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  1. #1
    H20poloCM's Avatar
    H20poloCM is offline New Member
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    ??Curious of Everyones Thoughts??

    Hey Everyone!
    I am Very new to the boards!
    I am an 18 year freshman in college! I started school at about 165 lbs. with about 9% body fat. I am starting the Spring quarter at about 204lbs. with about 13%bf. I stand a mere 6'5''... so it has been hell to fill out the tinest of measurements!
    I am just curious what your opinions are of me in a few pics. They are not too varied and apologize.
    Thank you in advance.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ??Curious of Everyones Thoughts??-picture-2.jpg   ??Curious of Everyones Thoughts??-pic-3.jpg   ??Curious of Everyones Thoughts??-pic1.jpg  

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I bet it's hard to get girls w/a face like that!

    Hard to tell from those pics bro. Step back, include the legs, show your front (chest) and back (back) and people will have a far easier time w/comments.


  3. #3
    H20poloCM's Avatar
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    You are telling me! its brutal! ha.
    i will try to get a bunch more on here. have some on my camera at home.
    but for now, i am at school... and am limited to wants on my lap-top.
    thanks for the reply though... everything is greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Looks like more of a wicked head shot swole said, just post some pics a little further away from your head and more of your body and we will be able to tell....thanks

  5. #5
    BlueAndromeda73's Avatar
    BlueAndromeda73 is offline Senior Member
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    like the gyus have said a pic further back is needed, but so far so good, being that tall is tough, I'm 6'2" and I think its hard, but you could definately pack on some chest delts and tricepts, your bi's have a nice swell started but the tri if flat all the way across the bottom,also your chest is defined wide but not "shelved out" incline presses have really helped me in that area, just trying to help not be rude. Also, whats you workout plan and diet look like, just wondering.

  6. #6
    H20poloCM's Avatar
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    My workout!

    again, anything is appreciated!
    this is an avg. week for me.


    1st day-Chest, Tri's, and abs
    flat bench- 3 sets x 12-8-4-2
    Incline- 3 sets x 12-8-6
    cable cross overs- 4 sets(2 straight across, 2 incline) x 10-8-10-8
    Weighted dips- 3 sets x 12-10-8
    Cable pull downs/push downs- 4 sets- 10-8-6-4
    Reverse pull downs- 3 sets x 10-8-8

    2nd day- Back, and Bi's
    lat pull downs (front)- 3 sets x 10-8-6
    Low row- 4 sets x 12-10-8-8
    lat pull downs(rear)- 3 sets x 10-8-6
    T-bar rows- 3 sets x 10-8-6
    good mornings- 4 sets x 12-10-8-6
    seated DB curls- 4 sets x 10-8-6-4
    preacher curls. 4 sets(2 inner/2 outer) x 10-8-8-6
    hammer curls- 3 sets x 8-8-6

    3rd day- Legs, shoulders and abs
    squats- 4 sets x 12-10-8-6
    leg press- 4 sets x 10-8-8-6
    curls- 3 sets x 10-8-6
    extensions- 4 sets x 10-8-8-6
    Calf raises standing- 4 sets x 20-15-15-12 (i do what i can with all the plates)
    claf raises seated- 3 sets x 12-10-10

    4th day-off

  7. #7
    H20poloCM's Avatar
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    forgot to add my shoulders!!

    shouldersMilitary press- 3 sets x 10-6/7-4
    Standing DB front raises - 4 sets x 12-10-8-6
    Side Lateral raises- 3 sets x 10-8-8
    Bent over, reverse flies- 3 sets x 12-10-8
    Upright rows- 4 sets x 12-10-8-6

  8. #8
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    The diet!

    My diet is pretty solid!

    I have food available to me all the time, living on campus this year!

    9:30 a.m. i will have a shake 2 additional glasses of 2% milk, eggs, toast, large bowl of yogurt w/ granola, and some rye toast.

    12 p.m. 3 glasses of milk. Green salad (spinach, romain lettuce, carrots, cheese, hard boiled egg w/ ranch dressing) Turkey wrap, and a plate of pasta.

    3 p.m. A shake, another salad, and a large ham and turkey sandwich.

    5:30 p.m. Few chicken breasts, pasta, and a salad

    7-8 p.m. A shake, and a couple granola bars

    I tend to snake in between meals with special K bars, odawalla protein bars.

  9. #9
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
    ***xxx*** is offline Anabolic Member
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    looking good.

    diet: wheres the good night shake?!

  10. #10
    H20poloCM's Avatar
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    the shake at 7-8 is realistically later in the evening, due to the fact, i don't get to my room to take it until about 10-11. so then i hit the sack at about 1

  11. #11
    ManzNumero1's Avatar
    ManzNumero1 is offline Member
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    That little girl from "The Ring" got to you too.
    **** , she's good.

  12. #12
    BlueAndromeda73's Avatar
    BlueAndromeda73 is offline Senior Member
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    good deal your workout and diet look pretty good, another tip and this is just a suggestion if you add some dumbell bench, incline and flat or either this has really helped bring more definition and inner thickness to my chest.

  13. #13
    H20poloCM's Avatar
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    I tend to on occasion.
    even just narrow grip bench.

  14. #14
    H20poloCM's Avatar
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    My workout is all at pretty high intensity. I know i am in the gym far too long for the intesity i lift at. So, i am afraid/positive that i am over training.

    Does have any suggestions/tweaks for my workout!?

    Also, what supplements would you reccomend.
    I have been taking stadard- ON 100% Whey, Glutamine, multi-vitamin, and I just finished a tub, of BSN NO-XPLODE! which was incredible!
    I just got, a bottle of BSN Nitrix, and will begin cycling creatine, and of course continuing with the glutamine, multi-vitamin and protein.

  15. #15
    Thegr8One's Avatar
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    Jessica Albas' ASS
    pack it on bro

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