I did my first delt shot today and it hurt like h*** for a couple of hours afterwards. I never get any pain in my butt or quad i wonder if its just because there is less fat on my delts than the other spots.

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