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  1. #1
    wrestlinEL is offline Banned
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    just turned 16 in july.........please critique

    so far im not huge and im all natural as far as stayin away from far ive stayed with whey, creatine, and glutamine.......My powerlifting coach told me that i should aim for competing in teen bb comps next year.........plz pass advice as too wut i need to work one......
    my stats are:
    arms: 16"
    waist: 28"
    chest: 44"
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails just turned 16 in july.........please critique-46191picture_71.jpg   just turned 16 in july.........please critique-picture-70.jpg   just turned 16 in july.........please critique-picture-52.jpg  

  2. #2
    wrestlinEL is offline Banned
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    so far though ive only trained for power and for wrestling.........but im def not new to the concept of bodybuilding.......

  3. #3
    -2z- is offline New Member
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    Lookin' good man! Definately good potential there.

  4. #4
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    You look great for 16 little dude, whats your weight/height? IMO you have a ways before you hit the teen competition circut but you're light years ahead of 95% of the people your age. Keep it up and you'll be a monster yet Advice? Bulk, bulk, bulk and then when you're done bulking you should bulk some more I'm not saying you're thin because you look cut but bulking is what you want to be doing at that stage of your life, you've got plenty of time to get cut up, don't waste that natural GH and Test on trying to get the beach look!

    BTW you know you have to be 18 to become a member of AR right...
    Last edited by 1-Cent; 09-24-2004 at 06:22 PM.

  5. #5
    wrestlinEL is offline Banned
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    thx.......its really hard to keep up with ppl at my gym cuz just bout every single person 16-20 is on M1T........For now i plan on stayin natural atleast til i feel that i have physically peaked........right now im 5'10 at 179lbs......
    If anyone could give ne advice on wut i could do to get bigger faster plz help cuz i feel like my body is hitting a plateu for i have been at this weight for quite some time now.....although im starting to see some weight move up on the scale just a lil bit everyday........but i cant see a diff.......
    my schedule is:
    am6:00: wake up n eat
    7:45 leave school
    8:15 get to school n eat
    9:50 get outta first period and drink protein
    1:10 go to lunch n eat again
    3:30 get home and drink pre workout shake
    4:00 workout
    5:00 drink post workout shake with 10 g creatine
    5:15 sleep til 6:30
    6:30 wake up n eat another meal
    8:00 study and eat
    9:45 pb sandwhich and 16oz milk
    10:00 sleep
    2:00 am: wake up n eat pb sandwhich wiht 16 oz skim milk
    2:10 am: go back to sleep
    then it starts back over at 6:00

    since ive been hitting a plateu and ive been at this for a 2 yrs i was wonderin if ne one had ne info on if it would help to throw in 25 mg of anavar ED for 6 weeks with some ZMA to help with strenght gains followed by a pct .......
    cuz everyone is doin m1t at my age and i just dont wanna risk fusing my growht plates so i thought with anavar that i could ad that bit of an edge cuz my friend gets oxandrovet at round $100 for 100 5mg caps........

  6. #6
    juicehoe's Avatar
    juicehoe is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow thats awesome for just turning 16... congrads! I used to wrestle, so i know that its almost impossible to gain any weight during wrestling

  7. #7
    metallicafan4u69 is offline Junior Member
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    Intimidation is half the battle and looking a lot bigger than your opposition in wrestling will give you the edge. Just add the size. Your hormones as we all know are raging right now so take advantage of it while you can. If you have a coach pushing you to be your best at a young age and you are ready for bb, go for it.

  8. #8
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestlinEL
    thx.......its really hard to keep up with ppl at my gym cuz just bout every single person 16-20 is on M1T........For now i plan on stayin natural atleast til i feel that i have physically peaked........right now im 5'10 at 179lbs......
    If anyone could give ne advice on wut i could do to get bigger faster plz help cuz i feel like my body is hitting a plateu for i have been at this weight for quite some time now.....although im starting to see some weight move up on the scale just a lil bit everyday........but i cant see a diff.......
    my schedule is:
    am6:00: wake up n eat
    7:45 leave school
    8:15 get to school n eat
    9:50 get outta first period and drink protein
    1:10 go to lunch n eat again
    3:30 get home and drink pre workout shake
    4:00 workout
    5:00 drink post workout shake with 10 g creatine
    5:15 sleep til 6:30
    6:30 wake up n eat another meal
    8:00 study and eat
    9:45 pb sandwhich and 16oz milk
    10:00 sleep
    2:00 am: wake up n eat pb sandwhich wiht 16 oz skim milk
    2:10 am: go back to sleep
    then it starts back over at 6:00

