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  1. #1
    lil swoll's Avatar
    lil swoll is offline Associate Member
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    One year of training

    Just lookin for advice. No where near my goal yet, proably another couple years of hard training. Anyway just want to know what you guys think is lagging and whats workin for me. Any advice appreciated.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails One year of training-s3010057.jpg   One year of training-s3010059.jpg   One year of training-s3010060.jpg  

  2. #2
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    lookin good for only one year of training, i would say hit chest better, and mid and rear delts.

  3. #3
    lil swoll's Avatar
    lil swoll is offline Associate Member
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    come on guys where is the comments. tell me i look like a pansey, i dont care. just tell me somethin

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    I recommend lots of compound exercises.Those are the mass builders.Stay away from iso movements.You don't have the size for those yet.

    Look good for 1 yr in.


  5. #5
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    work on those legs.... they are non existent so far... actually, I don't see any at all... got any pics?

  6. #6
    TCEL300 is offline Member
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    where r the wheels bro

  7. #7
    Raw Dawg's Avatar
    Raw Dawg is offline Junior Member
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    I think you look well porportioned bro but like metioned by Pinnacle, do some compounds for size. You just need some time to continue to grow to your potential. Keep hitting it hard bro and you will be surprised in a couple of years what you can achieve.

  8. #8
    lil swoll's Avatar
    lil swoll is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the advice guys. ill get some leg shots soon. keep the advice and comments comin

  9. #9
    testosterona's Avatar
    testosterona is offline Anabolic Member
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    looks like your traps could use some work and some core work as well. keep at it man, looks like you have a nice base going on. any cycles?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I like Arnold Schwarzeneggers view on bodybuilding, he used to advocate how the first 5 years of your training should be focused primarily on size and power, in the first 5 years you'll get the best gains and it'll pretty much be the biggest you'll get genetically w/ proper training and nutrition, then carve it up like a diamond in the rough. So w/ this in mind, compound movements bro!! Squats, deadlifts, bent over rows, heavy T-bars, bench, military press, things like this should be the core of your training.

  11. #11
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Agreed, you have a long road ahead of you, enjoy it.

  12. #12
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
    bigbouncinballs is offline Senior Member
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    c'mon bud, show us them wheels!

  13. #13
    nalbano34's Avatar
    nalbano34 is offline Member
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    not bad but would guess legs?

  14. #14
    beyonddriven's Avatar
    beyonddriven is offline Associate Member
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    What do your workouts look like now? Are you doing your deadlifts? Weighted Pull ups? Squats instead of leg press? How old are you? What is your diet honestly like? You look decent all things considered, but wont get where you want to be unless all is in order. I am sure you know what needs improvement, which is everythig at this point. Good base though. Let us know on the above questions.

  15. #15
    lil swoll's Avatar
    lil swoll is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beyonddriven
    What do your workouts look like now? Are you doing your deadlifts? Weighted Pull ups? Squats instead of leg press? How old are you? What is your diet honestly like? You look decent all things considered, but wont get where you want to be unless all is in order. I am sure you know what needs improvement, which is everythig at this point. Good base though. Let us know on the above questions.

    Workout:sets 4x5-8
    Day 1 Chest and tris-bench, incline, db flys, incline db, push downs, skull chrushers
    Day 2 Traps and delts- military press, db press, shurgs, db shurgs, hypulls, arm extensions
    Day 3 Biceps and legs- precher curls, straight bar curls, db curls, machine curls, 21s, leg extensions, leg curl (cant go have on legs yet cause i broke my ankle about 5 months ago and therapist is affaird i might get i stress fracture if i go to heavy)
    Day4 Back- overhand rows, underhand rows, lat pulldowns, pull overs, good mornings, db straight leg deadlifts

    Age: 20

    Diet: needs some work. I get plenty os protien(all i eat is meat and dairy little bit of veggys) low carbs little high on fat and soduim though
    Last edited by lil swoll; 09-16-2006 at 10:35 PM.

