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Thread: My bf % ? ?

  1. #1
    GlobalRiot is offline New Member
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    My bf % ? ?

    Whats up guys, new to this forum. Im not actually on roids just yet, im currently on a cycle of pp/sd and im probably gonna hit roids sometime in the beginning of nov. But im just curious what you guys think my bf% is. My main goal is to get my upper body big and shredded, im at 170 right now I want to hit the same weight but like 7-8% bf, and eventually 185 with like 6-7%.

    Also if anyone feels like it possibly critique my workout ? ?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My bf % ? ?-dscn3686.jpg  
    Last edited by GlobalRiot; 09-16-2006 at 11:32 PM.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    'round 11%

  3. #3
    Bulkcut is offline Associate Member
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    Awwsome you are sitting at where i want to be in a month hopefully

  4. #4
    hardgainer12's Avatar
    hardgainer12 is offline Senior Member
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    not really sure but u arent ready for AAS bro. i dont want to sound like an ass but just the "i want my upper body big and shredded" is stupid. what about lower body?

  5. #5
    GlobalRiot is offline New Member
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    Where are ya at right now ? ?

    Anyone think I should switch up my workout ? ?

    Im workin my legs once a week. I know its the foundation of my body, etc. but im gonna be running alot after the cycle anyway, so my body will adjust to the weight and im sure it will naturally balance itself out with a 1 day a week workout, and cardio.

    And plus im not gonna use roids until late november. I think ill be ok by then.
    Last edited by GlobalRiot; 09-16-2006 at 06:54 PM.

  6. #6
    GlobalRiot is offline New Member
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  7. #7
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    How tall are you? I look a fair amount bigger than you and I'm about 9lbs lighter. I'd say around 11-12% as well. Definitely not ready for AAS yet though.

    As far as your workout routine goes, it's hard to critique when you don't supply the actual exercises you're doing, but the overall schematic of it doesn't look too good. I'd never work my chest twice a week--that's over-training as far as I'm concerned. In the case of the arms though, doing them twice a week has helped me a few times overcome plateaus, but I only do that for 2 weeks or so to prevent overtraining and strength LOSS. What I'd do is:

    Mon - Back/Biceps
    Tues - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
    Wed - Off
    Thurs - Legs
    Fri - Bis/Tris

    I'd do that for 2 weeks and then go to arms only once per week on Fri. It helped quite a bit. But if you're looking for further advice, post a detailed regimen in the workout section of the forum.
    Last edited by MoneyAddyct; 09-16-2006 at 07:01 PM.

  8. #8
    hardgainer12's Avatar
    hardgainer12 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlobalRiot
    And plus im not gonna use roids until late november. I think ill be ok by then.
    thats only a month and a half.....u will be ready by then? ok bro. ur body. good luck

  9. #9
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Don't Juice

    Eat and Lift for a while, see what happens


  10. #10
    GlobalRiot is offline New Member
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    Maybe a month and a half is too soon. Ill grab some for 07

    Thanks for all advice and comments. Anyone have an idea on how I can get a 6 pack the quickest, I used to have one naturally, but I started eating alot, and it kinda eventually died out.

    Roman situps with weight
    reverse crunches
    leg lifts

    Also you dont think 4 days rest between chest is enough ? ? Here was my plan

    day 1: incline/decline/flat bench - decline dumbells too
    day 2: mainly machines, kinda random stuff. sit down bench, the stand up seperate hand pulley . . . . (mind blank forgot name) down and out for lower and upper, and the site down chest fly machine.
    Last edited by GlobalRiot; 09-16-2006 at 07:17 PM.

  11. #11
    Undecided09's Avatar
    Undecided09 is offline Senior Member
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    dude if you don't even know that your abs are moreso a result of ones diet than ones training regimen, then you are DEFINATELY not ready to us the Sauce...Not ment to flame, just to prove a point...


  12. #12
    GlobalRiot is offline New Member
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    Dude I know, abs are made in the kitchen. but I also know if you work out the muscle and diet correctly you'll get ripped quicker right ? ? Im just asking for an opinion for which workouts are best. Thanks.

  13. #13
    Undecided09's Avatar
    Undecided09 is offline Senior Member
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    yes ofcourse!!! But my point was that you can do that without AAS, I wish i could make an avatar with my before and current picture to display that you don't need AAS to get what you want...Now I'm no mass monster even still, but the improvement I have made, in the amount of time, and without AAS is definately significant, and I too was once on this board asking the same questions...So as an experienced non-user I would say I'm natty, Im getting ready for my first show in 4 weeks, and I'm damn proud of all that I have accomplished "on my own"....


  14. #14
    2bshredded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlobalRiot
    Dude I know, abs are made in the kitchen. but I also know if you work out the muscle and diet correctly you'll get ripped quicker right ? ? Im just asking for an opinion for which workouts are best. Thanks.
    The best workout is the one your muscle does not know what is coming....I'm not going to harp on you for attempting to do ASS but I will tell you that it is like want to save it as long as possible.
    You'll really appreciate when you really need it when you're an old fvck, like me!

  15. #15
    GlobalRiot is offline New Member
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    Lol ill try and hold out. Thanks for all replies everyone.

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