    since ive been hitting a plateu and ive been at this for a 2 yrs i was wonderin if ne one had ne info on if it would help to throw in 25 mg of anavar ED for 6 weeks with some ZMA to help with strenght gains followed by a pct .......
    cuz everyone is doin m1t at my age and i just dont wanna risk fusing my growht plates so i thought with anavar that i could ad that bit of an edge cuz my friend gets oxandrovet at round $100 for 100 5mg caps........
    I think a board better suited to your needs would be they have a massive message board which focuses entirely on natty training and there are tons of members your age.

    AR is centered around AAS and other performance enhancers and made up of a much older crowd. Staying here will just tempt you to step into the darkside too soon, at 16 I don't care how advanced your coach says you are - you aren't ready for anavar or any other AAS, or even M1T/trib/PH's - don't even think about it

    If you've been at it since you were 14 you really wouldn't have made much gains until recently anyway besides lowering bf, you're just now starting to be able to pack on some mass, don't get discouraged there are many plateus in this sport, if you trip on the first one then its all over man. Keep working hard and stay clean

  9. #9
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  10. #10
    wrestlinEL is offline Banned
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    thx for the replies n advice....
    1-cent: i kno wut u just gets hard sumtimes seeing my competition catch up to me so fast n so easily......esp since i started workin before them....right now i feel the only thing keeping me ahead of them is my yea....not too mention the m1t makes them more aggressive also making it harder to compete in wrestling with them.........but i will prolly continue contemplating taking the anavar but im gonna take ur advice and ride out my bodies on natural potential........

    p.s. u said not to take tribulus..........would that be telling me not to take ZMA as well since i use it to help me sleep at nights with melatonin..........??????????????

  11. #11
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestlinEL
    thx for the replies n advice....
    1-cent: i kno wut u just gets hard sumtimes seeing my competition catch up to me so fast n so easily......esp since i started workin before them....right now i feel the only thing keeping me ahead of them is my yea....not too mention the m1t makes them more aggressive also making it harder to compete in wrestling with them.........but i will prolly continue contemplating taking the anavar but im gonna take ur advice and ride out my bodies on natural potential........

    p.s. u said not to take tribulus..........would that be telling me not to take ZMA as well since i use it to help me sleep at nights with melatonin..........??????????????
    Trib isn't the same as ZMA, Trib is a testosterone enhancer and you shouldn't be playing games with your hormones at all at this point dude, forget growth plates you're still in the dead center of puberty so you could potentialy damage your HTPA perminently even with var, you could end up with low test levels for life if you don't bounce back and anything is possible when you aren't hormonaly developed yet.

  12. #12
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    lookin good man. like they said your progress is far beyond most st your age. Keep doin what you're doing cuz obviously it's working.

  13. #13
    wrestlinEL is offline Banned
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    I forgot to mentioin one thing.........i have pubertal gynecomastia ........its not very noticeable unless u look at me from an angle then my left nip sticks out.........i convinced my endocronologist that it was painful and causing severe emotional distress on my social life.......but ne ways they scheduled the surgery and my insurance is completely covering.......but my doc said that becaus my estrogen will be lowered after this that my test levels will greatly does this mean that when my estro levels are greatly lowered and my test levels are greatly increased will i experience alot more muscle gain/fat loss?

    just wonderin.......? cuz the surgerys three weeks from now

  14. #14
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'd be happy because if they remove the gyno, it is unlikely you will ever have to worry about it again. Are they removing glands in both sides, or just the left side?

  15. #15
    builtthekid's Avatar
    builtthekid is offline Banned
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    Well at your age hes right you are too young but dont
    get discouraged maybe they all are on m1t are maybe
    they have good genetics it doesnt matter your still a
    beast man good luck lift hard and give them hell.

  16. #16
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    stay natural kid,your looking go away and come back in 2 yrs
    i think it is considered child porn to post pics at your age

  17. #17
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Hey bro, lookin great for only being 16! I agree you should stay away from m1t and anavar . If your hittin a plateu just up your cals and lift heavier with lower reps. Keep up the good work!

  18. #18
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
    SMYL_GR8 is offline Senior Member
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    You're only going to gain bulk off-season because your diet to "keep weight" during wrestling will not allow for a bulking diet. Those peanut butter and skim milk meals are not going to cut it. You need high quality protein throughout the day. Lean red meat, chicken, tuna throughout the day. You need total calories to allow for your basal metabolism (which is very high at your age), your activity (which is high with your schedule) and then weight gain.