  16. #16
    kloter1's Avatar
    kloter1 is offline Southern Steel Bodybuilding
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil swoll
    Workout:sets 4x5-8
    Day 1 Chest and traps-bench, incline, db flys, incline db, pull downs, decline skull chrushers
    Day 2 Traps and delts- military press, db press, shurgs, db shurgs, hypulls, arm extensions
    Day 3 Biceps and legs- precher curls, straight bar curls, db curls, machine curls, 21s, leg extensions, leg curl (cant go have on legs yet cause i broke my ankle about 5 months ago and therapist is affaird i might get i stress fracture if i go to heavy)
    Day4 Back- overhand rows, underhand rows, lat pulldowns, pull overs, good mornings, db straight leg deadlifts

    Age: 20

    Diet: needs some work. I get plenty os protien(all i eat is meat and dairy little bit of veggys) low carbs little high on fat and soduim though

    The only area i see that you need to focus on would be triceps and shoulders (delts). you may want to switch from a bodybuilding standpoint and train like a powerlifter, youll add much more mass this way.

  17. #17
    beyonddriven's Avatar
    beyonddriven is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil swoll
    Workout:sets 4x5-8
    Day 1 Chest and traps-bench, incline, db flys, incline db, pull downs, decline skull chrushers
    Day 2 Traps and delts- military press, db press, shurgs, db shurgs, hypulls, arm extensions
    Day 3 Biceps and legs- precher curls, straight bar curls, db curls, machine curls, 21s, leg extensions, leg curl (cant go have on legs yet cause i broke my ankle about 5 months ago and therapist is affaird i might get i stress fracture if i go to heavy)
    Day4 Back- overhand rows, underhand rows, lat pulldowns, pull overs, good mornings, db straight leg deadlifts

    Age: 20

    Diet: needs some work. I get plenty os protien(all i eat is meat and dairy little bit of veggys) low carbs little high on fat and soduim though
    If you want to gain weight you are going to have to have a large amount of carbs in your diet. It is the carbs that give your muslces the energy to contract. Protein should be around 1.5 to 2.0 grams per lb of lean body mass. Also I would go to a five day split and incorporate barbell deadlifts.

  18. #18
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i didnt bother reading what other people have said so im just gonna say some stuff....
    eat 1.5 grams of protein per body pound, 2 grams of carbs per body pound, .5 grams of fat per body pound....squat and need to work on EVERYTHING...i really cant pick out a lagging body part except offense at all but when you are still that skinny your abs should be more them out as often as you can as long as they arent sore. also dont become a fatty while your morning cardio on empy stomach at 125-130 bpm bout 3 times a week...i hope this advice helps you to become the best you can be and i honestly mean that.

  19. #19
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    you look great for 1 year. Got any before pics? also, can't see the wheels

  20. #20
    lil swoll's Avatar
    lil swoll is offline Associate Member
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    kaptainkeezy04- ya the abs are quite shitty right now. but is winter now and im just trying to bulk up. Jumped from about 8-9% bf to 11% bf since the summer. Ill wait till summer till i start cutting again

    ward065- no before pics without a shirt

  21. #21
    TR'05's Avatar
    TR'05 is offline Member
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    yo bro, looking good for one year in...what are your stats? weight, height, etc?

  22. #22
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04
    i didnt bother reading what other people have said so im just gonna say some stuff....
    eat 1.5 grams of protein per body pound, 2 grams of carbs per body pound, .5 grams of fat per body pound....squat and need to work on EVERYTHING...i really cant pick out a lagging body part except offense at all but when you are still that skinny your abs should be more them out as often as you can as long as they arent sore. also dont become a fatty while your morning cardio on empy stomach at 125-130 bpm bout 3 times a week...i hope this advice helps you to become the best you can be and i honestly mean that.
    I agree with this to some extent. Not that you're skinny per se...actually you look great for someone who's been training one year. I've seen guys (stupidly)hop on cycle with half what you've feel proud bro ...good work.

    I can't pick out a lagging bodypart...and that's good. You're pretty symmetrical. Add muscle everywhere. Don't be in a hurry. Bodybuilding, as with all things worthwhile, is a long-term process.

    Good work mang... Keep at it.


    Ditto on the protein/carb/cardio comments.

    My take on it?

    Take in at least 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight (since you're more or less now starting we'll work with bodyweight as opposed to LBM- lean body mass)

    Take in carbs at 1.5 grams per lb of bodyweight...and fat at .3 grams per lb bodyweight.

    Don't neglect your cardio...don't overdo it either. Moderate cardio will help with your recovery...and keep your bodyfat down. That's a double plus in my book.


  23. #23
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    You need: Chest, delts, diet/cardio

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