    I would bet that if you tear your diet apart and build a proper bulking diet, you will see immediate and permanent gains.

  19. #19
    mass junkie's Avatar
    mass junkie is offline banned
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    You seem cool bro...but unfortuneately once a mod see's this they will ban you for your age...see ya in a couple years brother

  20. #20
    wrestlinEL is offline Banned
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    for one....yes i def kno that alot of these ppl are on M1T and severel other pro's ..mainly cuz i have had several of them try and convince me thta they are the same thing as steroids just alot cheaper......oh and sum dumbass said they they are like steroids without side effects.......lmfao.......but ne ways if ne one has a really good bulking diet then plz pm me with it or help me far ive went from 139 to 179 lbs in the past year but these gains were mostly newb gains to a dif style of i kinda grew 2 inches taller so that might be another this wrestlin season im not tryin to lose alot of weight ....instead im going to use the season to keep me in shape and ill just wrestle if ne one has a good bulking diet on a teens budget then plz help

  21. #21
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    My favorite bulking diet has always been the seefood diet, see food - eat it.

  22. #22
    63190's Avatar
    63190 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestlinEL
    for one....yes i def kno that alot of these ppl are on M1T and severel other pro's ..mainly cuz i have had several of them try and convince me thta they are the same thing as steroids just alot cheaper......oh and sum dumbass said they they are like steroids without side effects.......lmfao.......but ne ways if ne one has a really good bulking diet then plz pm me with it or help me far ive went from 139 to 179 lbs in the past year but these gains were mostly newb gains to a dif style of i kinda grew 2 inches taller so that might be another this wrestlin season im not tryin to lose alot of weight ....instead im going to use the season to keep me in shape and ill just wrestle if ne one has a good bulking diet on a teens budget then plz help
    Dude, go to Lean Me Out's sticky about making lean gains. Claims a pound a week of lean body mass.
    You look freakishly thick for your age. Your demensions are almost as big as mine. Take a look at my pics. I posted one of me at your age. Stay the course. First five years are the most important. Bulkx5yrs. Then lean out. If I had known this, I would have been a clean 215 right now instead of a bloated 196.

  23. #23
    Elysium's Avatar
    Elysium is offline Productive Member
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    by the way man u look great, ure very young (too young for this forum!). the fact that you are in such good shape at this age means your gonna go far bro, stay at it.

  24. #24
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    good job, keep it up stay focused and come back when your legal...

  25. #25
    wrestlinEL is offline Banned
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    42 bout postin underaged...but at other bodybuilding forums ppl keep telling me im great to be a natural teen....but i dont wanna be considered just great for a natural teen.....i wanna be considered great n ne category.....natural/unnatural....teen/adult....

  26. #26
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    ABC bodybuilding sucks ass, full of misinformation..

  27. #27
    Rocket's Avatar
    Rocket is offline Senior Member
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    Great Base...keep training natural as long as you could go places!!


  28. #28
    anabolicwannabe is offline Associate Member
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    i thought trib doesn't shut you down. what's wrong with trib?

  29. #29
    mfenske's Avatar
    mfenske is offline Member
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    wrestlinEL- Dude, you look awesome for your age (hell any age). What the guys on here are telling is right. Keep feeding yourself on quality calories all day every day and those guys on M1T won't know what hit them. I would guess that about 90% of the guys on here wish they had been in your shoes at your age. I would kill to have the dedication at 16 that I have at 25. Instead, I was a fat, lazy, 260 pound slob. You're working out, looks like your diet's pretty good. Man, you're lightyears ahead of most 16 year olds. At your age, waiting for things is tough (BTW it never gets easier), but keep at it you WILL look the way you want. Keep up the good work. Mark

  30. #30
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicwannabe
    i thought trib doesn't shut you down. what's wrong with trib?
    Nothing, at a certain age, like a 16 year old, products like trib and tongkat sometimes can permanently "up regulate" your testosterone production, and can keep on producing more then normal testosterone for the rest of your life. These two herbs are so much better for under-24 year olds then doing a real cycle of steroids which would do the opposite and permanently down-regulate testosterone production.

  31. #31
    wrestlinEL is offline Banned
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    42 if i was to take would make my test levels up regulate r u sayin that trib is good for ppl under 24

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